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Re: Saturday 18th & Sunday 19th April 2015

Posted: Sun 19 Apr, 2015 11:42 pm
by Tubby Isaacs
Good luck, Tizme!

Wish you were still here.

Re: Saturday 18th & Sunday 19th April 2015

Posted: Sun 19 Apr, 2015 11:59 pm
by citizenJA
Good posts today, comrades, thank you.

Re: Saturday 18th & Sunday 19th April 2015

Posted: Mon 20 Apr, 2015 12:03 am
by rebeccariots2
Seeing Tizme's post has reminded me that I saw a link to a video for the Lib Dem candidate for Watford - Dorothy Thornhill - today. There are apparently three good reasons to vote for her. Remembering what Tizme seemed to think of her record ... I decided not to inflict it on myself or FTN at the time. You can find it via this LDV piece ... 45542.html" onclick=";return false;

Hope you are having a good campaign Tizme.

Re: Saturday 18th & Sunday 19th April 2015

Posted: Mon 20 Apr, 2015 12:23 am
by ErnstRemarx
Tizme1 wrote:Evening all,

Frequently over the last month or two, I've wanted to wish you all well during the campaign - especially those of you actively involved - natch. And then I've read a few comments, sighed, and buggered off with a sense of frustration and, more importantly, sadness. There has been so much I wanted to comment on, but I realised there was no point - you wouldn't 'hear' what I was saying nor would you accept it in a spirit of friendship.

As I'm sure you all know, I like Ed Miliband. I respect him and think he is a man of integrity - as far as I can trust or know anyone I haven't met. And that was the case from the moment he was elected Leader. Believe you me, I take some stick for that view not only with other Green party members locally, but also with some local Labour party members and Councillors.

I know there are some dissenting voices on here, but, many of you say you think Ed will be a great PM etc so, I'm wondering why you doubt his strategy and tactics? I've never doubted for instance that he would, and should, do pretty much whatever TV debates [or 'nearly' debates] were offered to him. Many people in the MSM were suggesting he was running a risk by doing the 'challengers' debate. I guess they have to fill column inches. But on here, I'd have expected people to see that it could only be a good thing - assuming of course that you really do think he will be a good PM. Personally, I think that particular debate was the more important one. It established Ed as the only alternative PM and more importantly, it established the fact that the 'other' leaders know it. Don't just listen to the debate, look at the body language. Btw did any of you notice, at the very end, all the participants except Farage went into the audience? Farage disappeared off stage and didn't engage with the audience at all. That'll be because he's a 'man of the people' I'll guess eh?

Anyway, I guess really I just want to say good luck, try and stay kind and honest [some of you haven't on occasion], and lets hope we at least emerge with a Non Tory government regardless of the make up of such a government!

Bright blessings.
I fucking love you.

Be back soon - I will always welcome your voice, and I think I'm not alone in that. I want to hear your voice, be it as praise or criticism, as you add to our community.


Re: Saturday 18th & Sunday 19th April 2015

Posted: Mon 20 Apr, 2015 1:41 am
by Tizme1
rebeccariots2 wrote:Seeing Tizme's post has reminded me that I saw a link to a video for the Lib Dem candidate for Watford - Dorothy Thornhill - today. There are apparently three good reasons to vote for her. Remembering what Tizme seemed to think of her record ... I decided not to inflict it on myself or FTN at the time. You can find it via this LDV piece ... 45542.html" onclick=";return false;

Hope you are having a good campaign Tizme.
Urgh! I hadn't seen that RR2 and I'm wishing I'd been kept ignorant of it. I'm surprised at Fran Kershaw's input 'cos she works with a lot of Labour people on the Arts group locally. That said, Dorothy is a typical janus faced Lib Dem and in local terms is, a very polished politician. Because this is not only a 'marginal' seat but a 'bellwether' seat too, there are loads of hustings here. After one of them last week, Dorothy was chatting to me and telling me various things - the most important of which according to her was, 'we must get rid of the Tories'. This despite the fact that over the last 5 years, she has been hand in glove with our Tory MP Rich Harrington. I can't stand the bloody woman but to get it across, think in terms of slimy Simon Hughes. She is a very effective politician but, she offends every sense of decency, honesty, and democracy in me.

Anyway, yes we are having a good campaign although you wouldn't believe the problems that have been thrown my way........ Hope all is going well for you too.

Re: Saturday 18th & Sunday 19th April 2015

Posted: Mon 20 Apr, 2015 2:41 am
by LadyCentauria
AngryAsWell wrote:"Whenever the Greens piously claim they are "different" and an "alternative" show them this."

If you click on the right side photo (the large bit with "Central Party on it) it highlights donations made to the Green's - from Zac and Ben Goldsmith.
Zac is a tory MP, his brother Ben is a non-dom who between them have donated £55,000. Perhaps this answers the question I asked the other day about where they had found the money to stand in so many seats.
One way to split the left, but not sure its an ethical way.
Yes, they both have ecologically "green" backgrounds but (to me) it seems wrong to be an MP for a one party and donate to another (knowing that doing so disadvantages your opposition) or to be a non-dom giving a political party money. If you can't be bothered to live here you should not be influencing politics with money from outside the UK.

" onclick=";return false;
It horrified and surprised a lot of people, hereabouts, when Zac Goldsmith declared for the Tories. It had been widely believed that he'd go for the Green Party and would likely have gained his seat, regardless. And, let's remember this from November 2013:
David Cameron will “never be forgiven” if he u-turns on Heathrow, Zac Goldsmith has said as he threatened to leave the Conservatives if they back expansion in their election manifesto.
Mr Goldsmith, whose constituency would be directly affected by a third runway, claimed that if the Government u-turns on its promises to block the plans before the election he will trigger a by-election. ... throw.html

I don't know whether he's repeated that, more recently, but it did have some mention on television this year – perhaps on the Daily Politics but I can't be certain. If he were to cross the floor, for any reason, I am certain he'd be welcomed by the Greens or, just possibly, even by Labour. There's no way I could see him in UKIP.

Re: Saturday 18th & Sunday 19th April 2015

Posted: Mon 20 Apr, 2015 2:46 am
by LadyCentauria
@RogerOThornhill: Congratulations to you both on your Anniversary :clap:

@ErnstRemarx: Honour to the memory of Francis John Tobin and my condolences to all friends and family. I feel the same way, Ernst, there'd be a big hole in my heart should we lose any Havenites. Hmm. Havenians? Havenish? Haveners? Ach. FTNers :hug: :heart:

Re: Saturday 18th & Sunday 19th April 2015

Posted: Mon 20 Apr, 2015 3:19 am
by LadyCentauria
Tizme1 wrote:Evening all,

Frequently over the last month or two, I've wanted to wish you all well during the campaign - especially those of you actively involved - natch. And then I've read a few comments, sighed, and buggered off with a sense of frustration and, more importantly, sadness. There has been so much I wanted to comment on, but I realised there was no point - you wouldn't 'hear' what I was saying nor would you accept it in a spirit of friendship.

As I'm sure you all know, I like Ed Miliband. I respect him and think he is a man of integrity - as far as I can trust or know anyone I haven't met. And that was the case from the moment he was elected Leader. Believe you me, I take some stick for that view not only with other Green party members locally, but also with some local Labour party members and Councillors.

I know there are some dissenting voices on here, but, many of you say you think Ed will be a great PM etc so, I'm wondering why you doubt his strategy and tactics? I've never doubted for instance that he would, and should, do pretty much whatever TV debates [or 'nearly' debates] were offered to him. Many people in the MSM were suggesting he was running a risk by doing the 'challengers' debate. I guess they have to fill column inches. But on here, I'd have expected people to see that it could only be a good thing - assuming of course that you really do think he will be a good PM. Personally, I think that particular debate was the more important one. It established Ed as the only alternative PM and more importantly, it established the fact that the 'other' leaders know it. Don't just listen to the debate, look at the body language. Btw did any of you notice, at the very end, all the participants except Farage went into the audience? Farage disappeared off stage and didn't engage with the audience at all. That'll be because he's a 'man of the people' I'll guess eh?

Anyway, I guess really I just want to say good luck, try and stay kind and honest [some of you haven't on occasion], and lets hope we at least emerge with a Non Tory government regardless of the make up of such a government!

Bright blessings.
It's a pleasure to see you here, @Tizme1 :) For myself, I'm glad that Ed is doing all the debates – he said, right at the outset of the whole process that he'd accept any invitations the broadcasters issued and that he'd debate anyone, any place, anywhere (or a similar phrase!) Had he pulled out that would have been thrown at him. Yes, it was telling that Farage was the only one who didn't go into the audience. Cameron, also, scuttled away from the studio as soon as he'd done his sections of the other debates. I have no doubt that Ed will be a very good, possibly great, PM – but people need to be free to express any concerns they have.

I also think we need strong Green voices on here and was deeply saddened and sorry that both you and Tem felt you had to withdraw from the boards. We have to try to make sure that even heated debate remains civil and doesn't become personal – not always easy to do but we can but try to do better.

Good luck with your campaigning, too, Tizme! I hope you're well and happy and that we'll see you again, soon :hug:

Re: Saturday 18th & Sunday 19th April 2015

Posted: Mon 20 Apr, 2015 4:03 am
by 51A
Tizme1 wrote:Evening all,

Frequently over the last month or two, I've wanted to wish you all well during the campaign - especially those of you actively involved - natch. And then I've read a few comments, sighed, and buggered off with a sense of frustration and, more importantly, sadness. There has been so much I wanted to comment on, but I realised there was no point - you wouldn't 'hear' what I was saying nor would you accept it in a spirit of friendship.

As I'm sure you all know, I like Ed Miliband. I respect him and think he is a man of integrity - as far as I can trust or know anyone I haven't met. And that was the case from the moment he was elected Leader. Believe you me, I take some stick for that view not only with other Green party members locally, but also with some local Labour party members and Councillors.

I know there are some dissenting voices on here, but, many of you say you think Ed will be a great PM etc so, I'm wondering why you doubt his strategy and tactics? I've never doubted for instance that he would, and should, do pretty much whatever TV debates [or 'nearly' debates] were offered to him. Many people in the MSM were suggesting he was running a risk by doing the 'challengers' debate. I guess they have to fill column inches. But on here, I'd have expected people to see that it could only be a good thing - assuming of course that you really do think he will be a good PM. Personally, I think that particular debate was the more important one. It established Ed as the only alternative PM and more importantly, it established the fact that the 'other' leaders know it. Don't just listen to the debate, look at the body language. Btw did any of you notice, at the very end, all the participants except Farage went into the audience? Farage disappeared off stage and didn't engage with the audience at all. That'll be because he's a 'man of the people' I'll guess eh?

Anyway, I guess really I just want to say good luck, try and stay kind and honest [some of you haven't on occasion], and lets hope we at least emerge with a Non Tory government regardless of the make up of such a government!

Bright blessings.
It's desperately hard, isn't it, when your heart is with one of the non-mainstream parties. Do you vote that way or just go mainstream (I am naturally Labour but proper Labour, not PPE Labour), live in Wales and think Green and Plaid, not the burning down 2nd home cottages Plaid, they're not that Plaid anymore, but anti-austerity Plaid. But you know, if we did discourage 2nd homes it might give people a chance of getting their 1 and only home.

I too think Ed Miliband is a good man. But Labour did a lot of let-downing things. I do wonder if a rainbow coalition couldn't do better. So long as the rainbow doesn't have a lot of blue in it.

I think we would have grown whoever was in power. Fact is, we speak the language the Americans speak, they need us for Europe. I know I have to vote, I consider it both a duty and a privilege but I really don't know yet what it's going to be.