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Re: Sat 11 and Sun 12 April

Posted: Sun 12 Apr, 2015 11:35 am
by rebeccariots2
tinyclanger2 wrote:I find myself obsessed with Scottish polls (though feel I made a good job of hiding this so far ...).
Any good links on stuff around said polls and discussions about them I can tune into (eg; is there a #scottishpollsareinpracticequitemisleadingforonereasonoranother or such like).
tc - get a grip. I recommend a very strong black coffee - and maybe some dark chocolate too - to put you back on the level. :)

Re: Sat 11 and Sun 12 April

Posted: Sun 12 Apr, 2015 11:37 am
by tinyclanger2
I have also prepared a spreadsheet ready for the evening of Thursday May 7.

By 4.00 am on Friday 8th we should know the results of the following proportion (%) of targeted marginals (listed on ukpollingreport):

labour tory snp libdem
40 37.3 64.4 36.0

Re: Sat 11 and Sun 12 April

Posted: Sun 12 Apr, 2015 11:47 am
by AngryAsWell
RobertSnozers wrote:Murray and his like whip up hatred against the evil Westminster parties and then act all disbelieving when there are consequences. Surprised no-one has accused Labour and the Tories of vandalising their own offices to smear the poor old SNP
Actually I saw that one whip by on twitter last night! Not sure who, and it didn't seem to be gaining any traction, but they are on it. It was along the lines of "Ah see the red and blues are collaborating an vandalising their own offices now"

Re: Sat 11 and Sun 12 April

Posted: Sun 12 Apr, 2015 11:51 am
by gilsey
ohsocynical wrote:Richard Murphy ‏@RichardJMurphy 12 hrs12 hours ago

Looks like Tories are adding massive new complexity to tax system to pay for their inheritance tax giveaway. I sense a policy backfire
Osborne seems to be very specific that the £1m limit would be for 'the family home'. Currently inheritance tax doesn't distinguish between different assets, so singling out the house would cause complexity in itself. Whether that's what Murphy means, I don't know.
I'm an accountant by training and I can tell you that completing the inheritance tax forms (in a personal capacity not at work), is a nightmare already. Obviously, tax wasn't my speciality.

The threshold of £325k is passed on between a married couple, so the change would be from £650k to £1m in most cases, so the cost of the policy wouldn't be so huge.

Not going to happen anyway. 316 I tell you.

Re: Sat 11 and Sun 12 April

Posted: Sun 12 Apr, 2015 11:55 am
by rebeccariots2
Off topic - update from the Riots domicile.

We are relieved to find out we don't need to make a visit to the police station today to report curious events in the night. We had turned in and were reading in bed when I realised the sounds I had thought were the beef cattle lowing occasionally were getting louder and louder and more frequent and had turned into revving and roaring engines. It got so loud and continuous we actually got up and Mr Riots went outside and climbed up a ladder against the house to see what he could see on the horizon in the direction it was coming from. He came back in and said there were lights flashing on the top of the hill to our south and it sounded like motorbikes whizzing around in a loop to him. This went on for about two hours - very loud - too loud to go to sleep with. We thought it might be an impromptu after the pubs close trail bike circuit around bridleways ... which wouldn't be good news if it became a regular fixture. I was worried about the wildlife. It settled down at about 2.30am. We decided to check with our farmer neighbours this am - and then, if necessary, go in and let the police know about it so we knew what to do if it happened again.

Well - we've just been told by our friendly farmer's wife that it was the annual Tivyside Rally last night - and it was rally cars zooming up and along the road to Moylegrove we must have heard. We've never known about this event ... despite having lived here for some time ... and certainly never heard it before. Just goes to show how wind direction and conditions affect sound. I am amazed at the idea of so many cars charging around at night on the tiny country lanes here - very glad I wasn't out and driving home, I'd have been terrified. Yesterday was obviously a big day in our rural events calendar - I was held up for about half an hour by a tractor rally going through Newport ... It's all go here.

Re: Sat 11 and Sun 12 April

Posted: Sun 12 Apr, 2015 11:57 am
by RogerOThornhill
Dave's lying about inheritance tax to make it seem like it's going to help those poor struggling teachers and nurses...
Yes, it’s right that we as a nation have inheritance tax. Yes, it’s right that the wealthiest pay that tax.

But no – it was never meant for people who spent their working lives as teachers or nurses or running small businesses. It was never meant for people in modest homes, on middle incomes. But that’s who has been sucked into paying this tax. Look at the level that inheritance tax is currently set at: £325,000 per individual.

Do you know how many homes in our country fall above that amount? Almost a quarter of them. I wouldn’t describe a quarter of the people in our country as super rich.
Spot the deliberate error - that unused inheritance tax allowance is passed to a surviving partner and thus the effective threshold for couples is £650k.

There'd be a lot more than 4% of estates paying this if it was only £325k per household rather than individual.

Edit - oops, that'll learn me to update before posting. Noted above. Apologies.

Re: Sat 11 and Sun 12 April

Posted: Sun 12 Apr, 2015 11:59 am
by AngryAsWell
notnowsonny wrote:A returnee - formerly blamebertwilliams but I forgot my password and the site is extremely slow at sending a reminder.

I watched Marr-Osborne and attach (I hope) a frame from the last split second before the cameras cut away.

My complaint to the BBC says:

At the end of his interview with George Osborne and clearly not realising that the camera had yet to cut away, Marr gave a thumbs-up to Osborne. I have a screen grab of this which I am happy to provide should technical problems prevent you from finding it. I have no doubt that others will post something similar on social media. Under what conceivable circumstances can Marr's action be considered acceptable behaviour from a supposedly unbiased political commentator?

Anyone up for twitterising this?
This is just bloody amazing! Good job with the screen shot!

Re: Sat 11 and Sun 12 April

Posted: Sun 12 Apr, 2015 12:04 pm
by PorFavor
Pass the sick-bag, Alice.
David Cameron speaking in Gloucestershire

I remember so well the day my first son was born and in that moment – when you become a parent, absolutely everything changes. Everything you do is for your children. You’ve got this huge responsibility not just to love them but to provide for them. And though my children are still small, I know that never goes away that when they’re in their twenties, thirties, forties – that desire to be there for them is as strong as ever.

And yes, you want to know that even after you’re gone, when you’re not on the phone and not physically there – you can still provide for them. That wish to pass something on is about the most basic, human and natural instinct there is. And that’s why for a long, long time I have wanted to act on inheritance. (Guardian Election Blog)

Re: Sat 11 and Sun 12 April

Posted: Sun 12 Apr, 2015 12:08 pm
by ohsocynical
PorFavor wrote:Pass the sick-bag, Alice.
David Cameron speaking in Gloucestershire

I remember so well the day my first son was born and in that moment – when you become a parent, absolutely everything changes. Everything you do is for your children. You’ve got this huge responsibility not just to love them but to provide for them. And though my children are still small, I know that never goes away that when they’re in their twenties, thirties, forties – that desire to be there for them is as strong as ever.

And yes, you want to know that even after you’re gone, when you’re not on the phone and not physically there – you can still provide for them. That wish to pass something on is about the most basic, human and natural instinct there is. And that’s why for a long, long time I have wanted to act on inheritance. (Guardian Election Blog)
Amazing how they can twist a perfectly good and sincere sentiment and make it vomit inducing.

Re: Sat 11 and Sun 12 April

Posted: Sun 12 Apr, 2015 12:09 pm
by PorFavor
We still seem to have more than our fair share of Prime Ministers (and other post-holders).

That's not a complaint, by the way, just me showing off about how on the ball I am . . .

Re: Sat 11 and Sun 12 April

Posted: Sun 12 Apr, 2015 12:10 pm
by ohsocynical
Mike Smithson ‏@MSmithsonPB 12 mins12 minutes ago

Mail on Sunday reporting private poll that Mark Reckless set to lose Rochester where he fought by election in Nov- ... nefit.html

Edited to add, scroll down to the bottom of the page, it's beneath the article about the inheritance tax.

Re: Sat 11 and Sun 12 April

Posted: Sun 12 Apr, 2015 12:20 pm
by Lonewolfie
utopiandreams wrote:
ohsocynical wrote:
Adam Feneley ‏@AJFeneley 12 mins12 minutes ago
Had been waiting for calcs on how much Gov. subsidises big businesses paying low wages. £11bn just for supermarkets!
Hah. Just found this. Been wondering for a long time just how much the subsidies to big business were costing.
Frightening isn't it, ohso? What I would also like to see however is some breakdown of how much subsidy is paid to outsourced companies, those that replace public sector provision, the resultant in-work benefits or tax credits payed to their staff compared to the public sector employees they replaced. That would put a different perspective on all the private sector jobs this government have created, aside of zhc, rapid rise in nominal self-employment, etc., etc.

Wolfie reporting from - what could be termed a 'hope from hope' - just north of the Mynydd Preseli - and wow - it gets windy in Wales - this a.m. was supposed to walk/climb to Carn Goedog to try and find the holes from which they extracted the bluestones for Stonehenge.....but it seems my companions feel that the conditions are a bit tricky :o (Gusting winds up to 45 mph) So maybe next time!(...and reading updates, RR2, yesterday we were stopped on the road to allow the tractors to pass - making the Wolfies and our companions extremely happy :clap: )

Anyhow, wanted to add a bit to this as it's been a constant annoyance to me - whilst I'm aware that without Foodbanks our fellow citizens run the risk of starvation (just typing that brings on the red mist) this is the most perverse of ironies.

45% of world food production is wasted.
Supermarkets take FULL PROFIT on goods purchased and then donated to foodbanks.
Vast numbers of supermarket workers are in receipt of tax credits/housing benefit due to the disgraceful wage levels.
Vast numbers 'working' in supermarkets are on Workfare.
Supermarkets make vast profits for shareholders whilst receiving eye-watering subsidies.
Any supermarket workers forced to use foodbanks?
Any supermarket 'leaders' in the HoL? (As ever, rhetoricals)

Cucking funts.

TTFN (Not much tinterweb so may not report back until I've returned to Hope, just north of Peterborough and 3 1/2 wks from LANDSLIDE :rock:)

Re: Sat 11 and Sun 12 April

Posted: Sun 12 Apr, 2015 12:27 pm
by RogerOThornhill
This idea of "passing down a family home" is pretty much nonsense anyway.

My wife's parents moved back down to Sussex after my father in law retired so when they go that house will go to their three kids...but none of them have actually lived in that house for any significant period of time. My BIL for a few months in between college but that's it. Their family home where they were all brought up was sold up 28 years ago!

Wrong policy at the wrong time - we can't afford to simply give away tax receipts which don't hurt anyone.

Re: Sat 11 and Sun 12 April

Posted: Sun 12 Apr, 2015 12:31 pm
by tinyclanger2
Danny Alexander. Graun blog. That's all I'm saying.

Re: Sat 11 and Sun 12 April

Posted: Sun 12 Apr, 2015 12:34 pm
by PorFavor
The photograph of Danny Alexander over at the Guardian Election Blog shows him looking more like Nicky Morgan than ever. Childish - but true.

Re: Sat 11 and Sun 12 April

Posted: Sun 12 Apr, 2015 12:38 pm
by Willow904
notnowsonny wrote:A returnee - formerly blamebertwilliams but I forgot my password and the site is extremely slow at sending a reminder.

I watched Marr-Osborne and attach (I hope) a frame from the last split second before the cameras cut away.

My complaint to the BBC says:

At the end of his interview with George Osborne and clearly not realising that the camera had yet to cut away, Marr gave a thumbs-up to Osborne. I have a screen grab of this which I am happy to provide should technical problems prevent you from finding it. I have no doubt that others will post something similar on social media. Under what conceivable circumstances can Marr's action be considered acceptable behaviour from a supposedly unbiased political commentator?

Anyone up for twitterising this?
Not sure it's much use for twitter without Osborne in shot. Complaining to the BBC about impartiality is clearly pointless, as the responses people have posted here so eloquently illustrate. I think any really worrying signs of bias should be reported to Ofcom, as they are the regulator responsible for ensuring tv impartiality during election periods, I believe, and I suspect they wouldn't be able to fob people off in the way the BBC does.

Anyway, afternoon all. I take it the latest Tory election "winner" of raising the inheritance tax threshold was received with similar snorts of derision as it was in our household. They seem hellbent on re-enforcing the party of the rich stereotype, don't they? They really are out of touch. Don't they realise most pensioners on modest incomes living in high value homes are more worried about having to spend the lot on social care needs, than they are about the relatively small amounts of tax the kids might have to pay out of the estate when they inherit?

Re: Sat 11 and Sun 12 April

Posted: Sun 12 Apr, 2015 12:41 pm
by TheGrimSqueaker
Sturgeon described Labour attacks on her proposals for full fiscal autonomy – which she said SNP MPs would vote for in the next Westminister parliament should they get the chance – were reminiscent of the “Project Fear campaign that dominated the referendum”. She said that figures from the IFS projecting a £7.6bn shortfall in Scotland’s economy should the country get full control of its tax and spending were “irrelevant” to the argument because it was a “snapshot one year figure”. She added: “I don’t accept the point that a deficit means that you can’t be in control of your own economy”.
Libby Brooks, at the Guardian, the emphasis is mine. I leave you to draw your own conclusions.

Re: Sat 11 and Sun 12 April

Posted: Sun 12 Apr, 2015 12:48 pm
by tinyclanger2
Did someone say "Scotland"?

Re: Sat 11 and Sun 12 April

Posted: Sun 12 Apr, 2015 12:50 pm
by ohsocynical
Lonewolfie wrote:
utopiandreams wrote:
ohsocynical wrote: Hah. Just found this. Been wondering for a long time just how much the subsidies to big business were costing.
Frightening isn't it, ohso? What I would also like to see however is some breakdown of how much subsidy is paid to outsourced companies, those that replace public sector provision, the resultant in-work benefits or tax credits payed to their staff compared to the public sector employees they replaced. That would put a different perspective on all the private sector jobs this government have created, aside of zhc, rapid rise in nominal self-employment, etc., etc.

Wolfie reporting from - what could be termed a 'hope from hope' - just north of the Mynydd Preseli - and wow - it gets windy in Wales - this a.m. was supposed to walk/climb to Carn Goedog to try and find the holes from which they extracted the bluestones for Stonehenge.....but it seems my companions feel that the conditions are a bit tricky :o (Gusting winds up to 45 mph) So maybe next time!(...and reading updates, RR2, yesterday we were stopped on the road to allow the tractors to pass - making the Wolfies and our companions extremely happy :clap: )

Anyhow, wanted to add a bit to this as it's been a constant annoyance to me - whilst I'm aware that without Foodbanks our fellow citizens run the risk of starvation (just typing that brings on the red mist) this is the most perverse of ironies.

45% of world food production is wasted.
Supermarkets take FULL PROFIT on goods purchased and then donated to foodbanks.
Vast numbers of supermarket workers are in receipt of tax credits/housing benefit due to the disgraceful wage levels.
Vast numbers 'working' in supermarkets are on Workfare.
Supermarkets make vast profits for shareholders whilst receiving eye-watering subsidies.
Any supermarket workers forced to use foodbanks?
Any supermarket 'leaders' in the HoL? (As ever, rhetoricals)

Cucking funts.

TTFN (Not much tinterweb so may not report back until I've returned to Hope, just north of Peterborough and 3 1/2 wks from LANDSLIDE :rock:)
One of Mr Ohso's ex-workmates [Mr Ohso's retired] along with other long term contract employers of the council landscaping team, has been made redundant.

The workmate has been in the same job for over 25 years...He was just offered a job stacking shelves in Tesco. He told them to f**k off.
Not sure if he's fully aware of sanctions. Suspect he's going to find out soon.

Re: Sat 11 and Sun 12 April

Posted: Sun 12 Apr, 2015 12:50 pm
by TheGrimSqueaker
Sorry TC. :smack:

Re: Sat 11 and Sun 12 April

Posted: Sun 12 Apr, 2015 12:51 pm
by PorFavor
tinyclanger2 wrote:Did someone say "Scotland"?
No. I think you must be delirious . . . .

Re: Sat 11 and Sun 12 April

Posted: Sun 12 Apr, 2015 1:13 pm
by Swarthlander
Just been reading LabourList.. ... y-justice/" onclick=";return false;
And I’m still very troubled by the term “community justice”.
Wasn't that kristallnacht?

I do not like Nationalism in any form.

Re: Sat 11 and Sun 12 April

Posted: Sun 12 Apr, 2015 1:23 pm
by ohsocynical
Anyone but Salmond: campaign to stop former SNP leader gathers pace ... thers-pace
Who thinks politics is boring now?

Re: Sat 11 and Sun 12 April

Posted: Sun 12 Apr, 2015 1:27 pm
by pk1
AnatolyKasparov wrote:
TechnicalEphemera wrote:Can we believe a story in the Telegraph (that isn't based on a UK government leak). A fairly damning indictment of a previously serious newspaper.

Why those Scottish polls may not be as bad as they look (at this level of intimidation who admits to anything). ... miles.html
Not just that, but its written by Gilligan. Still, all depressingly believable in this instance :roll:
I think we can trust him on this occasion simply because we can verify the truth.

Here's a piece quoting the abuse towards Margaret Curran's facebook page: ... ok-trolls/" onclick=";return false;

And here's a BBC account of the man that was jailed for abusing her in the street: ... t-26671333" onclick=";return false;

Some SNP supporters are vile in the way they attack voters & spokespersons for other parties.

Whoops, that should read MI5 in disguise, not genuine SNP supporters...... :roll:

Re: Sat 11 and Sun 12 April

Posted: Sun 12 Apr, 2015 1:29 pm
by citizenJA
rebeccariots2 wrote:Off topic - update from the Riots domicile.

We are relieved to find out we don't need to make a visit to the police station today to report curious events in the night. We had turned in and were reading in bed when I realised the sounds I had thought were the beef cattle lowing occasionally were getting louder and louder and more frequent and had turned into revving and roaring engines. It got so loud and continuous we actually got up and Mr Riots went outside and climbed up a ladder against the house to see what he could see on the horizon in the direction it was coming from. He came back in and said there were lights flashing on the top of the hill to our south and it sounded like motorbikes whizzing around in a loop to him. This went on for about two hours - very loud - too loud to go to sleep with. We thought it might be an impromptu after the pubs close trail bike circuit around bridleways ... which wouldn't be good news if it became a regular fixture. I was worried about the wildlife. It settled down at about 2.30am. We decided to check with our farmer neighbours this am - and then, if necessary, go in and let the police know about it so we knew what to do if it happened again.

Well - we've just been told by our friendly farmer's wife that it was the annual Tivyside Rally last night - and it was rally cars zooming up and along the road to Moylegrove we must have heard. We've never known about this event ... despite having lived here for some time ... and certainly never heard it before. Just goes to show how wind direction and conditions affect sound. I am amazed at the idea of so many cars charging around at night on the tiny country lanes here - very glad I wasn't out and driving home, I'd have been terrified. Yesterday was obviously a big day in our rural events calendar - I was held up for about half an hour by a tractor rally going through Newport ... It's all go here.
I'm not reassured. Please be careful. What's the speed limit on those roads? Depressing.

Re: Sat 11 and Sun 12 April

Posted: Sun 12 Apr, 2015 1:32 pm
by citizenJA
Swarthlander wrote:Just been reading LabourList.. ... y-justice/" onclick=";return false;
And I’m still very troubled by the term “community justice”.
Wasn't that kristallnacht?

I do not like Nationalism in any form.
I don't dig that sort of thing at all.

Re: Sat 11 and Sun 12 April

Posted: Sun 12 Apr, 2015 1:33 pm
by Spacedone
Nick Clegg did actually turn up to that Sheffield Hallam debate on BBC Sunday Politics but he was a bit two dimensional...


Also, he should really have ironed out that crease in his jacket. Lazy.

Re: Sat 11 and Sun 12 April

Posted: Sun 12 Apr, 2015 1:37 pm
by citizenJA
PorFavor wrote:Pass the sick-bag, Alice.
David Cameron speaking in Gloucestershire

I remember so well the day my first son was born and in that moment – when you become a parent, absolutely everything changes. Everything you do is for your children. You’ve got this huge responsibility not just to love them but to provide for them. And though my children are still small, I know that never goes away that when they’re in their twenties, thirties, forties – that desire to be there for them is as strong as ever.

And yes, you want to know that even after you’re gone, when you’re not on the phone and not physically there – you can still provide for them. That wish to pass something on is about the most basic, human and natural instinct there is. And that’s why for a long, long time I have wanted to act on inheritance. (Guardian Election Blog)
What I need from you isn't money, Dad, it's love & compassion.

Re: Sat 11 and Sun 12 April

Posted: Sun 12 Apr, 2015 1:39 pm
by ohsocynical
APRIL 12th 2015 ... sborne.pdf

Re: Sat 11 and Sun 12 April

Posted: Sun 12 Apr, 2015 1:40 pm
by PorFavor
George Osborne refuses to answer how Tories will fund £8bn NHS pledge 15 times

Chancellor dodges grilling on key Conservative pledge in excruciating interview (Independent - my bold)

Re: Sat 11 and Sun 12 April

Posted: Sun 12 Apr, 2015 1:44 pm
by citizenJA
AngryAsWell wrote:
notnowsonny wrote:A returnee - formerly blamebertwilliams but I forgot my password and the site is extremely slow at sending a reminder.

I watched Marr-Osborne and attach (I hope) a frame from the last split second before the cameras cut away.

My complaint to the BBC says:

At the end of his interview with George Osborne and clearly not realising that the camera had yet to cut away, Marr gave a thumbs-up to Osborne. I have a screen grab of this which I am happy to provide should technical problems prevent you from finding it. I have no doubt that others will post something similar on social media. Under what conceivable circumstances can Marr's action be considered acceptable behaviour from a supposedly unbiased political commentator?

Anyone up for twitterising this?
This is just bloody amazing! Good job with the screen shot!
Forgive me, but do we know what the 'thumbs up' gesture was for? It could've been for making it through the interview without Chancellor Jeff having a seizure.

Re: Sat 11 and Sun 12 April

Posted: Sun 12 Apr, 2015 1:46 pm
by citizenJA
As Tory election strategist, you have just blown a huge hole in your own strategy by
making an £8 billion unfunded pledge on the NHS, exactly what you said you were
not going to do. Why?

Well I don’t accept that at all.

Re: Sat 11 and Sun 12 April

Posted: Sun 12 Apr, 2015 1:47 pm
by Spacedone
Dr Kailash Chand OBE @KailashChandOBE · 4 hrs 4 hours ago
Deeply dishonest from Osborne on #Marr. He claimed he increased NHS Spending "every year". I promise you he did not

Re: Sat 11 and Sun 12 April

Posted: Sun 12 Apr, 2015 1:48 pm
by ohsocynical
PorFavor wrote:
George Osborne refuses to answer how Tories will fund £8bn NHS pledge 15 times

Chancellor dodges grilling on key Conservative pledge in excruciating interview (Independent - my bold)

It is isn't it.
I am increasingly baffled as to how a long term but not rolling in it Conservative voter can watch a programme like that and be content confident that the party they're putting their faith in knows what it's doing.

Re: Sat 11 and Sun 12 April

Posted: Sun 12 Apr, 2015 1:50 pm
by pk1
Cons to win 7 seats in Scotland is the prediction of this guy: ... -minister/" onclick=";return false;


Re: Sat 11 and Sun 12 April

Posted: Sun 12 Apr, 2015 1:51 pm
by ErnstRemarx
ohsocynical wrote:THE ANDREW MARR SHOW
APRIL 12th 2015 ... sborne.pdf
It's Marr, Jim, but not as we know it....

Re: Sat 11 and Sun 12 April

Posted: Sun 12 Apr, 2015 1:52 pm
by PorFavor
citizenJA wrote:
AngryAsWell wrote:
notnowsonny wrote:A returnee - formerly blamebertwilliams but I forgot my password and the site is extremely slow at sending a reminder.

I watched Marr-Osborne and attach (I hope) a frame from the last split second before the cameras cut away.

My complaint to the BBC says:

At the end of his interview with George Osborne and clearly not realising that the camera had yet to cut away, Marr gave a thumbs-up to Osborne. I have a screen grab of this which I am happy to provide should technical problems prevent you from finding it. I have no doubt that others will post something similar on social media. Under what conceivable circumstances can Marr's action be considered acceptable behaviour from a supposedly unbiased political commentator?

Anyone up for twitterising this?
This is just bloody amazing! Good job with the screen shot!
Forgive me, but do we know what the 'thumbs up' gesture was for? It could've been for making it through the interview without Chancellor Jeff having a seizure.

Quite possibly - a bit akin to Jeremy Paxman's, "Are you alright, Ed?" (Although I now tend to think (benefit of the doubt, and all that) that that question was actually a reference back to the earlier attack which Ed Miliband had suffered.)

Re: Sat 11 and Sun 12 April

Posted: Sun 12 Apr, 2015 1:52 pm
by pk1
Polling on some of Labour's pledges in today's yougov:

Re: Sat 11 and Sun 12 April

Posted: Sun 12 Apr, 2015 1:54 pm
by frightful_oik
Saw my first and only poster today. Labour in the Erewash seat. V. marginal. Nearby there was a Labour campaign team out canvassing. That seat should be a Lab gain next month. Afternoon all.

Re: Sat 11 and Sun 12 April

Posted: Sun 12 Apr, 2015 2:02 pm
by tinyclanger2
From the Clanger GE spreadsheet:

03:00 am Erewash currently Tory Majority 2501 (5.3%)

How is that looking on the ground frightful?

Re: Sat 11 and Sun 12 April

Posted: Sun 12 Apr, 2015 2:03 pm
by yahyah
tinyclanger2 wrote:From the Clanger GE spreadsheet:

03:00 am Erewash currently Tory Majority 2501 (5.3%)

How is that looking on the ground frightful?

Hope you going to be here in the early hours of May 8th with that spread sheet Tiny.

Re: Sat 11 and Sun 12 April

Posted: Sun 12 Apr, 2015 2:07 pm
by tinyclanger2
yahyah wrote:
tinyclanger2 wrote:From the Clanger GE spreadsheet:

03:00 am Erewash currently Tory Majority 2501 (5.3%)

How is that looking on the ground frightful?

Hope you going to be here in the early hours of May 8th with that spread sheet Tiny.
I most certainly am!

Re: Sat 11 and Sun 12 April

Posted: Sun 12 Apr, 2015 2:07 pm
by ErnstRemarx
frightful_oik wrote:Saw my first and only poster today. Labour in the Erewash seat. V. marginal. Nearby there was a Labour campaign team out canvassing. That seat should be a Lab gain next month. Afternoon all. ... ml#Erewash" onclick=";return false;

Re: Sat 11 and Sun 12 April

Posted: Sun 12 Apr, 2015 2:09 pm
by citizenJA
Osborne struggles to explain how £8bn NHS pledge would be funded - live
"Osborne says NHS money would come from ‘balanced plan’' ... mily-homes
Pick up a bottle of Balanced Plan today - a little dab will do 'ya

Re: Sat 11 and Sun 12 April

Posted: Sun 12 Apr, 2015 2:09 pm
by tinyclanger2
ErnstRemarx wrote:
frightful_oik wrote:Saw my first and only poster today. Labour in the Erewash seat. V. marginal. Nearby there was a Labour campaign team out canvassing. That seat should be a Lab gain next month. Afternoon all. ... ml#Erewash" onclick=";return false;
Excellent - thanks

Re: Sat 11 and Sun 12 April

Posted: Sun 12 Apr, 2015 2:13 pm
by yahyah
tinyclanger2 wrote:
yahyah wrote:
tinyclanger2 wrote:From the Clanger GE spreadsheet:

03:00 am Erewash currently Tory Majority 2501 (5.3%)

How is that looking on the ground frightful?

Hope you going to be here in the early hours of May 8th with that spread sheet Tiny.
I most certainly am!
Excellent. :clap:

Re: Sat 11 and Sun 12 April

Posted: Sun 12 Apr, 2015 2:15 pm
by RogerOThornhill
citizenJA wrote:ANDREW MARR:
As Tory election strategist, you have just blown a huge hole in your own strategy by
making an £8 billion unfunded pledge on the NHS, exactly what you said you were
not going to do. Why?

Well I don’t accept that at all.
Yes, "I don't accept that" has become the answer that actually means "Well, I know it is the case but saying this means I'm not telling a direct lie".

Re: Sat 11 and Sun 12 April

Posted: Sun 12 Apr, 2015 2:21 pm
by gilsey
A rare article touching on one of my personal hobby horses.

Pitt’s rule for non-doms is only one tax that belongs in the dustbin of history
Heather Stewart ... of-history" onclick=";return false;
Margaret Thatcher’s deeply regressive poll tax, abandoned in the face of mass public protest, was replaced with a council tax based on 1991 property values. It was never completely proportional, but the intention was for regular revaluations, so that the tax would keep pace with house-price inflation.

Yet successive governments wary of upsetting a key demographic – the comfortable homeowner – have repeatedly failed to carry out revaluations, despite rocketing prices. As the Institute for Fiscal Studies’ authoritative Mirrlees Review of Britain’s tax system put it, “any revaluation inevitably creates losers and winners – and losers tend to be very vocal”. It called the failure to revalue council tax bands, “one of the most egregious demonstrations of the ‘tyranny of the status quo’ as a block to desirable change”.
I would be very pleased if EdB announced on 8 May that the Mansion Tax would be temporary while they sorted out the council tax revaluation. Just Do It. (they won't)

Re: Sat 11 and Sun 12 April

Posted: Sun 12 Apr, 2015 2:26 pm
by citizenJA
RogerOThornhill wrote:
citizenJA wrote:ANDREW MARR:
As Tory election strategist, you have just blown a huge hole in your own strategy by
making an £8 billion unfunded pledge on the NHS, exactly what you said you were
not going to do. Why?

Well I don’t accept that at all.
Yes, "I don't accept that" has become the answer that actually means "Well, I know it is the case but saying this means I'm not telling a direct lie".
Some jeering from a group of regular people ought to clear that up.

Re: Sat 11 and Sun 12 April

Posted: Sun 12 Apr, 2015 2:27 pm
by ohsocynical
Diane Soye ‏@disoye 15 mins15 minutes ago

@chipshopforks @dimayray @Nick_Pettigrew Andrew Neil has said OSBORNE & CAMERON have refused to be interviewed by him for 5 years!!!!!!
I didn't know that :o