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Re: Tuesday 3rd October 2017

Posted: Tue 03 Oct, 2017 2:53 pm
by HindleA
#Ian Dunt

We are the country of William Shakespeare and Jane Austen." Fucking Jesus. It's like Love Actually with sock puppets

(David Davis)

Re: Tuesday 3rd October 2017

Posted: Tue 03 Oct, 2017 2:55 pm
by PorFavor
Scottish government backs ban on fracking (BBC News website) ... s-41484153

Re: Tuesday 3rd October 2017

Posted: Tue 03 Oct, 2017 3:18 pm
by PorFavor
Students could choose 'a frugal existence' if they are short of money, says Jo Johnson (Politics Live, Guardian - 15.14)
Like only burning £10 notes, say?

Re: Tuesday 3rd October 2017

Posted: Tue 03 Oct, 2017 3:31 pm
by citizenJA
Applying for a residence document
The offer sets out that all EU citizens and their families in the UK will need to apply to the Home Office for permission to stay. Once we leave the EU this will be required by UK law.

A new status in UK law
All EU citizens (and their families) in the UK, regardless of when they arrived, will, on the UK’s exit, need to obtain an immigration status in UK law. They will need to apply to the Home Office for permission to stay, which will be evidenced through a residence document. This will be a legal requirement but there is also an important practical reason for this. The residence document will enable EU citizens (and their families) living in the UK to demonstrate to third parties (such as employers or providers of public services) that they have permission to continue to live and work legally in the UK. Following the UK’s exit from the EU, the Government may wish to introduce controls which limit the ability of EU citizens (and their families) who arrive in the UK after exit to live and work here. As such, without a residence document, current residents may find it difficult to access the labour market and services. ... -in-uk-law" onclick=";return false;
How is current Tory government going to process all the documentation for the number of EU nationals who aren't UK citizens?

Re: Tuesday 3rd October 2017

Posted: Tue 03 Oct, 2017 3:33 pm
by adam
Hammond producing what is described as controversy by telling business leaders they mustn't collaborate with Labour -
Source says much consternation at Hammond's use of the word "collaborate" to describe anyone not actively fighting the rise of Corbyn.
From the daily politics blog

Re: Tuesday 3rd October 2017

Posted: Tue 03 Oct, 2017 3:34 pm
by citizenJA
Businesses and workers won't stick around

Re: Tuesday 3rd October 2017

Posted: Tue 03 Oct, 2017 4:03 pm
by PaulfromYorkshire
PorFavor wrote:
Students could choose 'a frugal existence' if they are short of money, says Jo Johnson (Politics Live, Guardian - 15.14)
Like only burning £10 notes, say?
Jo Johnson has "lost" in his University agenda. His big thing was the Teaching Excellence Framework, linking fees to teaching quality. The fee freeze has made a complete mockery of this policy.

His was IMHO a relatively skilful way of achieving what the Johnson family and their friends want, which is a reemergence of Oxbridge as truly elite institutions for the entitled wealthy, with no hoi-polloi entering.

Now he just has to be brutal.

If you can't afford it, you'll have to go to Poundland University at the bottom of your street. Two years. Cheap and cheerful. Pile 'em high.

Same agenda, just less elegant.

Re: Tuesday 3rd October 2017

Posted: Tue 03 Oct, 2017 4:46 pm
by AnatolyKasparov
Twelve local council byelections last week:

Harlow DC - Labour hold with over half the vote in a ward which returned 3 members for them in the 2002 all-out elections but was won by the Tories in both a 2007 by-election and 2008 and has been close between the two on quite a few other occasions, and also saw UKIP run Labour very close in 2014. Labour only had a small increase since last year whilst the second placed Tories advanced by double figures, but in some the easy Labour win them was an anomaly - comparisons with other recent years show small pro-Labour swings. Tories certainly got boosted by UKIP's final collapse here as they were down to just 7% as opposed to nearly a quarter of the vote in 2016. Greens with 3% in their first outing here, LibDems last with barely 1%.

Lancaster DC - Labour gain from an Independent who prior to retirement had represented this single member ward since 1995. With nobody of similar designation standing this time it was a classic "free for all" and delivered a most striking result in response - Labour's winning score was just 27% though even that was an 18 point leap since 2015 when they finished a poor 4th here. Greens had finished a decent second here then and fancied their chances, but a marginal slip in their share left them just two votes short of Labour's total. Tories increased slightly and weren't much further behind in third, though they also must have hoped to win this given this was a historically safe area for them before the Indies took over. LibDems last stood here in 1991, so their 19% now - even if it was in last place - might not have been too displeasing either.

Barnsley - Labour hold with well over half the vote, a slight drop from last time as the LibDems took a decent second with 19% in their first outing here since the present boundaries came into place in 2004. That result demonstrates this ward has not always been safe for Labour as an Independent slate scooped up all three places, and they won on subsequent occasions until Labour started winning the seats off them in 2010 - by 2012 this was an all-Labour ward as the once powerful Barnsley Independent group subsided into electoral obolescence. UKIP filled the resultant gap to some extent, coming a reasonably close second in 2014 and a more distant one a year later, but last year they did not stand and it was left to the Tories to come a very distant second. Not far behind them were both the BNP (something of a blast from the past there) and the Greens - this time round the Tories dropped by least and came a distant third, followed by the Greens and then the BNP whose less than 6% was almost halved on a year ago. Last place taken by a previously obscure "Demos" outfit, with less than 2%.

East Staffordshire DC - Tory hold with close to half the vote, a small drop since the last contest in 2015. This ward has returned three Tory councillors at every election since the turn of the millennium (only in 2011 were Labour even vaguely close to breaking their monopoly) and also in a 2008 byelection; and whilst the outcome was thus no surprise the second place was maybe slightly more so as an Independent took second with 28% - leapfrogging Labour whose share was little changed. UKIP actually came second here two years ago, but a full twenty point drop to just 3% was yet another indicator of the task their new leader faces. LibDems last stood here in the previous byelection, but their 2% was significantly down on then.

Harrogate - Tory hold with a massive three quarters of the vote, in a ward that has always voted for them by big margins in its present form. From 2002 to 2012 it was the LibDems who took the distant second place but they seems to have given up since then and Labour took the token runners up spot last year. The same was true now as both they and the Tories were little changed on then - Greens on 9% and the Yorkshire Party on 4% (both standing here for the first time) made up the (even more) also rans.

St Edmundsbury DC - two more very safe Tory defences here; the first was at least notable as a ward that had not even been contested this century with the Tories being returned unopposed in every "contest" between 2003 and 2015. They had to make do with slightly under two thirds of the vote this time, with Labour beating the LibDems by roughly 2 to 1 for the remainder. The other contest was in a ward which was also unopposed for the Tories in 2003/07/11 but at least saw a contest last time with their beating a sole UKIP opponent with 63% - LibDems formed the sole opposition this time round but their reward was to be trounced by 4 to 1.

Northampton DC - two contests here also, the first was in a safe Tory ward which has returned two members for them without fail since 2003; the main interest was perhaps in their main opposition - an Indy taking a decent second in 2011 and UKIP more distantly in 2015. Neither stood this time and the Tories took advantage to make a double figure increase to over half the vote, Labour also made a healthy advance to retake second - albeit pretty distantly. LibDems not far behind with a 9% increase, Greens taking 6% in their first effort here since 2003. The other contest saw a Labour hold with a 13 point increase to 50 per cent in a single member ward where the Tories had been highly competitive in both 2011 and 2015 - but they clearly dropped now and the LibDems took advantage of that and the absence of any other competition (UKIP and Greens both finished ahead of them two years ago) to move back to 20% - they took both seats in the somewhat larger predecessor ward here back in 2007, but their support had all but vanished in the interim.

Durham - Labour hold with 65% of the vote - an increase of 15 points since earlier this year though also down on 2013 when UKIP provided the sole unavailing opposition, 3 Labour members duly being returned on each occasion. UKIP absented themselves this time despite retaining second with a respectable 20% in May (a notably better performance than usual in their dismal showing then) and the slack was taken up by an Independent who duly polled exactly 20% this time around. LibDems in third with a small decrease, but this meant they leapfrogged the Tories - just behind UKIP previously - who slumped by well over half to just 6%. Greens last with less than 2%.

Breckland DC - Labour gain from Conservative with a 30 point increase to 57% and a swing of some 17% since 2015. That was the first election since boundary changes and saw this ward go 1UKIP/1Con, with Labour (who had won a seat in the predecessor ward in 2011) narrowly missing out. However the Norfolk CC division in this area saw a decisive Labour win in May, so this result - whilst still impressive - did not totally come out of the blue. Despite both Independent and LibDem success in this area previously, neither stood either 2 years ago or now, but this still did not stop UKIP - top of the poll last time - slumping by two thirds to 13% and last place.

Highland - Independent gain from Liberal Democrat in a division that split 1Nat/1Ind/1LD this May; this was a breakthrough for the SNP who took the seat of a long standing Independent councillor who had been elected here in both 2007 and 2012. As things turn out their absence was short lived - they were the successful Indy candidate now and managed it in some style, falling just short of the 50% of first preferences needed to get elected without the need to go to transfers (this meant they also polled significantly better than 3 separate Indy candidates had earlier this year) Despite this the second place SNP polled almost exactly what they had then whilst both the LibDems (who, rather strangely, picked a candidate from well outside the area who had stood elsewhere for *Labour* only this year) and the Tories were significantly down. A second Independent hopeful polled less than 3%, but this was still well ahead of the quixotic Libertarian Party whose forays into Scottish electoral politics seems to produce invariably little reward (0.5% this time)

A busy start to this month coming up too, with eight contests.

Re: Tuesday 3rd October 2017

Posted: Tue 03 Oct, 2017 4:51 pm
by HindleA

Re: Tuesday 3rd October 2017

Posted: Tue 03 Oct, 2017 5:07 pm
by citizenJA
Students could choose 'a frugal existence' if they are short of money, says Jo Johnson (Politics Live, Guardian - 15.14)
(cJA edit & emphasis)

Insensitive and unhelpful, Jo Johnson. You're an obstacle, not a competent representative.

Re: Tuesday 3rd October 2017

Posted: Tue 03 Oct, 2017 5:09 pm
by citizenJA
That's beautiful work, thank you.

Re: Tuesday 3rd October 2017

Posted: Tue 03 Oct, 2017 5:16 pm
by gilsey
AnatolyKasparov wrote:Twelve local council byelections last week:

A busy start to this month coming up too, with eight contests.
You're a hero.

Re: Tuesday 3rd October 2017

Posted: Tue 03 Oct, 2017 5:17 pm
by citizenJA
Companies from European Economic Area countries – EU member states, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway – provide about 10% of lending to UK businesses and would need to reapply for authorisation to operate in Britain after it leaves the EU.

In its latest update on potential risks to financial stability, the Bank of England said: “The risk of disruption to wholesale UK banking services appeared to be slightly higher than previously thought, given that a number of EEA firms branching into the UK were not sufficiently focused on addressing this issue. ... -companies" onclick=";return false;
Brexit isn't going to work out

Re: Tuesday 3rd October 2017

Posted: Tue 03 Oct, 2017 5:43 pm
by gilsey
Who writes this stuff?
A tough new code of conduct which will lead the way across government to ensure the highest standards of ethical and professional behaviour by DfID suppliers, with legally enforceable sanctions - such as ending contracts early - for those caught breaking the rules by a new compliance team.

New clauses in contracts to allow DfID to inspect costs, overheads, fees and profits of suppliers in detail, together with new powers to intervene to tackle profiteering and cut out waste.
and at the same time
Cutting red tape to boost competition and open up DfID’s market to new entrants, driving down costs for the taxpayer.
:?: :?:

Re: Tuesday 3rd October 2017

Posted: Tue 03 Oct, 2017 6:06 pm
by PorFavor
Business minister warns of 'over-optimistic attitude' about Commonwealth trade deals
Lisa O'Carroll

Small business minister Margot James has sounded a cautious note about Brexiteers being too optimistic about trade deals post Brexit. She told a fringe meeting:

There is a little bit of an over-optimistic attitude about the extent of trade we can summon up with Commonwealth countries.

There are 51 of them. We export more to Germany [than] we do to the entire Commonwealth, so there’s a lot of work to be done ... We export seven times as much to Germany as we do to India.
(Politics Live, Guardian)
Little bit of an over-optimistic attitude? Still, at least she's being realistic.

Re: Tuesday 3rd October 2017

Posted: Tue 03 Oct, 2017 6:16 pm
by tinyclanger2
PorFavor wrote:
Students could choose 'a frugal existence' if they are short of money, says Jo Johnson (Politics Live, Guardian - 15.14)
Like only burning £10 notes, say?
I think it's the 50s you're supposed to burn in front of homeless people. ... 69064.html" onclick=";return false;

Re: Tuesday 3rd October 2017

Posted: Tue 03 Oct, 2017 6:18 pm
by tinyclanger2
Anatoly's skill and patience:

Re: Tuesday 3rd October 2017

Posted: Tue 03 Oct, 2017 6:25 pm
by PorFavor
tinyclanger2 wrote:
PorFavor wrote:
Students could choose 'a frugal existence' if they are short of money, says Jo Johnson (Politics Live, Guardian - 15.14)
Like only burning £10 notes, say?
I think it's the 50s you're supposed to burn in front of homeless people. ... 69064.html" onclick=";return false;
Yes - that's why I'm suggesting that there are economies that they could make.


Re: Tuesday 3rd October 2017

Posted: Tue 03 Oct, 2017 6:30 pm
by tinyclanger2
soz - too quick for me PF.
(should have known)

Re: Tuesday 3rd October 2017

Posted: Tue 03 Oct, 2017 6:38 pm
by tinyclanger2
Deep deep issues facing Liam Gallagher:
Liam tweeted recently that he’d made peace with Idris Elba after they fell out when he was offended by a hat that Elba was wearing at the 2013 NME Awards. ... 79396.html" onclick=";return false;

Re: Tuesday 3rd October 2017

Posted: Tue 03 Oct, 2017 6:41 pm
by tinyclanger2
To put the final nail in the coffin of Great Britain, let’s elect Boris Johnson as the next Prime Minister ... 80901.html" onclick=";return false;

Re: Tuesday 3rd October 2017

Posted: Tue 03 Oct, 2017 6:43 pm
by tinyclanger2
“Let all the poison that lurks in the mud hatch out,” Robert Graves has him explain himself in I, Claudius. Only when the monarchy had sunk into abject farce, chaos, and horror, he reckoned, would Rome finally shrug off its imperial chains and restore the Republic.

Re: Tuesday 3rd October 2017

Posted: Tue 03 Oct, 2017 6:44 pm
by HindleA ... -extended/" onclick=";return false;

Re: Tuesday 3rd October 2017

Posted: Tue 03 Oct, 2017 6:47 pm
by HindleA ... are_btn_tw" onclick=";return false;

Re: Tuesday 3rd October 2017

Posted: Tue 03 Oct, 2017 6:47 pm
by PorFavor
tinyclanger2 wrote:Deep deep issues facing Liam Gallagher:
Liam tweeted recently that he’d made peace with Idris Elba after they fell out when he was offended by a hat that Elba was wearing at the 2013 NME Awards. ... 79396.html" onclick=";return false;
Liam Gallagher - the man who mistook his wife for a hat?

Re: Tuesday 3rd October 2017

Posted: Tue 03 Oct, 2017 6:49 pm
by tinyclanger2 ... 00924.html" onclick=";return false;
David Davis plans to retire in 2019 and leave Boris Johnson to steer the UK through the transitional period, The Telegraph can reveal.

Re: Tuesday 3rd October 2017

Posted: Tue 03 Oct, 2017 6:50 pm
by tinyclanger2
Oh very good.

Re: Tuesday 3rd October 2017

Posted: Tue 03 Oct, 2017 6:51 pm
by PorFavor
tinyclanger2 wrote: ... 00924.html" onclick=";return false;
David Davis plans to retire in 2019 and leave Boris Johnson to steer the UK through the transitional period, The Telegraph can reveal.
At least David Davis has got a sense of humour!

Re: Tuesday 3rd October 2017

Posted: Tue 03 Oct, 2017 6:52 pm
by tinyclanger2
The Foreign Secretary bemoaned the media’s portrayal of Brexit, claiming it was reported in “tones of slight disapproval” as he addressed the Tory faithful in Manchester.

Read more at: ... -optimism/" onclick=";return false;

Re: Tuesday 3rd October 2017

Posted: Tue 03 Oct, 2017 6:55 pm
by HindleA
The canvas lectures the hesitant cook

Re: Tuesday 3rd October 2017

Posted: Tue 03 Oct, 2017 7:01 pm
by tinyclanger2
Theresa May would have been lucky to be appointed Under-Secretary of State for Urban Sheep-shearing in a Thatcher or Heath government. In David Davis, she chose a Brexit negotiator so inept at negotiating that if he tried to haggle with a Cairo taxi driver, he’d end up paying six times the requested fare.

Re: Tuesday 3rd October 2017

Posted: Tue 03 Oct, 2017 7:01 pm
by tinyclanger2

my arse

Re: Tuesday 3rd October 2017

Posted: Tue 03 Oct, 2017 7:08 pm
by AnatolyKasparov
David Goodhart revealed at a Tory fringe meeting today that he voted Conservative at this year's GE.

Shock of the century - not :twisted:

Re: Tuesday 3rd October 2017

Posted: Tue 03 Oct, 2017 7:11 pm
by Tubby Isaacs
AnatolyKasparov wrote:David Goodhart revealed at a Tory fringe meeting today that he voted Conservative at this year's GE.

Shock of the century - not :twisted:
Did he use the phrase "mugged by reality"?

Re: Tuesday 3rd October 2017

Posted: Tue 03 Oct, 2017 7:17 pm
by HindleA ... it-process" onclick=";return false;

Re: Tuesday 3rd October 2017

Posted: Tue 03 Oct, 2017 7:24 pm
by Tubby Isaacs
Farmers tell Gove he's talking rubbish about pigs' ears.


Re: Tuesday 3rd October 2017

Posted: Tue 03 Oct, 2017 7:27 pm
by HindleA ... e-internet" onclick=";return false;

Law tightened to target terrorists' use of the internet

Re: Tuesday 3rd October 2017

Posted: Tue 03 Oct, 2017 7:29 pm
by HindleA ... rden-towns" onclick=";return false;

£2.5m cash boost for garden towns

Re: Tuesday 3rd October 2017

Posted: Tue 03 Oct, 2017 7:32 pm
by HindleA ... c-response" onclick=";return false;

Exiting the European Union, scrutiny of delegated legislation inquiry: SSAC response

Social Security Advisory Committee

Re: Tuesday 3rd October 2017

Posted: Tue 03 Oct, 2017 7:38 pm
by HindleA ... ts#history" onclick=";return false;

Official Statistics
Disaggregation of HMRC tax receipts

Re: Tuesday 3rd October 2017

Posted: Tue 03 Oct, 2017 7:43 pm
by PorFavor
@Tubby Isaacs
Michael Gove made a pig's ear of it over EU animal rules, say farmers

Environment secretary’s claim that directive on tagging prevented UK from capitalising on Chinese demand dismissed (Guardian) ... ay-farmers

Re: Tuesday 3rd October 2017

Posted: Tue 03 Oct, 2017 7:47 pm
by citizenJA
HindleA wrote: ... e-internet

Law tightened to target terrorists' use of the internet
The government intends to change the law, so that people who repeatedly view terrorist content online could face up to 15 years behind bars. The proposed changes will strengthen the existing offence of possessing information likely to be useful to a terrorist (Section 58 Terrorism Act 2000) so that it applies to material that is viewed repeatedly or streamed online.
(cJA emphasis)
Lots of things fall under that description
'information likely to be useful to a terrorist'
Is that defined better anywhere, anyone know?
Currently the power only applies to online material which has been downloaded and stored on the offender’s computer, is saved on a separate device or printed off as a hard copy.
(cJA emphasis)
Simply visiting websites containing useful information is enough to get busted

Re: Tuesday 3rd October 2017

Posted: Tue 03 Oct, 2017 7:55 pm
by citizenJA
HindleA wrote: ... c-response

Exiting the European Union, scrutiny of delegated legislation inquiry: SSAC response

Social Security Advisory Committee
UK leaving the EU so an unpopular, minority, Tory government implement whatever the hell they want and call it 'the will of the people'.
How many times I gotta tell you? Never leave the EU with a Tory government in leadership. Don't make me have to tell you again.

Re: Tuesday 3rd October 2017

Posted: Tue 03 Oct, 2017 8:09 pm
by HindleA ... sal-credit" onclick=";return false;

Replacing Universal Credit

Re: Tuesday 3rd October 2017

Posted: Tue 03 Oct, 2017 8:13 pm
by PaulfromYorkshire
Unmarried men are a problem for society, according to IDS

Sirte, Libya will be a nice resort once they've cleared the bodies away, says the Foreign Secretary

How can they get away with saying this stuff?

Re: Tuesday 3rd October 2017

Posted: Tue 03 Oct, 2017 8:17 pm
by HindleA
Positive side I have another reason to continue to hate the toerag.

Re: Tuesday 3rd October 2017

Posted: Tue 03 Oct, 2017 8:17 pm
by citizenJA
citizenJA wrote:---Following the UK’s exit from the EU, the Government may wish to introduce controls which limit the ability of EU citizens (and their families) who arrive in the UK after exit to live and work here. As such, without a residence document, current residents may find it difficult to access the labour market and services. ... -in-uk-law" onclick=";return false;
(cJA edit & emphasis)
'I don't need to show you residence documentation',
someone says, for example. What happens then?

Re: Tuesday 3rd October 2017

Posted: Tue 03 Oct, 2017 8:23 pm
by citizenJA
PaulfromYorkshire wrote:Unmarried men are a problem for society, according to IDS

Sirte, Libya will be a nice resort once they've cleared the bodies away, says the Foreign Secretary

How can they get away with saying this stuff?
Government websites changing criteria every other month for non-UK EU nationals remaining legally in the UK after decades of peaceful habitation.... I'm unsurprised what comes out of their mouths.

Re: Tuesday 3rd October 2017

Posted: Tue 03 Oct, 2017 8:24 pm
by HindleA
Though I still feel married,clarification.

Re: Tuesday 3rd October 2017

Posted: Tue 03 Oct, 2017 8:25 pm
by citizenJA
Millions of people, everyone. Every non-UK EU national and their family will have to apply to stay in the UK. Do you know how hard it is to satisfy the Home Office? I do. I'm frightened for people.