Thursday 4th September 2014

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Thursday 4th September 2014

Post by refitman »

Morning all. Labour lead still 3 points on Yougov:

Latest YouGov / The Sun results 3rd Sept -

Con 33%, (+1)
Lab 36%, (+1)
LD 7%, (-1)
UKIP 14%; (-1)

APP -23 (+1)
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Re: Thursday 4th September 2014

Post by rebeccariots2 »

Morning all.

Just want to express a rare bit sympathy (short lived, mind you) with Roger Lord - the dumped UKIP candidate for Clacton. Having to claim publicly that you now support the Lib Dems shows just how anguished and despairing he is .....

But anyone who was prepared to join and represent UKIP should really expect a bit of fruitcakery and shelving of principles as required.
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Re: Thursday 4th September 2014

Post by rebeccariots2 »

Can't bear the frenzied build up to this referendum for much longer ... but neither can I bear the thought of an additional year with Cameron and this government. They've got to GO.
PM could face calls to postpone UK election if Scots vote for independence
Pressure on Cameron to take unprecedented step amid warnings that 'constitutional meltdown' would follow yes vote ... dependence
Never mind giving the PM an additional year in power. If Scotland votes YES he should be shuffled out of No 10 / Conservative Party leadership asap. It will be a monumental failure on his part. But instead of that we have the Tories desperate to keep feathering their nest for more time - while they fiddle the system so the odds are better stacked for them at the delayed election no doubt.
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Re: Thursday 4th September 2014

Post by ephemerid »

The longer the shenanigans north of the border carry on, the more I support the Yes campaign.

I've had a lot of sympathy for it since Cameron refused to consider Devo Max; a close friend (left Labour) has been out campaigning for Yes, and she thinks they could win. She's knocking on doors in Glasgow, and even people who are old Labour to the core and hate Salmond are getting out to vote and many of them are going for Yes. She says they hate Cameron and Westminster so much they're prepared to take a gamble.

The article in the G on the possibility of an extended Parliament - as ever, full of "unnamed" people and thus probably only gossip - has some heated discussions BTL; the consensus seems to be (whether you are pro-Yes or No, in Scotland or not) that it is Cameron's arrogance that has caused most of the trouble here.
He should have offered Devo Max but assumed that by removing the chance of that the Scots would vote No - it didn't occur to him that there was a possibility that he would not get what he wants. If the Scots vote Yes, he will have to go at some point; his own party will not take this lightly and they'll get him out eventually.

This nonsense about postponing the GE is beyond silly. Cameron got his fixed term Parliament to (allegedly) provide "stable government" because he was forced into coalition - I don't think he'd have bothered with it if he'd got a working majority.
As a result, he is stuck with the GE as legislated for on 7th May next year - and if he attempts to postpone it there will be ructions. Within that he could ask HMQ to dissolve Parliament, or the Opposition could table a vote of no confidence, but otherwise we get our GE as planned.

If Scotland votes Yes, they will still have to have representation at Westminster until the date of formal secession - and that's some way ahead, at least 18 months away. There would be a lot of negotiating to do, and meanwhile the constituencies would remain.

I am now hoping that Scotland gets its independence - it might wake up a few people and get them more politically engaged. I would like to see much more regional autonomy, possibly even a federal/canton type arrangement for the rest of the UK.
Westminster is a cesspit of corruption and sleaze - it serves the rich, the South East and especially London, and it is no longer worthy of the right to govern the country as a whole.

If there is any truth in this postponement idea, then Cameron can expect some serious unrest. Another year of Tory rule and what's left of our welfare state will be irretrievably lost and that is not acceptable to me, and I daresay many others.
I was saying the other day that I thought Cameron might use the Isis business to suspend normal activity, including elections, so desperate is he to cling on to power. That's still on the cards too, which is a worry.

This preening, posing popinjay is the worst PM ever - at least you knew that however wrong Thatcher was at least she had an unshakeable belief that she was doing the right thing. Her ideas were not mine, but at least she had the courage of her convictions, the mad old bat.
Cameron is something else entirely - he is a poor excuse for a spiv, his behaviour in recent months has been nothing short of appalling.

If it takes the Scots to rid us of him and his cronies, so be it. I wish them well,
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Re: Thursday 4th September 2014

Post by yahyah »

Ed's up in Scotland today. Hope he's wearing a teflon coated suit, some eggs are likely to be lobbed at him.

'' “With that election in just eight months time the change Scotland needs is on its way,” Miliband will say on a visit there, according to advance extracts of his speech. “Electing a Labour government is the way to change Scotland. The choice for social justice is ‘No’ not ‘Yes’.” '' ... -1-3530775

I agree with Ed. [Sorry Ephie].

The SNP need to be careful with their anti-Tory focus.
If No wins then how do they try and convince people next May that a vote for them at Westminster is worth a light ?

Mike Smithson has pointed out that older voters are still more in favour of No, and unless that changes in the next two weeks Yes is unlikely to win.
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Re: Thursday 4th September 2014

Post by TheGrimSqueaker »

yahyah wrote:Ed's up in Scotland today. Hope he's wearing a teflon coated suit, some eggs are likely to be lobbed at him.
As he showed on East Street Market last year, he can take that in his stride; bacon may present a problem but, apparently, eggs don't worry him.
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Re: Thursday 4th September 2014

Post by RogerOThornhill »

Morning all.

I can't find the story online but my local council are reporting that they've had to find £324,000 out of their own funds to help pay for upgrading kitchens so that the LibDem infant free school meals policy can be implemented.

There will be lots of people saying "I told you so"...over this.

When I went into school on Tuesday they were still wondering how to cope with the extra numbers around lunchtime.
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Re: Thursday 4th September 2014

Post by ephemerid »

yahyah - please don't apologise for holding a perfectly reasonable view. It's not necessary.

One of the reasons why I am now supporting the Yes people is because I am hearing from my Glaswegian pals what is happening at the grass roots - whatever people believe and whatever camp they are in, whatever the result, something very important is happening in Scotland.

This is real democracy in action, IMHO. People are engaged with politics for the first time in many years - they are discussing what being a country means, what democracy means, what powers leaders should have, how the people of a nation can influence how a country moves forward, and what role everyone plays in that.
In England, and to a lesser extent in Wales, I think people often feel disenfranchised, that their vote makes no difference, that they are not listened to because whatever they do the same stuff happens and nothing ever changes for the better. What the Scots are doing is proving that voting really can make a difference - the polls are very close, and my pals are hearing on the doorstep that many people have come to believe that their contribution actually is important.

Cameron's refusal to allow the option of Devo Max (which I believe many Scots would have happily voted for) has caused this Yes/No divide.
The Tories' favourite method of governance is divide-and-rule - disabled vs. able, working vs. unemployed, in every aspect of how they run things there is invariably a manufactured conflict designed to push people into opposing camps, and to a degree it works.

From what I have read and heard, even in the No camp, there is a serious discussion going on about nationhood and how politics should work.
This is how it should be, and how I wish we had such intense political engagement in the rest of the UK.
I want the Yes campaign to win because I want to see the Scots work towards a future when they determine how their own country should be run. It's also possible that an independent Scotland may demand a much more left-wing government than they have now.

I'm aware that many here don't agree - but that's fine. We can't agree on everything!
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Re: Thursday 4th September 2014

Post by AngryAsWell »

rebeccariots2 wrote:Can't bear the frenzied build up to this referendum for much longer ... but neither can I bear the thought of an additional year with Cameron and this government. They've got to GO.
PM could face calls to postpone UK election if Scots vote for independence
Pressure on Cameron to take unprecedented step amid warnings that 'constitutional meltdown' would follow yes vote ... dependence
Never mind giving the PM an additional year in power. If Scotland votes YES he should be shuffled out of No 10 / Conservative Party leadership asap. It will be a monumental failure on his part. But instead of that we have the Tories desperate to keep feathering their nest for more time - while they fiddle the system so the odds are better stacked for them at the delayed election no doubt.
I brought this up late last year, I honestly think its a possibility that Cameron would try it, and that scares the pants off me.
Fast coming to dislike the Scots, a people I've always loved and respected, but who are now showing a very different side. Had a run in with a nat on the market the other day, he was laughing to all who would listen that Scots "freedom" was coming, and that they would be away from you English oppressors "afor ya can blink!". Whilst earning a living selling goods on an English market. He stopped laughing when I put down my purchase and put my money back in my purse.
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Re: Thursday 4th September 2014

Post by PorFavor »

Good morning.

I think someone's already mentioned this, but -
The government wants to use the summit to “showcase the UK defence and security industry” (David Cameron never misses a chance to flog British arms) and items of defence equipment are on display at the summit venue. (Andrew Sparrow, Guardian)
And as for postponing the General Election: the Scottish Referendum is hardly an unforeseen emergency so there is no justification (or, I think, legal basis) for doing so.
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Re: Thursday 4th September 2014

Post by TheGrimSqueaker »

PorFavor wrote:
And as for postponing the General Election: the Scottish Referendum is hardly an unforeseen emergency so there is no justification (or, I think, legal basis) for doing so.
It would require primary legislation, as the 1911 Parliament Act fixed the maximum term at five years and, in that respect, has not been superceded by the Fixed Term Parliament Act.
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Re: Thursday 4th September 2014

Post by PorFavor »

TheGrimSqueaker wrote:
PorFavor wrote:
And as for postponing the General Election: the Scottish Referendum is hardly an unforeseen emergency so there is no justification (or, I think, legal basis) for doing so.
It would require primary legislation, as the 1911 Parliament Act fixed the maximum term at five years and, in that respect, has not been superceded by the Fixed Term Parliament Act.
Thanks. That saved me from having to wade through loads of stuff!
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Re: Thursday 4th September 2014

Post by TheGrimSqueaker »

No problem. Mind you, I'm not saying they won't try and pass some "emergency" legislation, wouldn't put anything past them; they would be daft if they did try though, as I suspect that might be the spark that sets off the powder keg.
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Re: Thursday 4th September 2014

Post by adam »

PorFavor wrote:
TheGrimSqueaker wrote:
PorFavor wrote:
And as for postponing the General Election: the Scottish Referendum is hardly an unforeseen emergency so there is no justification (or, I think, legal basis) for doing so.
It would require primary legislation, as the 1911 Parliament Act fixed the maximum term at five years and, in that respect, has not been superceded by the Fixed Term Parliament Act.
Thanks. That saved me from having to wade through loads of stuff!
Repost from late last night….

It's a pile of shit. Everything about the existing law and procedure is clear and obvious. Whoever can command a majority in the commons as it stands can form a government. If Labour win in 2015 and then lose that majority after a year or so then either they'd carry on and muddle through or the opposition would call a confidence debate and if the government lost they would fall (on a simple majority - the fixed terms act only calls for an enhanced majority for a government to run for an early election by their choice) and either someone else could cobble together a majority or there would be another election.

There is nothing at all to justify postponing the election. You might have thought that the current shambles would have considered this when they agreed and legislated for the dates and terms of the referendum and a putative independence date. You might, but I wouldn't.
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Re: Thursday 4th September 2014

Post by RogerOThornhill »

According to the BBC, the Afghan major who was supposed to be holding a flag at the opening ceremony for the Nato summit has gone missing. He’s applying for asylum.
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Re: Thursday 4th September 2014

Post by PorFavor »

adam wrote:
PorFavor wrote:
TheGrimSqueaker wrote: It would require primary legislation, as the 1911 Parliament Act fixed the maximum term at five years and, in that respect, has not been superceded by the Fixed Term Parliament Act.
Thanks. That saved me from having to wade through loads of stuff!
Repost from late last night….

It's a pile of shit. Everything about the existing law and procedure is clear and obvious. Whoever can command a majority in the commons as it stands can form a government. If Labour win in 2015 and then lose that majority after a year or so then either they'd carry on and muddle through or the opposition would call a confidence debate and if the government lost they would fall (on a simple majority - the fixed terms act only calls for an enhanced majority for a government to run for an early election by their choice) and either someone else could cobble together a majority or there would be another election.

There is nothing at all to justify postponing the election. You might have thought that the current shambles would have considered this when they agreed and legislated for the dates and terms of the referendum and a putative independence date. You might, but I wouldn't.

And thank you, too!


Ha! Major Embarrassment? And Dave says? (Other than, "Have you seen our extensive range of weapons out there on the front lawn? I can do you a good price . . . ")
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Re: Thursday 4th September 2014

Post by pk1 »

I'm a Scot who has lived in England for the past 37 years. The last thing I want my homeland to do is to separate from the rest of us because of that twat sitting in No 10 !

I've taken to watching the various debates & the ignorance of some Yes voters appals me ! The issue surrounding the currency is a perfect example - I heard one say that by disclaiming their debts if the UK refuses to enter a currency union means they will be starting debt-free & so will be in a better position to borrow money from other sources !! They don't seem to recognise that they would need billions from the minute they gain independence & without an agreed CU, they have no hope of getting that money.

The NHS is an example of another pack of lies being spun by Wee Eck. Scotland is solely responsible for what it does with it's NHS - nothing Westminster does can affect what Scotland does with their NHS (other than by changes to the Barnet Formula). It's why Scotland has free prescriptions etc.

Salmond's lie that increasing privatisation in England & Wales means Scotland will be forced to adopt the same is a monstrous lie & if Scotland's voters believe him on this, then I despair because it's more evidence that they have no idea what it is they are voting for & are being led by a liar.

I can understand anybody wanting to be free of Cameron - god knows, it's number 1 on my political wish list but this independence isn't just separation from Cameron - it's forever & I truly believe that voting for independence because of their displeasure with a Tory govt would be a dreadful error & I hope they are defeated by the No votes.

@AAW - please don't dislike all of us, we're not all aggressive twats & I loved your way of dealing with him :lol:
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Re: Thursday 4th September 2014

Post by pk1 »

I subscribe to the Times Red Box morning email because it's always good to know what the enemy is thinking.

Today there's a piece that reveals just how fucking nasty Cameron is:
At a private meeting of Tory MPs on Tuesday, David Cameron heaped scorn on the Speaker, jokingly asking what he should do with Bercow's letter of recommendation for the Australian, Carol Mills: "What am I supposed to do with this letter he's given me? Give it to the Queen or stuff it down the back of the sofa?"
:evil: :evil: :evil:

Can you ever imagine Ed behaving in this way ? No, nor can I !
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Re: Thursday 4th September 2014

Post by pk1 »

FFS !! ... endum-live" onclick=";return false;
10.51am BST
David Miliband has just arrived in Blantyre where he’s going to making a stump speech to try to shore up the Labour vote.
(my bold)

When will they get over it ?
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Re: Thursday 4th September 2014

Post by Lonewolfie »

TheGrimSqueaker wrote:No problem. Mind you, I'm not saying they won't try and pass some "emergency" legislation, wouldn't put anything past them; they would be daft if they did try though, as I suspect that might be the spark that sets off the powder keg.
Morning all...and a belated thank you to Pfy/Refitman etc for this shiny new place...and as usual, I'm late :lol:

(Adjusts tin-foil hat) - I think they're waiting for the 'powder keg' - I think they've been aiming at that all along - a fixed-term parliament with civil unrest in the months going into the election, thereby enabling emergency legislation and cancelling/postponing future elections - I believe(TM) that the half-hearted nature of the alleged 'governance' we've endured for the last 4 years has always been window-dressing to cover the real agenda - remove any semblance of support or rights for the population, enhance the control of the Corporations (TTIP), foment unrest and violence to produce what Orwell would call perpetual war... ... 2_quad.svg

...and when I look at the map, it's almost as though the Raygunite-Thatcherite-Murkydochian Banksters are using it as a blueprint! I am still of the opinion, however, that the persistent incompetence of the creche (and, lest we forget, Eds' ability to think on his own without a Murdoch prompter) means the plans may not be going that well :)

...and following some discussion yesterday about the Dunce of Downing St and his attitude to disability I thought I'd relink these from 2011... ... 69618.html ... party.html" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Thursday 4th September 2014

Post by AngryAsWell »

pk1 wrote:I'm a Scot who has lived in England for the past 37 years. The last thing I want my homeland to do is to separate from the rest of us because of that twat sitting in No 10 !

I've taken to watching the various debates & the ignorance of some Yes voters appals me ! The issue surrounding the currency is a perfect example - I heard one say that by disclaiming their debts if the UK refuses to enter a currency union means they will be starting debt-free & so will be in a better position to borrow money from other sources !! They don't seem to recognise that they would need billions from the minute they gain independence & without an agreed CU, they have no hope of getting that money.

The NHS is an example of another pack of lies being spun by Wee Eck. Scotland is solely responsible for what it does with it's NHS - nothing Westminster does can affect what Scotland does with their NHS (other than by changes to the Barnet Formula). It's why Scotland has free prescriptions etc.

Salmond's lie that increasing privatisation in England & Wales means Scotland will be forced to adopt the same is a monstrous lie & if Scotland's voters believe him on this, then I despair because it's more evidence that they have no idea what it is they are voting for & are being led by a liar.

I can understand anybody wanting to be free of Cameron - god knows, it's number 1 on my political wish list but this independence isn't just separation from Cameron - it's forever & I truly believe that voting for independence because of their displeasure with a Tory govt would be a dreadful error & I hope they are defeated by the No votes.

@AAW - please don't dislike all of us, we're not all aggressive twats & I loved your way of dealing with him :lol:
No, no I don't not really :) its just frustration that (some) people who I had always regarded as friends (and in some cases relatives) have turned so aggressively against the UK, and the English in particular. I don't have an oppressive thought in my brain against anyone yet a stranger feels its OK to call me one whilst trying to sell me groceries at the same time. Hurtful, but I suppose funny in a way.
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Re: Thursday 4th September 2014

Post by StephenDolan »

" onclick=";return false;

I may join twitter come May just to watch the meltdown :lol:

Our best buddy spinning Hugo in there too I see.
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Re: Thursday 4th September 2014

Post by TechnicalEphemera »

I noticed yesterday in amongst all the articles about celebs being hacked a link on the Indy to pictures about a celeb suffering a wardrobe malfunction.....

Sod the morality, it is all about the clicks.
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Re: Thursday 4th September 2014

Post by PorFavor »

The Nato summit has clocked up its first arms sale. (See 9.35am.) But it’s not quite an Al Yamamah deal. Instead, the UK is selling some second-hand armoured vehicles to Latvia. (Andrew Sparrow, Guardian)
Which, almost inevitably, prompts the question,"Would you buy a second-hand armoured vehicle from . . . . ?"
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Re: Thursday 4th September 2014

Post by TheGrimSqueaker »

Lonewolfie wrote: (Adjusts tin-foil hat) - I think they're waiting for the 'powder keg' - I think they've been aiming at that all along - a fixed-term parliament with civil unrest in the months going into the election, thereby enabling emergency legislation and cancelling/postponing future elections ...
Have to admit, as I typed my earlier comment much the same thoughts were going through my head.
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Re: Thursday 4th September 2014

Post by TheGrimSqueaker »

StephenDolan wrote:

I may join twitter come May just to watch the meltdown :lol:

Our best buddy spinning Hugo in there too I see.
Blimey, Havisham really has lost the plot hasn't he. I note he is using Nicky's methods of calculations "If A=C then B also =C"
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Re: Thursday 4th September 2014

Post by RogerOThornhill »

Another one bites the dust...

Founding principal of Sir Isaac Newton Sixth Form free school quits just a year after it opened ... _1_3757094
The Inspiration Trust, which sponsors the school, said Dr Evans left of his own volition over the summer, but said that he did not give the trust any comments it could use to explain his decision.
Yes, that's the one run by Rachel De Souza and connected to Theodore Agnew, board member at the DfE...

Given it only opened in 2013 and wasn't due an Ofsted until this year anyway, I wouldn't have thought it was connected to the investigation into the early warnings of inspections...unless it was him that was fed the info and he's getting out before it gets reported.

Odd. Lost count of how many HTs have left free schools within 1-2 years of opening.
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Re: Thursday 4th September 2014

Post by HindleA »


For those interested.

SSAC Report and Government response to the increase in waiting days for JSA and ESA claimants. ... sac-report" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Thursday 4th September 2014

Post by pk1 »

Roger, have you seen this post by HeronsFlight ? ... k/40371811" onclick=";return false;
My nephew was supposed to return to his Academy school on Tuesday. Due to the failure of the construction company contracted to carry out building work during the holiday period failing to complete this work on time he will not now be going back to school until next Tuesday at the earliest.

Surprisingly, there has been no communication or press release from Nicky Morgan to state that this absence will destroy his and his fellow 1,354 pupils future. Neither have the school offered to pay a £60 per pupil fine to compensate for failing to deliver an education during this period.
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Re: Thursday 4th September 2014

Post by HindleA »

Government response to JCHR Report on Legal Aid,children and residence test. ... o-the-jchr" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Thursday 4th September 2014

Post by PaulfromYorkshire »

Thought provoking post from Ephemerid.

I quite like the idea that a Yes vote would lead to the gradual fragmentation of the UK, perhaps to be reconstituted one day as a Federation of British Republics?
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Re: Thursday 4th September 2014

Post by StephenDolan »

PaulfromYorkshire wrote:Thought provoking post from Ephemerid.

I quite like the idea that a Yes vote would lead to the gradual fragmentation of the UK, perhaps to be reconstituted one day as a Federation of British Republics?
Spoken like a true Yorkshireman :lol:
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Re: Thursday 4th September 2014

Post by Tubby Isaacs »

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Re: Thursday 4th September 2014

Post by ErnstRemarx »

PaulfromYorkshire wrote:Thought provoking post from Ephemerid.

I quite like the idea that a Yes vote would lead to the gradual fragmentation of the UK, perhaps to be reconstituted one day as a Federation of British Republics?
I would wish the Scots God speed and a fair wind if it weren't for the fact that a break up of the Union is good news for English nationalists/nutters and that economically the fallout from a 'yes' vote is extremely likely to be very detrimental to the Scottish people as a whole.
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Re: Thursday 4th September 2014

Post by ErnstRemarx »

Tubby Isaacs wrote:Image
Hmm, what's to criticise about a man who arguably unleashed an illegal - and certainly very foolish - war, harmed the Labour party almost beyond recall and has massively enriched himself through dodgy business dealings since his departure from parliament?

No, I can't find anything to criticise in any of that.
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Re: Thursday 4th September 2014

Post by letsskiptotheleft »

Still can't get my head around Michael Fallon mingling with fellow Defence Ministers, perplexing to say the least.
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Re: Thursday 4th September 2014

Post by Tubby Isaacs »

RogerOThornhill wrote:Morning all.

I can't find the story online but my local council are reporting that they've had to find £324,000 out of their own funds to help pay for upgrading kitchens so that the LibDem infant free school meals policy can be implemented.

There will be lots of people saying "I told you so"...over this.

When I went into school on Tuesday they were still wondering how to cope with the extra numbers around lunchtime.
I'm guessing Redbridge aren't entirely happy?

Fools. Don't they know Clegg has done them a massive favour, and they can all put their feet up as results go through the roof?
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Re: Thursday 4th September 2014

Post by Tubby Isaacs »

letsskiptotheleft wrote:Still can't get my head around Michael Fallon mingling with fellow Defence Ministers, perplexing to say the least.
He was a nobody a few years ago. Then he did a few interviews on the economy which no-one else would do. I assumed he'd get a knighthood and keep getting paid a fortune moonlighting for Tullet Prebon. But the he got a minister's job. And now he's in the Cabinet.

When you've been the main man underpricing the Royal Mail, only fair you should be.
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Re: Thursday 4th September 2014

Post by ErnstRemarx »


"I've had a lot of sympathy for it since Cameron refused to consider Devo Max; a close friend (left Labour) has been out campaigning for Yes, and she thinks they could win. She's knocking on doors in Glasgow, and even people who are old Labour to the core and hate Salmond are getting out to vote and many of them are going for Yes. She says they hate Cameron and Westminster so much they're prepared to take a gamble."

I don't doubt that the 'yes' campaign might well swing it in the end. Certainly Cameron's dismissal of DM as an option was insane, as I think many Scots would be happy with that as the best of both worlds. As it is, Cameron's toast if the Union breaks up, but equally he's toast next May anyway, and a Labour government is likely to be the result, so it's seems supremely silly to me to vote 'yes' just because you loathe Cameron.

The question about the machinery of UK government is more moot. One good result I can see from all of this is that the push for regional government throughout the UK will increase, particularly in the north. Like Scotland, English northerners didn't vote in any real numbers for the Tories and FibDems, and thus DM arguments apply equally to the north, north east, south west and so forth.
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Re: Thursday 4th September 2014

Post by Tubby Isaacs »

Couple of Brits in Qatar to stop them frying Bangladeshis and Pakistanis on World Cup building sites have disappeared, apparently into the some strange form of government custody.

Cameron's so far resisted a speech about good and evil values. You'd think he could tie it in with ISIL somehow...

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Re: Thursday 4th September 2014

Post by ohsocynical »

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Re: Thursday 4th September 2014

Post by pk1 »

Last edited by pk1 on Thu 04 Sep, 2014 3:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Thursday 4th September 2014

Post by RogerOThornhill »

Tubby Isaacs wrote:
RogerOThornhill wrote:Morning all.

I can't find the story online but my local council are reporting that they've had to find £324,000 out of their own funds to help pay for upgrading kitchens so that the LibDem infant free school meals policy can be implemented.

There will be lots of people saying "I told you so"...over this.

When I went into school on Tuesday they were still wondering how to cope with the extra numbers around lunchtime.
I'm guessing Redbridge aren't entirely happy?

Fools. Don't they know Clegg has done them a massive favour, and they can all put their feet up as results go through the roof?
No, they're not. they agree with the policy but are fuming about being short-changed. Remember the council changed to Labour so I'm guessing that previously the council would have kept quiet.

@PK1 - yes I did see that. One rule for one...
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Re: Thursday 4th September 2014

Post by ErnstRemarx »

Indeed, very interesting stuff. So would Cameron be forced out a matter of months before a full UK wide general election? It would be a gift to all non-government parties. Mind you, knowing the shameless, bacon faced PR man as we do, does anyone believe that he'd not mount a last ditch rearguard action, leading to the mass implosion of the Tory party?

I think we would be moving into uncharted waters ina very big way.
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Re: Thursday 4th September 2014

Post by Temulkar »

Just a plug for my blog, This one has been updated to reflect Carswell's defection. ... 45B7F48D7D
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Re: Thursday 4th September 2014

Post by PorFavor »

I've been watching BBC News24 and the Conservative whips are testing the water by asking their flock how they would feel about a war (A Middle East war - not one against Russia.)

I think I'm paraphrasing only slightly.


"out" is out (in re testing waters - which probably should be singular. So now are. Is . . . ).
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Re: Thursday 4th September 2014

Post by TheGrimSqueaker »

Gawd bless Shiny Dave, he really doesn't have a clue, does he?
This is also the right place to discuss defence. Wales has more castles, medieval castles per head than anywhere else in the world, around 640 of them, and I hope that will be something you’ll get to visit while you’re in Wales at this conference.
Yes Dave, the castles built by the Normans and Plantagenets (especially Edward I) to subjugate and contain the defeated Welsh. Not so much shining beacons of defence, but solid & lasting symbols of aggression and oppression.
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Re: Thursday 4th September 2014

Post by ErnstRemarx »

Temulkar wrote:Just a plug for my blog, This one has been updated to reflect Carswell's defection. ... 45B7F48D7D
Well researched and nicely written - thanks!
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Re: Thursday 4th September 2014

Post by Tubby Isaacs »

TheGrimSqueaker wrote:Gawd bless Shiny Dave, he really doesn't have a clue, does he?
This is also the right place to discuss defence. Wales has more castles, medieval castles per head than anywhere else in the world, around 640 of them, and I hope that will be something you’ll get to visit while you’re in Wales at this conference.
Yes Dave, the castles built by the Normans and Plantagenets (especially Edward I) to subjugate and contain the defeated Welsh. Not so much shining beacons of defence, but solid & lasting symbols of aggression and oppression.
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Re: Thursday 4th September 2014

Post by letsskiptotheleft »

Well known Marxist James Forsyth declares the election is Miliband's to lose and Tory MPs are planning their careers of outside Parliament. :lol: Still, wish he wouldn't make statements like that, I can remember '92. ... dont-rule/" onclick=";return false;