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Re: Thursday 28th April 2016

Posted: Thu 28 Apr, 2016 2:55 pm
by citizenJA
Brilliant website, thank you.
Explains a lot.

Re: Thursday 28th April 2016

Posted: Thu 28 Apr, 2016 2:56 pm
by Willow904
I'm sorry Ken Livingstone has had to be suspended from the party. Can't help but feel if a Tory grandee came out with something similar the media would just shrug. He's not an MP or a spokesman for the party. He's virtually retired and hasn't said much that makes a lot sense in a while. He's responsible for what he said, of course, and can't argue the suspension which Labour had no choice over, but compared to the active nastiness of Goldsmith in an official election campaign, it feels the attention on this is disproportionate, to say the least.

Re: Thursday 28th April 2016

Posted: Thu 28 Apr, 2016 3:02 pm
by citizenJA
The Jewish Socialists’ Group recognises that ordinary Jewish people are rightly concerned and fearful about instances of antisemitism.
We share their concerns and a have a proud and consistent record of challenging and campaigning against antisemitism. But we will
not support those making false accusations for cynical political motives, including the Conservative Party, who are running a racist
campaign against Sadiq Khan, and whose leader David Cameron has referred to desperate refugees, as “a swarm” and “a bunch of
migrants”. ... cialists-g" onclick=";return false;
Yes, thank you.
Dave Cameron and the Tory government are a bona fide problem for us all.

Re: Thursday 28th April 2016

Posted: Thu 28 Apr, 2016 3:04 pm
by citizenJA
Willow904 wrote:I'm sorry Ken Livingstone has had to be suspended from the party. Can't help but feel if a Tory grandee came out with something similar the media would just shrug. He's not an MP or a spokesman for the party. He's virtually retired and hasn't said much that makes a lot sense in a while. He's responsible for what he said, of course, and can't argue the suspension which Labour had no choice over, but compared to the active nastiness of Goldsmith in an official election campaign, it feels the attention on this is disproportionate, to say the least.
Wholeheartedly agree with every word you've written, Willow904, thank you.
This is just so sad.

Re: Thursday 28th April 2016

Posted: Thu 28 Apr, 2016 3:04 pm
by yahyah
Michael Dugher weighing in now.

Just perfect, just what you need a week before elections. I despair.

Re: Thursday 28th April 2016

Posted: Thu 28 Apr, 2016 3:07 pm
by gilsey
Notable because it's in the telegraph.
The new junior doctors' contract will create a staffing crisis in the worst possible places
BEN DEAN ... crisis-in/" onclick=";return false;

Re: Thursday 28th April 2016

Posted: Thu 28 Apr, 2016 3:12 pm
by citizenJA
RobertSnozers wrote:Apparently David Baddiel said this on Today this morning:
"The left portrays itself as a champion of the oppressed. But there is such a big hangover from them that the Jews are not that, that they are rich and powerful and controlling and therefore that they do not fit into the category of the oppressed, particularly in their version of Israel, which is the oppressor."
What? So it's only in the left's 'version' that Israel is the oppressor?

Is anyone going to call Baddiel out on what he thinks is happening to the Palestinians? Some might call it denial.
I've read that quote several times and I still don't understand David Baddiel's meaning at all.

Re: Thursday 28th April 2016

Posted: Thu 28 Apr, 2016 3:18 pm
by citizenJA
RobertSnozers wrote:Oh dear. Ken Livingstone opened his mouth and now the whole blasted thing is opened up again. As usual, far more is being made of what he said than is justified, but as usual, he phrased things without much care and as a result has given a whole load of ammunition just as the Naz Shah story had to die down. I think for the sake of the party, a 'period of silence from him would be appreciated'.
Beautifully said, RobertSnozers

Re: Thursday 28th April 2016

Posted: Thu 28 Apr, 2016 3:32 pm
by citizenJA
PaulfromYorkshire wrote:This made me chuckle. On #EdBallsDay ... f7bed55e96" onclick=";return false;
Thoroughly charming, truly
I love Ed Balls

Re: Thursday 28th April 2016

Posted: Thu 28 Apr, 2016 3:34 pm
by ScarletGas
Willow904 wrote:I'm sorry Ken Livingstone has had to be suspended from the party. Can't help but feel if a Tory grandee came out with something similar the media would just shrug. He's not an MP or a spokesman for the party. He's virtually retired and hasn't said much that makes a lot sense in a while. He's responsible for what he said, of course, and can't argue the suspension which Labour had no choice over, but compared to the active nastiness of Goldsmith in an official election campaign, it feels the attention on this is disproportionate, to say the least.
Agreed, and I do not want to be flippant, but can you imagine the furore if Jeremy Corbyn had called any conservative "poncey" as Cameron did Farage yesterday.We would not hear the end of it and the accusation of class war would be invoked. But what do we get? Nothing of note. Perhaps as Cameron and Farage (however you pronounce it) are of the same ilk its just harmless banter!

On John Mann I am of the opinion that he should be suspended. He may be right, he may be wrong, with his opinions however to conduct himself in the way he did, particularly in front of the television cameras (shocked I tell you shocked!) in a public place should be construed as bringing the party into disrepute. If I had acted in such a way during my working career I know my feet would not have touched the floor on the way out the door

Re: Thursday 28th April 2016

Posted: Thu 28 Apr, 2016 3:35 pm
by citizenJA
Temulkar wrote:Ken Livingstone really is an arse. He has form on this, I remember his capo remark, he constantly gives the militants in progress ammunition to divide the party. A complete knob basket as well as an interpretation of the transfer policy that is frankly Irvinesque.

This will stifle valid criticism of Israels human rights record in Palestine, as well as being a great dead cat to distract from the multiple failures of the government.
Ken Livingstone doesn't bother me too much

Re: Thursday 28th April 2016

Posted: Thu 28 Apr, 2016 3:37 pm
by citizenJA
ScarletGas wrote:
AnatolyKasparov wrote:Mann has undoubtedly been a bit of an arse as well, and apparently is going to be spoken to by the whips.

Of course, both he and Ken have one big thing in common - an almost insatiable appetite for self publicity.
And to hell will the consequences!

My father always told me to think before I opened my mouth-I wish he could have given them both the same advice.

Oh and now the hypocrite personified that is David Cameron has given us the benefit of his opinion. I am damn sure that someone who ignores the plight of innocent refugee children should be denounced in exactly the same terms of an anti Semite. Both are discrimination and a disgrace in my eyes.
(my bold)

How dare you, Cameron

Re: Thursday 28th April 2016

Posted: Thu 28 Apr, 2016 3:37 pm
by yahyah
citizenJA wrote:
RobertSnozers wrote:Apparently David Baddiel said this on Today this morning:
"The left portrays itself as a champion of the oppressed. But there is such a big hangover from them that the Jews are not that, that they are rich and powerful and controlling and therefore that they do not fit into the category of the oppressed, particularly in their version of Israel, which is the oppressor."
What? So it's only in the left's 'version' that Israel is the oppressor?

Is anyone going to call Baddiel out on what he thinks is happening to the Palestinians? Some might call it denial.
I've read that quote several times and I still don't understand David Baddiel's meaning at all.
He means that some on the left swallow all that 'Rothschild' and 'Jewish bankers run the world' crap.
Remember the nasty stuff a small minority of Occupy Wall Street people came out with too ?

Re: Thursday 28th April 2016

Posted: Thu 28 Apr, 2016 3:38 pm
by citizenJA
yahyah wrote:Why has the Guardian closed AS's blog for comments ?

Re: Thursday 28th April 2016

Posted: Thu 28 Apr, 2016 3:43 pm
by yahyah
I notice Mann used a reference to mental health about Livingstone.

Livingstone got it in the neck for using a mental health reference which led to some anti-Corbyn Labour supporters shouting 'disgusting', wonder if they'll be picking up Mann for what he said ?

Maybe there is just too much outrage these days. People go ballistic and tweet their hatred at the drop of a hat. To quote our Fishpointer General, maybe everyone should 'calm down dear'.

Re: Thursday 28th April 2016

Posted: Thu 28 Apr, 2016 3:45 pm
by rebeccariots2
Michael Crick ‏@MichaelLCrick 3m3 minutes ago
TORY EXPENSES: Elect Comm asks CPS & police forces to consider applying for 12-month extension to 12 month time limit on RPA prosecutions
They always sound so polite - and weak - in their interventions. 'Ask', 'Consider' - I wish they'd just tell them they should have a 12 month extension to the RPA prosecution time limit.

Re: Thursday 28th April 2016

Posted: Thu 28 Apr, 2016 3:47 pm
by rebeccariots2
I go out to work and come back to men behaving seriously badly.

I wouldn't mind if we saw the backs of both Livingstone and Mann. I'm fed up with the same old characters sparring in public - old fights, old egos - we can do without it and them.

Re: Thursday 28th April 2016

Posted: Thu 28 Apr, 2016 3:54 pm
by rebeccariots2
I asked the very nice old bloke client I visited this morning why on earth he is voting Ukip for the Assembly elections as he's someone who loves wildlife and they will, if elected, participate in facilitating huntin, shootin, fishin of everything they can. His answer was that he's voting for them because they want to abolish the Welsh Assembly .... (banging head against desktop metaphorically as I listened). When I pointed out that they - far from abolishing the Assembly - were using it to get paid positions for some who were disgraced Tories and would be only to happy to take the cash - he responded that all politicians were liars and cheats.

We parted friends - but my internal head is still shaking.

Re: Thursday 28th April 2016

Posted: Thu 28 Apr, 2016 3:54 pm
by citizenJA
yahyah wrote:
citizenJA wrote:
RobertSnozers wrote:Apparently David Baddiel said this on Today this morning:
What? So it's only in the left's 'version' that Israel is the oppressor?

Is anyone going to call Baddiel out on what he thinks is happening to the Palestinians? Some might call it denial.
I've read that quote several times and I still don't understand David Baddiel's meaning at all.
He means that some on the left swallow all that 'Rothschild' and 'Jewish bankers run the world' crap.
Remember the nasty stuff a small minority of Occupy Wall Street people came out with too ?
I don't like it when someone uses the words, 'the left', labelling people who are left-wing, I guess, then proceeds to tell everyone
what 'the left' think or do as a mass undifferentiated by individuality. I consider myself left-wing. I don't mind being part of 'the
left'. I have no patience for anyone who uses the 'the left' label pejoratively or informs me what I do or don't as a member of 'the

Re: Thursday 28th April 2016

Posted: Thu 28 Apr, 2016 3:55 pm
by rebeccariots2
Rowena Mason ‏@rowenamason 8m8 minutes ago
John Mann has been given a slap on the wrist by chief whip, told not appropriate to have public row on tv

Re: Thursday 28th April 2016

Posted: Thu 28 Apr, 2016 4:04 pm
by ohsocynical
nickyinnorfolk wrote:Via Twitter I found a statement from the Jewish Socialists' Group regarding what they term the 'weaponising' of accusations of antisemitism:
... to attack the Jeremy Corbyn-led Labour party with claims that Labour has a “problem” of antisemitism. This is despite Corbyn’s longstanding record of actively opposing fascism and all forms of racism, and being a firm a supporter of the rights of refugees and of human rights globally.
The accusations do not refer to antisemitic actions but usually to comments, often made on social media, long before Jeremy Corbyn won the Labour leadership. Those making the charges now, did not see fit to bring them up at the time, under previous Labour leaders, but are using them now, just before mayoral and local elections, when they believe they can inflict most damage on the Labour Party led by Jeremy Corbyn.

... The attack is coming from four main sources, who share agendas: to undermine Jeremy Corbyn as leader of Labour; to defend Israeli government policy from attack, however unjust, racist and harmful towards the Palestinian people; and to discredit those who make legitimate criticisms of Israeli policy or Zionism as a political ideology. As anti-racist and anti-fascist Jews who are also campaigning for peace with justice between Israelis and Palestinians, we entirely reject these cynical agendas that are being expressed by:

• The Conservative Party

• Conservative-supporting media in Britain and pro-Zionist Israeli media sources

• Right-wing and pro-Zionist elements claiming to speak on behalf of the Jewish community

• Opponents of Jeremy Corbyn within the Labour party.

... [we] have a proud and consistent record of challenging and campaigning against antisemitism. But we will not support those making false accusations for cynical political motives, including the Conservative Party, who are running a racist campaign against Sadiq Khan, and whose leader David Cameron has referred to desperate refugees, as “a swarm” and “a bunch of migrants”. The Conservative Party demonstrated their contempt for Lord Dubs, a Jewish refugee from Nazism, when they voted down en masse an amendment a few days ago to allow 3,000 child refugees into Britain while Labour, led by Jeremy Corbyn, gave total support to Lord Dubs and his amendment. ... cialists-g" onclick=";return false;
Thanks for this. Have just posted it on my local Labour Party site.

Re: Thursday 28th April 2016

Posted: Thu 28 Apr, 2016 4:05 pm
by ohsocynical
rebeccariots2 wrote:
Rowena Mason ‏@rowenamason 8m8 minutes ago
John Mann has been given a slap on the wrist by chief whip, told not appropriate to have public row on tv
Is that all? A slap around the side of the head would have been more appropriate.

Re: Thursday 28th April 2016

Posted: Thu 28 Apr, 2016 4:09 pm
by rebeccariots2
Laura Kuenssberg ‏@bbclaurak 3m3 minutes ago
Galloway claims coup against Corbyn is underway
Oh great - right on cue, just what we need.

Re: Thursday 28th April 2016

Posted: Thu 28 Apr, 2016 4:13 pm
by yahyah
rebeccariots2 wrote:
Laura Kuenssberg ‏@bbclaurak 3m3 minutes ago
Galloway claims coup against Corbyn is underway
Oh great - right on cue, just what we need.

My CPN this morning gave me an excellent three minute breathing exercise for just such an occasion.
Would you like me to share it ?

Re: Thursday 28th April 2016

Posted: Thu 28 Apr, 2016 4:16 pm
by yahyah
Via Mike Smithson - 'it's not just Labour that has an anti-semitism problem' ... c-problem/" onclick=";return false;

Re: Thursday 28th April 2016

Posted: Thu 28 Apr, 2016 4:16 pm
by StephenDolan
ohsocynical wrote:
nickyinnorfolk wrote:Via Twitter I found a statement from the Jewish Socialists' Group regarding what they term the 'weaponising' of accusations of antisemitism:
... to attack the Jeremy Corbyn-led Labour party with claims that Labour has a “problem” of antisemitism. This is despite Corbyn’s longstanding record of actively opposing fascism and all forms of racism, and being a firm a supporter of the rights of refugees and of human rights globally.
The accusations do not refer to antisemitic actions but usually to comments, often made on social media, long before Jeremy Corbyn won the Labour leadership. Those making the charges now, did not see fit to bring them up at the time, under previous Labour leaders, but are using them now, just before mayoral and local elections, when they believe they can inflict most damage on the Labour Party led by Jeremy Corbyn.

... The attack is coming from four main sources, who share agendas: to undermine Jeremy Corbyn as leader of Labour; to defend Israeli government policy from attack, however unjust, racist and harmful towards the Palestinian people; and to discredit those who make legitimate criticisms of Israeli policy or Zionism as a political ideology. As anti-racist and anti-fascist Jews who are also campaigning for peace with justice between Israelis and Palestinians, we entirely reject these cynical agendas that are being expressed by:

• The Conservative Party

• Conservative-supporting media in Britain and pro-Zionist Israeli media sources

• Right-wing and pro-Zionist elements claiming to speak on behalf of the Jewish community

• Opponents of Jeremy Corbyn within the Labour party.

... [we] have a proud and consistent record of challenging and campaigning against antisemitism. But we will not support those making false accusations for cynical political motives, including the Conservative Party, who are running a racist campaign against Sadiq Khan, and whose leader David Cameron has referred to desperate refugees, as “a swarm” and “a bunch of migrants”. The Conservative Party demonstrated their contempt for Lord Dubs, a Jewish refugee from Nazism, when they voted down en masse an amendment a few days ago to allow 3,000 child refugees into Britain while Labour, led by Jeremy Corbyn, gave total support to Lord Dubs and his amendment. ... cialists-g" onclick=";return false;
Thanks for this. Have just posted it on my local Labour Party site.
Bandwidth exceeded when I try to view.

Re: Thursday 28th April 2016

Posted: Thu 28 Apr, 2016 4:23 pm
by Willow904
yahyah wrote:I notice Mann used a reference to mental health about Livingstone.

Livingstone got it in the neck for using a mental health reference which led to some anti-Corbyn Labour supporters shouting 'disgusting', wonder if they'll be picking up Mann for what he said ?

Maybe there is just too much outrage these days. People go ballistic and tweet their hatred at the drop of a hat. To quote our Fishpointer General, maybe everyone should 'calm down dear'.
Sadly I think Corbyn has to take some responsibility for all of this. He brought Ken Livingstone back into the media spotlight by giving him an active role. Livingstone's subsequent interviews make me question whether that was wise. It would have been nicer to have seen him bow out a little more gracefully, but retirement would be no bad thing at this juncture. Corbyn's next move will be interesting. Can he effectively put this to bed and turn the attention back on the Tories? The media have been desperate for this to damage Labour and it's exactly the kind of contrived attack Ed had so much trouble dealing with when leader. Will Corbyn's super cool, calm manner and almost disinterested responses fair better? Possibly. The only way to stop the media making a mountain out of a molehill is to keep treating it exactly as the molehill it is - serious, yes, but small and resolvable.

Re: Thursday 28th April 2016

Posted: Thu 28 Apr, 2016 4:33 pm
by rebeccariots2
Michael Crick ‏@MichaelLCrick 49m49 minutes ago
Electoral Commission, CPS & police to meet next Weds, 4 May, to discuss Elect Comm request for extension to 12-mon limit on RPA prosecutions
Michael Crick ‏@MichaelLCrick 43m43 minutes ago
Police launch formal investigation into Scott Mann general election expenses

Police launch formal inquiry into Scott Mann's expenses, as prosecutors seek election costs "summit" ... z478Tdf7pR" onclick=";return false;

Re: Thursday 28th April 2016

Posted: Thu 28 Apr, 2016 4:57 pm
by yahyah
Carwyn Jones is calling for Livingstone's expulsion.

Re: Thursday 28th April 2016

Posted: Thu 28 Apr, 2016 5:03 pm
by ohsocynical
It is becoming ever more clear that the Labour Party in Westminster has become a part of a permanent political class alongside their Tory and Liberal Democrat counterparts. Disengagement and voter apathy means a fairly stable job, a few seats lost and won either way each election and no big surprises. The chance to earn a great wage and pass policies which guarantee lucrative consultancy/director roles after politics. All done with the passive acceptance of a disaffected electorate, half of whom don’t even bother to vote anymore. To this permanent political class, a popular movement based on social democratic values is about as welcome as a fart in an elevator. ... elections/

Re: Thursday 28th April 2016

Posted: Thu 28 Apr, 2016 5:16 pm
by rebeccariots2
George Eaton ‏@georgeeaton 2m2 minutes ago
I'm told that Team Corbyn wanted John Mann suspended but the whips office said no.

Re: Thursday 28th April 2016

Posted: Thu 28 Apr, 2016 5:20 pm
by ohsocynical
David 2112 ‏@David21123 50m50 minutes ago

Did Daily Politics team set up the confrontation between John Mann and Ken Livingston? They have form - Michael Dugher resignation on air.
Makes you wonder, doesn't it.

Re: Thursday 28th April 2016

Posted: Thu 28 Apr, 2016 5:33 pm
by StephenDolan
Jeremy Corbyn denies Labour crisis over antisemitism" onclick=";return false;

Pretty robust position taken.

Re: Thursday 28th April 2016

Posted: Thu 28 Apr, 2016 5:43 pm
by yahyah
Why is Labour the only party under the cosh under the cosh over this ?

Have just spent a few minutes web searching.
There are numerous people from all the parties who have been accused of, or had to stand down or be suspended or expelled for anti-semitism.

Re: Thursday 28th April 2016

Posted: Thu 28 Apr, 2016 5:44 pm
by yahyah
& Radio 4 very helpfully have dug out a swing voter who was going to vote for Sadiq Khan.
But because of Labour's problem with anti-semitism will now not vote for him.

Re: Thursday 28th April 2016

Posted: Thu 28 Apr, 2016 5:50 pm
by yahyah
Wonder if the swing voter being interviewed (who says he has voted Conservative) was put off voting Tory because of Aidan Burley or that drunk Tory MP who mouthed off about Jewish people ?

Re: Thursday 28th April 2016

Posted: Thu 28 Apr, 2016 6:19 pm
by rebeccariots2
Who in the Labour party decides whether to suspend an MP or not? The NEC, Whips, Leader - or a combination of all three? I ask because I'm reading the latest UK Polling report post - and some of those BTL seem to think it's down to Corbyn whether or not someone gets suspended. That doesn't sound right to me.

Re: Thursday 28th April 2016

Posted: Thu 28 Apr, 2016 6:24 pm
by yahyah
George Eton says Team Corbyn wanted Mann suspended but the whips office said no, so it can't be just down to him.

Re: Thursday 28th April 2016

Posted: Thu 28 Apr, 2016 6:24 pm
by yahyah
Sorry, George Eaton, not Eton.

He says 'source says whips office will be reshuffled at some point to give Corbyn greater control'.

Re: Thursday 28th April 2016

Posted: Thu 28 Apr, 2016 6:33 pm
by rebeccariots2
Farmers Weekly
Cash-starved farmers dealt #BPS bridging loans blow" onclick=";return false; #BPS15 #farmingcrisis
A story that shows even more government incompetence - and prompts pondering about the various forms of benefits / subsidies and how those who receive them are perceived and treated.

Editing to add - they, the Rural Payments Agency (England), are still processing claims from 2015.

Re: Thursday 28th April 2016

Posted: Thu 28 Apr, 2016 6:38 pm
by yahyah
Night all. Hope it's warmer tomorrow and the news less frustrating.

Re: Thursday 28th April 2016

Posted: Thu 28 Apr, 2016 6:43 pm
by rebeccariots2
yahyah wrote:Night all. Hope it's warmer tomorrow and the news less frustrating.
Hear, hear.

I got chilled today - vicious wind - then thumped by hail for good measure. Not ideal lawn mowing weather. And then this stupid Punch and Judy stuff to come in to ....

Beat them all on their botties with rolled up Women's Weeklies - hard.

Re: Thursday 28th April 2016

Posted: Thu 28 Apr, 2016 6:44 pm
by ephemerid
This is good. ... sm-problem" onclick=";return false;

I'm very annoyed with this whole thing. I really appreciated your reply to me, Willow - thank you.

Re: Thursday 28th April 2016

Posted: Thu 28 Apr, 2016 6:46 pm
by rebeccariots2
FT Brussels ‏@ftbrussels 11s12 seconds ago
Germany plans jobless migrants benefit ban" onclick=";return false;

Re: Thursday 28th April 2016

Posted: Thu 28 Apr, 2016 7:02 pm
by HindleA ... X9.twitter" onclick=";return false;

Man suffered heart attack as he fought to get back wrongly taken away benefits

Re: Thursday 28th April 2016

Posted: Thu 28 Apr, 2016 7:22 pm
by ohsocynical
Don Coyote
John Mann today to Livingstone "You need help", the same John Mann who attacked Livingstone for saying same to another Labour MP ‪#‎c4news‬

Alan @AFK_10 17m17 minutes ago
Remember that Labour MP John Mann wanted the the Labour Leadership Election called off, when it became clear Jeremy Corbyn was winning.

Re: Thursday 28th April 2016

Posted: Thu 28 Apr, 2016 7:34 pm
by rebeccariots2
So looks like both the BHS and the Tata Steel pension liabilities are going to be siphoned off to become public liabilities. Another socialisation of the risk / deficit whilst private interests retain the assets and profit.

Javid is a right numpty by his latest attempts to explain his management of the steel crisis.

Re: Thursday 28th April 2016

Posted: Thu 28 Apr, 2016 7:47 pm
by ohsocynical
The elections watchdog has asked for more time to pursue possible criminal prosecutions regarding Tory election spending, as a summit is called to consider the evidence revealed by Channel 4 News. ... n-extensio
Dare we hope? Nah. Not if the last six years are anything to go by.

Re: Thursday 28th April 2016

Posted: Thu 28 Apr, 2016 7:53 pm
by rebeccariots2
ohsocynical wrote:
The elections watchdog has asked for more time to pursue possible criminal prosecutions regarding Tory election spending, as a summit is called to consider the evidence revealed by Channel 4 News. ... n-extensio
Dare we hope? Nah. Not if the last six years are anything to go by.
Nah. I agree with you. But that report makes you realise the sheer scale of non declaration of expenses. It appears systematic and that's what I feel ought to hold some sway - and seems like the 'elections watchdog' might think so too. They didn't do much watchdogging though, did they? It took Channel 4 doggedly investigating and repeatedly bringing it to public attention before they did b****** all.

Re: Thursday 28th April 2016

Posted: Thu 28 Apr, 2016 7:57 pm
by rebeccariots2
Sorry to be the bearer of more sad news.

Jenny Diski, writer, born 8 July 1947; died 28 April 2016 ... i-obituary" onclick=";return false;