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Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th February 2015

Posted: Sat 14 Feb, 2015 1:22 pm
by TheGrimSqueaker
Spacedone wrote:
PaulfromYorkshire wrote:This Tweet is from the lawyer who represents the Dowlers
Peter Jules was having an argument with him last night about this. Looks like he managed to convince him.
Mark Lewis was embarrassed at being used by the Telegraph so easily, not a good move for a man who styles himself as an adviser on reputation management.

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th February 2015

Posted: Sat 14 Feb, 2015 1:24 pm
by AngryAsWell
Get on a diet or lose you benefits
(Photo carries a health warning...)

" onclick=";return false;

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th February 2015

Posted: Sat 14 Feb, 2015 1:40 pm
by AngryAsWell
Your sick notes aren’t good enough claim Ashton under Lyne Jobcentre ... jobcentre/" onclick=";return false;

Labour have got to win - Still predicting land slide by the way .

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th February 2015

Posted: Sat 14 Feb, 2015 1:41 pm
by Toby Latimer
I you missed it - Alastair Campbell was good on LBC this morning

" onclick=";return false;
ScreenShot00220.jpg (67.88 KiB) Viewed 11758 times

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th February 2015

Posted: Sat 14 Feb, 2015 1:57 pm
by HindleA ... le-office/" onclick=";return false;

‘"Hypocrite’ Cameron ‘is breaching UN convention’ with inaccessible office"

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th February 2015

Posted: Sat 14 Feb, 2015 2:12 pm
by PorFavor
Ed Miliband (at the Welsh Labour Party Conference) will be on BBC News24 in a bit. He is expected to be talking about how he will deal with tax avoidance.

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th February 2015

Posted: Sat 14 Feb, 2015 2:16 pm
by TheGrimSqueaker
Tim Fenton on the Platell piece of detritus. Nails it, again, and with less swearing than me. ... -fire.html" onclick=";return false;

More BTL comments coming through on that Mail piece now, not one in support of the article. As AK suggested earlier, another massive own goal for Dacre.

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th February 2015

Posted: Sat 14 Feb, 2015 2:23 pm
by ohsocynical
Exposing UKIP IMP ‏@SLATUKIP 2 hrs2 hours ago
#Ukip share Poll of Polls

Oct 2014 17.87%
Nov 2014 16.88%
Dec 2014 16.55%
Jan 2015 15.55%
Feb 2015 15.40%

#GoingDown :-)

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th February 2015

Posted: Sat 14 Feb, 2015 2:31 pm
by rebeccariots2
Tim Montgomerie ن ‏@montie 3h3 hours ago
Launching on Monday: @TheGoodRight will set our 12 ideas to create a more socially just Conservative Party.
He knows this is the real problem for the Conservatives.

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th February 2015

Posted: Sat 14 Feb, 2015 2:35 pm
by TheGrimSqueaker
Labour Press Team @labourpress
· 7m 7 minutes ago
.@Ed_Miliband tax avoidance has left a £34bn hole in our nation's finances

This government has simply shrugged its shoulders over tax avoidance. It has failed to take action on tax havens. We will act.

This govt has failed to lead on tax transparency and stop corporations shifting profits offshore. We will act.

This government has failed to introduce a genuine deterrent to aggressive tax avoidance schemes. We will act.

That’s why Ed Balls and I are today announcing an independent, root and branch review of the culture and practice of HMRC

While this govt has had 5yrs of inaction, we will begin from the first days of government and it will report within 3mths

A Labour government led by me will ensure that the same rules apply to everyone, not matter how rich or how powerful they are

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th February 2015

Posted: Sat 14 Feb, 2015 2:38 pm
by yahyah

Report of Carwyn Jones' speech today to the Welsh Labour conference, he warns that another five years of the Tories ''and we won't be trying to save libraries and leisure centres - everything will go'' ... rs-8646724" onclick=";return false;

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th February 2015

Posted: Sat 14 Feb, 2015 2:44 pm
by Nicky
RobertSnozers wrote:
TheGrimSqueaker wrote:
Spacedone wrote:The Telegraph has AMAZING DOCUMENTARY PROOF that the two Eds caused the recession all the way back in 1997. ... gland.html" onclick=";return false;

Amazing what power Miliband had. He's so weak he caused a global recession as a newly employed special advisor.
Blimey, the Tories are all over the place. If they go down that route Labour can always ask Dave about his involvement with Black Wednesday.
It wouldn't surprise me if the Telegraph could spin this as the moment Cameron saved Britain from going into the Euro...
Tory commentators come out with frankly laughable theories that avoid them risking any praise for Gordon Brown and his role in keeping the Pound. According to them, it was Hague and his 'save the Pound' campaign back in his baseball hat days (he was seen a total irrelevance as far as I recall). Or it was an act of sheer spite by Brown who wanted to thwart the allegedly Euro loving Blair.

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th February 2015

Posted: Sat 14 Feb, 2015 2:46 pm
by yahyah
Giselle ‏@giselle97 28m 28 minutes ago
Why is your filthy LIE still on this blog by you @bbcnickrobinson ? #libel @BBCNews - Miliband's unorthodox strategy" onclick=";return false;

Giselle ‏@giselle97 39m 39 minutes ago
No, Ed Miliband did not say his attacks on tax avoidance were a 'Milly Dowler moment' - Time to sack @bbcnickrobinson" onclick=";return false;

Well done Giselle :clap: Keep the pressure on him.

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th February 2015

Posted: Sat 14 Feb, 2015 2:55 pm
by PorFavor
Ed Miliband good as ever. The only thing I would take issue with is his assertion that this Government believes in the "trickle down" theory (which isn't working). I don't believe that they do. They simply don't care - "trickle down" is a smoke screen. However, probably too bald a statement for a conference speech?

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th February 2015

Posted: Sat 14 Feb, 2015 2:57 pm
by pk1
rebeccariots2 wrote:
Tim Montgomerie ن ‏@montie 3h3 hours ago
Launching on Monday: @TheGoodRight will set our 12 ideas to create a more socially just Conservative Party.
He knows this is the real problem for the Conservatives.
This tweet reveals the intention & it's got sfa to do with creating a more socially just party !

I have asked him to post up the poll & it's findings because it's nowhere to be seen on

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th February 2015

Posted: Sat 14 Feb, 2015 3:33 pm
by pk1
I don't 'do' Instagram but followed a link to EM's account & saw this (imo) great photo so thought I'd better share with PF & AAW :D

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th February 2015

Posted: Sat 14 Feb, 2015 3:37 pm
by Toby Latimer
Dear Dave,
In light of the recent revelations by the ennobled Baron Fink of Northwood in the County of Middlesex, that 'everybody & their mother's cat' are apparently avoiding paying their full wack of contributions to state revenue department - I can't help thinking that I am missing out somewhat on this wizard wheeze.

After much consideration I have decided to join in with this great scheme and start my own business in order to help others in my situation who thus far have been ignorant of how to escape filling the coffers at number 11.

I am absolutely sick & tired of seeing my hard earned money being compulsory taken away just to be frittered away on wasteful vanity projects such as 'education' 'health' 'policing' etc.

I wondered if either George, or your good self could point me in the right direction on carrying this forward ?

Maybe I could have the details or address of your guy in Panama or Belize who so kindly helped your own clan in keeping the family silver close to heart.

Once I get to know of somewhere other than the Inland Revenue I intend to start with a little website, maybe a blog of sorts that gives advice on the best products and some crafty financial tips on how to be creative with our limited income.

If this is successful I could even consider writing a book (to be published offshore of course) that deals with all the magic legerdemain that have been popular with what it seems is the rest of the UK.

I feel it's never too late to get on the gravy train, and get full potential from the tricks of the money trade which have escaped me for far too long.

As word of my blog/book gets around, and the chicanery that well to do folk have been using for decades becomes more popular & widespread I envisage making a handsome profit out of giving tax avoidance advice to the uneducated. I anticipate that my profit margin could run into the hundreds of thousands, maybe millions if it gets on tv (I'm sure Nick might pull a few strings for me in that direction, if you know what I mean)

Before you know it there could be a huge portion of the country who will begin to see the dividends of taking cash abroad, although how we can realistically improve on " everybody does it" is hard to say at this stage, but I am sure it can be done - just get IDS on board - he's good with figures.

It seems such a good idea that at my time of life I might at last get to accumulate a lot of money and use it wisely in Switzerland or The Cayman Islands, and with your help I can finally realise my dream . PAYE is for sissies.

I am very grateful for Stan The Man's intervention and please tell him so if you see him before I do.

Here's to a brighter future with lot's of lolly.

Cheers (or should that be Broscht!)


Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th February 2015

Posted: Sat 14 Feb, 2015 3:58 pm
by AngryAsWell
pk1 wrote:I don't 'do' Instagram but followed a link to EM's account & saw this (imo) great photo so thought I'd better share with PF & AAW :D
Ooo a new one _ thank you :)

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th February 2015

Posted: Sat 14 Feb, 2015 4:06 pm
by rebeccariots2
50 Shades of Puce.jpg
50 Shades of Puce.jpg (35.06 KiB) Viewed 11576 times
Alastair Campbell ‏@campbellclaret 3h3 hours ago
“@TimGatt: Get him on benefits. That'll slim him down @trevorbmbagency <must be a poster there ”

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th February 2015

Posted: Sat 14 Feb, 2015 4:12 pm
by HindleA
"Fifty shades of puce"


Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th February 2015

Posted: Sat 14 Feb, 2015 4:40 pm
by mbc1955
Urrghh! I think I'd rather watch the dratted film than have seen that photo. Makes you feel sorry for Sam, doesn't it?

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th February 2015

Posted: Sat 14 Feb, 2015 4:41 pm
by rebeccariots2
HindleA wrote:"Fifty shades of puce"

That was a big part of what I said sorry for HindleA. It's not a good image to have planted in yer mind, is it now? But the words just fell onto the keyboard ...

Very glad I haven't actually read that book ... I'm sure I'd have even nastier images floating around.

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th February 2015

Posted: Sat 14 Feb, 2015 4:43 pm
by rebeccariots2
mbc1955 wrote:Urrghh! I think I'd rather watch the dratted film than have seen that photo. Makes you feel sorry for Sam, doesn't it?
She picked him mbc, she picked him - so I'm not sure she deserves any sympathy. There must be something that gels between them (sorry again).

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th February 2015

Posted: Sat 14 Feb, 2015 4:49 pm
by rebeccariots2
Huw Thomas ‏@huwthomas_Wales 1h1 hour ago
Just spoken on stage at #welshlab15 about scandal of low pay in #Ceredigion Labour will raise minimum wage, & expand living wage #priorities

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th February 2015

Posted: Sat 14 Feb, 2015 5:06 pm
by rebeccariots2
Jim Murphy ‏@jimmurphymp 1m1 minute ago
1/3 Some twitter insults are too pathetic, deceitful & hurtful to ignore. This is one of them.
It is a complete lie.

Jim Murphy ‏@jimmurphymp 7m7 minutes ago
2/3 I totally accept some people don't like my politics. That's a healthy democracy. But pls think before RT these sorts of pathetic lies.

Jim Murphy ‏@jimmurphymp 7m7 minutes ago
3/3 The money raised was for injured and families of deceased. Will make no further comment. Since the night it's not something I talk about
The tweets he is referring to say:
'Jim can you confirm that you accepted £1000 from Clutha Appeal Fund for pain and distress?' @ScottPGillan

and then:

'Well well well interesting bit of information Jim Murphy took money from clutha disaster fund' @IanBarr67

If that starts being widely disseminated he should take some further action.

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th February 2015

Posted: Sat 14 Feb, 2015 5:22 pm
by PorFavor
rebeccariots2 wrote:
Jim Murphy ‏@jimmurphymp 1m1 minute ago
1/3 Some twitter insults are too pathetic, deceitful & hurtful to ignore. This is one of them.
It is a complete lie.

Jim Murphy ‏@jimmurphymp 7m7 minutes ago
2/3 I totally accept some people don't like my politics. That's a healthy democracy. But pls think before RT these sorts of pathetic lies.

Jim Murphy ‏@jimmurphymp 7m7 minutes ago
3/3 The money raised was for injured and families of deceased. Will make no further comment. Since the night it's not something I talk about
The tweets he is referring to say:
'Jim can you confirm that you accepted £1000 from Clutha Appeal Fund for pain and distress?' @ScottPGillan

and then:

'Well well well interesting bit of information Jim Murphy took money from clutha disaster fund' @IanBarr67

If that starts being widely disseminated he should take some further action.
I wonder if the @Scott P Gillan "Tweet" is the genesis of this or if that "Tweeter" picked it up from somewhere else. And if so, where? Dirty stuff either way, but it could do with further inspection. I think I'm turning into a conspiracy theorist . . .

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th February 2015

Posted: Sat 14 Feb, 2015 5:25 pm
by AngryAsWell
Something has got to be done about the Mail it is totally out of hand (and mind) :(

" onclick=";return false;

"No honest reading of what I said could come anywhere near such an idea," says @JustinWelby ... on-dresden" onclick=";return false; …

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th February 2015

Posted: Sat 14 Feb, 2015 5:35 pm
by AngryAsWell
#GetCameronOut twitter storm brewing, set to break at 6pm

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th February 2015

Posted: Sat 14 Feb, 2015 5:54 pm
by rebeccariots2
Sarah Wollaston MP ‏@sarahwollaston 2h2 hours ago
I'm in favour of incentives to help those addicted to drugs/alcohol/junk food but sanctions linked to medical treatment are unethical
I find it incredible that she, or anyone, needs to say this. But then again ... the Tories (and their eager enablers) have form in completely ignoring ethical considerations.

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th February 2015

Posted: Sat 14 Feb, 2015 5:58 pm
by HindleA ... fight-back" onclick=";return false;

‘Hate Sick and Disabled Claimants Week’ launched by rattled Tories. Three ways to fight back.

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th February 2015

Posted: Sat 14 Feb, 2015 6:06 pm
by pk1
rebeccariots2 wrote:
Jim Murphy ‏@jimmurphymp 1m1 minute ago
1/3 Some twitter insults are too pathetic, deceitful & hurtful to ignore. This is one of them.
It is a complete lie.

Jim Murphy ‏@jimmurphymp 7m7 minutes ago
2/3 I totally accept some people don't like my politics. That's a healthy democracy. But pls think before RT these sorts of pathetic lies.

Jim Murphy ‏@jimmurphymp 7m7 minutes ago
3/3 The money raised was for injured and families of deceased. Will make no further comment. Since the night it's not something I talk about
The tweets he is referring to say:
'Jim can you confirm that you accepted £1000 from Clutha Appeal Fund for pain and distress?' @ScottPGillan

and then:

'Well well well interesting bit of information Jim Murphy took money from clutha disaster fund' @IanBarr67

If that starts being widely disseminated he should take some further action.
I noticed Kevin Schofield of the Sun challenged one of the the 'doubters':
Kevin Schofield @schofieldkevin · 39m 39 minutes ago
@Alan94943888 @jimmurphymp So because some people don't like his politics, it's fair game to defame him?

Kevin Schofield @schofieldkevin · 35m 35 minutes ago
@Alan94943888 @jimmurphymp Eh? Are you seriously trying to justify such a disgusting lie?

Kevin Schofield @schofieldkevin · 34m 34 minutes ago
@Alan94943888 @jimmurphymp Surely it says more about them than it does about him?

Kevin Schofield @schofieldkevin · 33m 33 minutes ago
@euanmccolm No, it's apparently Jim Murphy's fault for making them hate him.

Kevin Schofield @schofieldkevin · 27m 27 minutes ago
@Alan94943888 @jimmurphymp Bit bored of your victim blaming now Alan. Cheerio.
Ignore the fact Schofield's employer does this all the time, it speaks volumes when a Sun journo challenges those who defame Murphy !

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th February 2015

Posted: Sat 14 Feb, 2015 6:08 pm
by HindleA
"My voting record also proves I am in favour of penalising by default necessary rooms specifically for care/medical purposes"

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th February 2015

Posted: Sat 14 Feb, 2015 6:11 pm
by HindleA
LAB retains 2% lead in latest Opinium poll for the Observer
LAB 35+1
CON 33+1
LD 8+1
UKIP 14-1
GRN 6-2

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th February 2015

Posted: Sat 14 Feb, 2015 6:15 pm
by LadyCentauria
TheGrimSqueaker wrote:
ohsocynical wrote:
TheGrimSqueaker wrote: Blimey, the Tories are all over the place. If they go down that route Labour can always ask Dave about his involvement with Black Wednesday.
Hah !!! Great minds think alike. I had just thought about that when I read your post. Rich and poor suffered the last time the Tories were in.

There was as you say Black Wednesday, and there was also the Lloyds Names uproar.

Lots of very well off people lost their homes. They'd used them as security and for years had made a lot of money, but then there was a series of world disasters especially in the States, which Lloyds had to pay out on and suddenly all those wealthy people had to pay out. Many of them lost their old family homes and still owed money.

And when Maggie did her sell off of council houses there was a huge response which was fine until we went into recession, and then naturally people on low wages who lost their jobs didn't have a chance in hell of covering the mortgage. They had to be re-homed in - you guessed it - council houses. It did though release a huge chunk of housing onto the private market.

Bankruptcies and suicides shot through the roof. Old long established businesses went under. It was heartbreaking.

I often wonder how those people or their children from those well off families who were suckered in by Tory get rich quick schemes, still vote Conservative? There is still this belief that Tory's are better on the economy.
The Mirror ran a piece on right-to-buy a couple of years back; the two keys stats that stuck in my mind were the fact that a third of the properties sold under the scheme are now in the hands of private landlords and that one of those landlords is Charles Gow (son of Ian Gow, who was Thatcher's Housing Minister at the time RTB came in) who owns at least 40 ex-council properties in South London. The drivel spouted at the time was that the policy was intended to make us a nation of home owners, that went well then. ... il-1743338" onclick=";return false;
The GMB Union sent an FOI request to Wandsworth Council (part of which was refused) so they used Land Registry searches instead and came up with some interesting results: ... cil-houses
The Gows: Looking at a single block in Putney (Sherfield Gardens), it was found that out of the 120 properties, 90 are leasehold, with 62 having an owner with a different address (or known to live elsewhere). Of these 62 properties, Charles and Karin Gow own 40 with Charles alone owning 35 of these. He owns KCG Property (" onclick=";return false;), a Roehampton Lettings and Management company, and both are directors of PCB (Surrey) LLP. Wandsworth says only one owner has more than 32 properties so Charles Gow may own the 93 properties mentioned.

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th February 2015

Posted: Sat 14 Feb, 2015 6:15 pm
by refitman
HindleA wrote:LAB retains 2% lead Lib Dem surge in latest Opinium poll for the Observer
LAB 35+1
CON 33+1
LD 8+1
UKIP 14-1
GRN 6-2
Fixed it for you.

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th February 2015

Posted: Sat 14 Feb, 2015 6:19 pm
by TheGrimSqueaker
RobertSnozers wrote:
rebeccariots2 wrote:
mbc1955 wrote:Urrghh! I think I'd rather watch the dratted film than have seen that photo. Makes you feel sorry for Sam, doesn't it?
She picked him mbc, she picked him - so I'm not sure she deserves any sympathy. There must be something that gels between them (sorry again).
She has money. He has power.
He has that power largely due to her parents. It was Mummy who got him the Carlton gig, and Daddy pulled the strings to get him the selection for his current seat.

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th February 2015

Posted: Sat 14 Feb, 2015 6:20 pm
by pk1
refitman wrote:
HindleA wrote:LAB retains 2% lead Lib Dem surge in latest Opinium poll for the Observer
LAB 35+1
CON 33+1
LD 8+1
UKIP 14-1
GRN 6-2
Fixed it for you.
Clegg did say there would be another showing them on 13% soon so maybe this is the start & we'll be deluged with LD's gaining support whilst all other lose horrendous amounts meaning Clegg can be PM

in 2040

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th February 2015

Posted: Sat 14 Feb, 2015 6:22 pm
by yahyah
refitman wrote:
HindleA wrote:LAB retains 2% lead Lib Dem surge in latest Opinium poll for the Observer
LAB 35+1
CON 33+1
LD 8+1
UKIP 14-1
GRN 6-2
Fixed it for you.

How about 'Greens lose 25% of their support' ;)

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th February 2015

Posted: Sat 14 Feb, 2015 6:26 pm
by AngryAsWell
Already trending :)

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th February 2015

Posted: Sat 14 Feb, 2015 6:26 pm
by yahyah
Caron Lindsay bitching about Labour, now there's a surprise.
Not sure someone with her phizog and general lack of physical charisma is in a position to comment [as she does] on Ed's looks. ... 44690.html" onclick=";return false;

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th February 2015

Posted: Sat 14 Feb, 2015 6:39 pm
by TheGrimSqueaker
yahyah wrote:Caron Lindsay bitching about Labour, now there's a surprise.
Not sure someone with her phizog and general lack of physical charisma is in a position to comment [as she does] on Ed's looks. ... 44690.html" onclick=";return false;
Bitching, moaning and ad homs are all they have left. Wipeout awaits for the Orange Bookers, and you couldn't wish it on a nicer bunch.

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th February 2015

Posted: Sat 14 Feb, 2015 6:39 pm
by rebeccariots2
Isabel Hardman ‏@IsabelHardman 1m1 minute ago
Wonder if anyone in Tory party involved in this get treatment or lose benefits plan has actually met anyone with an addiction.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

I think someone should get Natalie Rowe to send her a tweet or two.

But seriously ... she is right about the nature of addiction seeming to be beyond the understanding of these pompous idiots. But her remark shows up another serious them and us assumption ... of course Tories have met people with addictions in their social circles ... it's just that they think they couldn't possibly be the same as anyone with an addiction who needs benefits ... they'd be paying for themselves to get wasted or fat, and to have treatment if they wanted to. So they're not the same at all as these undeserving, scrounging addicts that must be told what to do and be punished if they don't, or can't, do it.

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th February 2015

Posted: Sat 14 Feb, 2015 6:43 pm
by refitman
rebeccariots2 wrote:
Isabel Hardman ‏@IsabelHardman 1m1 minute ago
Wonder if anyone in Tory party involved in this get treatment or lose benefits plan has actually met anyone with an addiction.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

I think someone should get Natalie Rowe to send her a tweet or two.

But seriously ... she is right about the nature of addiction seeming to be beyond the understanding of these pompous idiots. But her remark shows up another serious them and us assumption ... of course Tories have met people with addictions in their social circles ... it's just that they think they couldn't possibly be the same as anyone with an addiction who needs benefits ... they'd be paying for themselves to get wasted or fat, and to have treatment if they wanted to. So they're not the same at all as these undeserving, scrounging addicts that must be told what to do and be punished if they don't, or can't, do it.

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th February 2015

Posted: Sat 14 Feb, 2015 6:45 pm
by StephenDolan
refitman wrote:
rebeccariots2 wrote:
Isabel Hardman ‏@IsabelHardman 1m1 minute ago
Wonder if anyone in Tory party involved in this get treatment or lose benefits plan has actually met anyone with an addiction.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

I think someone should get Natalie Rowe to send her a tweet or two.

But seriously ... she is right about the nature of addiction seeming to be beyond the understanding of these pompous idiots. But her remark shows up another serious them and us assumption ... of course Tories have met people with addictions in their social circles ... it's just that they think they couldn't possibly be the same as anyone with an addiction who needs benefits ... they'd be paying for themselves to get wasted or fat, and to have treatment if they wanted to. So they're not the same at all as these undeserving, scrounging addicts that must be told what to do and be punished if they don't, or can't, do it.
:whip: :line: :line: :rofl:

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th February 2015

Posted: Sat 14 Feb, 2015 6:49 pm
by rebeccariots2
Stephen Daisley ‏@JournoStephen 16m16 minutes ago
The Clutha smear on @jimmurphymp is the ugliest kind of politics. To exploit a human disaster to attack someone you dislike is low enough.

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th February 2015

Posted: Sat 14 Feb, 2015 7:01 pm
by rebeccariots2
Posting the subsequent tweets from Isabel Hardman ... because it's fair and she's right - except I'd say even as electioneering ... this is beyond pathetic, it's disgusting. But glad the Tories have come out with it because it will remind a lot of people just how nasty they'd really like to be next time around.
Isabel Hardman ‏@IsabelHardman 25m25 minutes ago
People with addictions end up losing their children, their marriages, everything. Losing their benefits would come second to addiction.

Isabel Hardman ‏@IsabelHardman 23m23 minutes ago
I can’t imagine clinicians treating a patient who had been coerced by threat of benefit loss to turn up would be at all comfortable either

Isabel Hardman ‏@IsabelHardman 21m21 minutes ago
If this stuff is electioneering, it’s pathetic, but hopefully it’s just electioneering rather than policy that ever sees light of day.

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th February 2015

Posted: Sat 14 Feb, 2015 7:03 pm
by PorFavor
Goodnight, everyone.

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th February 2015

Posted: Sat 14 Feb, 2015 7:04 pm
by refitman
PorFavor wrote:Goodnight, everyone.
Night PF.

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th February 2015

Posted: Sat 14 Feb, 2015 7:10 pm
by rebeccariots2
Lewis Baston ‏@lewis_baston 50m50 minutes ago London, England
It's very silly to predict the General Election in Scotland. I explain the reasons why here ... landslide/" onclick=";return false; … and then do it anyway.

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th February 2015

Posted: Sat 14 Feb, 2015 7:15 pm
by HindleA
It is illegal and unethical,just hate filled rhetoric in a pathetic and disgusting attempt to garner votes.They are desperate,and no holds barred crap will be the order of each day.It will backfireIMHO.