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Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th May 2016

Posted: Sat 14 May, 2016 4:19 pm
by AnatolyKasparov
Galloway now saying he will "almost certainly" stand in Tooting. Oh joy.

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th May 2016

Posted: Sat 14 May, 2016 4:24 pm
by ohsocynical
rebeccariots2 wrote:To put a cap on this delightful weekend ... I've just returned from letting a client know that I'm not comfortable continuing gardening for them since they more or less said I wasn't honest / to be trusted. I don't think they even realised how offensive and unreasonable what they said to me was .... but I've never been as steaming as I was after that prior conversation. I can't afford to give up the work - but neither can I bear to try and ignore it and carry on.
If you can you need to make sure they don't go spreading rumours ... They need a gentle warning that if you hear any gossip you'll have to take it further.

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th May 2016

Posted: Sat 14 May, 2016 4:39 pm
by citizenJA
yahyah wrote:Am in a quandary. Have asked for the community police officer to contact us, the Dyfed/Powys police call handler was brilliant.

But I don't want it escalated - the men were very nasty pieces of work, obviously live their lives through aggression. Am frightened they may hit back at us.

But we want it logged, so if there is future trouble the police know. If we get a brick through the window or something like that.

It's just so horrible, seeing your other half being threatened and stopped from getting away.
I'm sorry this horribleness has happened, you sound like you're doing everything you can. Please give my love to your husband and accept my love too, dear friend.

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th May 2016

Posted: Sat 14 May, 2016 4:41 pm
by yahyah
Thanks JA. The last time my husband was in a situation like that was when he was a kid.
He is not the type to get into punch ups.

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th May 2016

Posted: Sat 14 May, 2016 4:42 pm
by yahyah
Did you see this JA ? ... on-targets" onclick=";return false;

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th May 2016

Posted: Sat 14 May, 2016 4:45 pm
by ephemerid
ohsocynical wrote:
rebeccariots2 wrote:To put a cap on this delightful weekend ... I've just returned from letting a client know that I'm not comfortable continuing gardening for them since they more or less said I wasn't honest / to be trusted. I don't think they even realised how offensive and unreasonable what they said to me was .... but I've never been as steaming as I was after that prior conversation. I can't afford to give up the work - but neither can I bear to try and ignore it and carry on.
If you can you need to make sure they don't go spreading rumours ... They need a gentle warning that if you hear any gossip you'll have to take it further.
I think Ohso is right - especially if you need to keep working for them.

Is there any way you can find out what prompted them to say that? Is there some misunderstanding that has made them think this?

It's so difficult. It would be great if you could just walk away; but if you need the work, and if you do go but need to find new clients, it might be helpful to find out just what their issue is. Whatever you do, at least knowing what they might say about you gives you something to deny, if you know what I mean.

Poor you. What a shitty time you're having. Hugs.

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th May 2016

Posted: Sat 14 May, 2016 5:01 pm
by PorFavor

I've been pondering your dreadful account.

What's the motivation, I wonder. Do make sure that you log and report (if you make a report) the fact that he has been "researching" you. I find that a) weirdly obsessive and b) worrying. Sorry - I don't mean to make you feel frightened. I'm just trying to offer practical help (which may be misfiring horribly).

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th May 2016

Posted: Sat 14 May, 2016 5:02 pm
by ohsocynical
George Osborne accused of 'shocking hypocrisy' over £40,000 Downing St flat refurbishment ... ref=twtrec" onclick=";return false;

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th May 2016

Posted: Sat 14 May, 2016 5:03 pm
by ephemerid
I've found an interesting site -" onclick=";return false;

Some university researchers are doing a big project looking at conditionality in the benefits system, and are asking for contributions.

In the "About" tab, there's a little video explaining the research, with little comments from 4 academics - 3 of them are basically not keen, the one who thinks it's a good thing is American......

I was reading earlier in the Select Committee Report about employer involvement in In Work Progression for Universal Credit claimants who work - it has been suggested that Work Coaches should involve a claimants' employer, and that in some cases this should happen when the claimant signs their Claimant Commitment. There's no evidence of this happening yet - but I don't like the sound of that at all.

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th May 2016

Posted: Sat 14 May, 2016 5:19 pm
by yahyah
PorFavor wrote:@yahyah

I've been pondering your dreadful account.

What's the motivation, I wonder. Do make sure that you log and report (if you make a report) the fact that he has been "researching" you. I find that a) weirdly obsessive and b) worrying. Sorry - I don't mean to make you feel frightened. I'm just trying to offer practical help (which may be misfiring horribly).
He's just a nasty piece of work and paranoid with it. He was burbling something about us 'moving a fence in the lane'. The only lane he has a boundary on is down our lane and round the corner several hundred yards. It is bizarre. We don't have any access to that piece of land via our property, no fence of ours is on it. We rarely even walk down there because I feel nervous about him.
The idea that we would creep out in the dead of night to move a fence !!! Can't get my head around it.

There are five houses in this hamlet. All the owners warned us. He spent 11 years and thousands of pounds in a legal battle with someone over three feet width by about twenty yards of old stream bank.
Another legal battle trying to drive across someone elses land.
It's all his projection, he's the one who wants to shift boundaries.

Worse of all, he put up a conifer hedge all along our south/south west boundary because he fell out with the previous owner of our house. It is now 23ft high, cuts a tremendous amount of light from our garden. We offered to pay to have it reduced to 10ft to maintain privacy for them, but he refused.

His wife is even worse, if that is possible.
Everyone from the local councillor, postman, utilities workers all raise their eyebrows at them. He refused for five months to allow Western Power to reduce the height of trees that were threatening to bring down electric cables in the wind.

It's such a shame because everyone else around here is lovely. We all get on well, but it is like having Mordor and Sauron next door.

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th May 2016

Posted: Sat 14 May, 2016 5:26 pm
by citizenJA
yahyah wrote:Thanks Ephie.

The doc said I could add in extra beta blockers in case of migraine or anxiety, so have done.

The doc didn't give me anymore valium after the first few, we didn't think it necessary but I have just remembered that there is one 'emergency' one left somewhere. Will take it at bedtime.
Trouble is I keep seeing their faces in my mind, and the aggression. Thanks god they didn't have knives, it was escalating so quickly.

My BP is still nearly 170 at the moment after having to change BP meds, so am doing three minute mindful breathing to help too.
I'm here, yahyah, if I can assist you. You're in my thoughts and heart. You're dearly loved, my friend.

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th May 2016

Posted: Sat 14 May, 2016 5:28 pm
by ohsocynical
*Breaking News!** JDConf votes for closer links with wider trade union movement. Well done @DrPeteCampbell

" onclick=";return false;

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th May 2016

Posted: Sat 14 May, 2016 5:34 pm
by citizenJA
yahyah wrote:Did you see this JA ? ... on-targets" onclick=";return false;
I'm afraid so. I live in an area regularly breaching NOx levels. My husband is asthmatic and an active man. He let's nothing
stop him though he's careful too. We both walk, he rides his bike and use public transportation. May we all have better public
transportation, less pollution and responsible, decent leadership in this country soon. We deserve better than what current
government are giving us.

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th May 2016

Posted: Sat 14 May, 2016 5:38 pm
by ohsocynical
yahyah wrote:
PorFavor wrote:@yahyah

I've been pondering your dreadful account.

What's the motivation, I wonder. Do make sure that you log and report (if you make a report) the fact that he has been "researching" you. I find that a) weirdly obsessive and b) worrying. Sorry - I don't mean to make you feel frightened. I'm just trying to offer practical help (which may be misfiring horribly).
He's just a nasty piece of work and paranoid with it. He was burbling something about us 'moving a fence in the lane'. The only lane he has a boundary on is down our lane and round the corner several hundred yards. It is bizarre. We don't have any access to that piece of land via our property, no fence of ours is on it. We rarely even walk down there because I feel nervous about him.
The idea that we would creep out in the dead of night to move a fence !!! Can't get my head around it.

There are five houses in this hamlet. All the owners warned us. He spent 11 years and thousands of pounds in a legal battle with someone over three feet width by about twenty yards of old stream bank.
Another legal battle trying to drive across someone elses land.
It's all his projection, he's the one who wants to shift boundaries.

Worse of all, he put up a conifer hedge all along our south/south west boundary because he fell out with the previous owner of our house. It is now 23ft high, cuts a tremendous amount of light from our garden. We offered to pay to have it reduced to 10ft to maintain privacy for them, but he refused.

His wife is even worse, if that is possible.
Everyone from the local councillor, postman, utilities workers all raise their eyebrows at them. He refused for five months to allow Western Power to reduce the height of trees that were threatening to bring down electric cables in the wind.

It's such a shame because everyone else around here is lovely. We all get on well, but it is like having Mordor and Sauron next door.
He's only allowed to let his conifers grow to 15ft. That's the height here. Don't know if it's the same in Wales, but probably is. Council here can lop the extra off if you refuse, and make you pay.

The snag is bullies get away with it because people are nervous of them.

I had the same problem with conifers planted on a boundary less than ten foot from my front door. They kept shooting well over the fifteen foot mark...The neighbour was just lazy rather than defiant. Someone suggested putting hefty doses of weed killer along the boundary - on your side of course. It might work, and if I was in your position I'd be strongly tempted.

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th May 2016

Posted: Sat 14 May, 2016 5:45 pm
by 55DegreesNorth
Afternoon folks,

Private sector efficiency tale.
A friend who is a bigwig in a nearby secondary school arrived at work on a recent morning to find a baffled secretary waving a card from Yodel. "Your parcel has been left in your safe place", it proudly stated. Nobody knew what the parcel was, or where the safe place was, as they had never designated one. All became clear when, at the end of the day, the caretaker went to put some stuff in the skips, round the back of the admin block. There he found a large pile of parcels, containing all the GCSE and A level papers for this session.

The potential ramifications are, well, pretty ramifying. Where's the GPO when you need them?

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th May 2016

Posted: Sat 14 May, 2016 5:45 pm
by yahyah
I checked with the council and you have to pay £350 to make a case to them about the conifers.
There's also has a complicated working out of height/sun angle/house you have to complete.
My nice neighbour is a mathematician so maybe I'll ask him to give me a hand.
There's also something about whether the light is affecting a main living area, which it doesn't, but we get shade on our house most of the winter when the sun is low, which costs more in heating oil, and never get any sun in the garden past 5pm in the summer, so it is rarely warm enough to sit out.

I might just spend some of my NHS pension lump sum on paying the £350 though.

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th May 2016

Posted: Sat 14 May, 2016 5:59 pm
by rebeccariots2
@yahyah - really sorry to hear about your shitty neighbour - that sort of aggro is very very upsetting. Good advice from ephie and others. We really must be soul sisters - we've just endured similar unwarranted aggression from our local farmer which caused me and Mr Riots an awful lot of stress and inconvenience. Remember the stressful times I said we were going through but didn't have the energy to describe? I still don't have the energy - but this is really to say that it does pass - you don't remain in a state of strung out high alert all the time. Try to remember that.

Big hug.

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th May 2016

Posted: Sat 14 May, 2016 6:11 pm
by 55DegreesNorth
yahyah wrote:I checked with the council and you have to pay £350 to make a case to them about the conifers.
There's also has a complicated working out of height/sun angle/house you have to complete.
My nice neighbour is a mathematician so maybe I'll ask him to give me a hand.
There's also something about whether the light is affecting a main living area, which it doesn't, but we get shade on our house most of the winter when the sun is low, which costs more in heating oil, and never get any sun in the garden past 5pm in the summer, so it is rarely warm enough to sit out.

I might just spend some of my NHS pension lump sum on paying the £350 though.
Crowdsourcing. I'll chip in.

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th May 2016

Posted: Sat 14 May, 2016 6:13 pm
by yahyah
:D I love you Fly The Nesters !!

Don't worry, I've got the dosh thanks 55.

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th May 2016

Posted: Sat 14 May, 2016 6:16 pm
by yahyah
One thing I could use is some brain storming though.

We [husband & I] don't Facebook or anything like that. We aren't notorious.
We cannot understand how the nasty neighbour knows where we used to live.
We told him the town when we moved here, but today he said 'go back to....XXXXXXXX XXXXX' the name of the lane we lived in in Gloucestershire. No one here in Wales would know our old address details other than our solicitor.

He spends a lot of time plotting against neighbours and boundaries via the Land Registry, am wondering if he could trace our names back to our old address via that ?

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th May 2016

Posted: Sat 14 May, 2016 6:18 pm
by yahyah
Sorry to hear you've been through similar RR. :hug:
Must be something in the stars.

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th May 2016

Posted: Sat 14 May, 2016 6:20 pm
by AnatolyKasparov
What has happened to the BBC? They are showing (on the news channel) the latest Corbyn speech (his second of the day) in full and without any sneering punditry.

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th May 2016

Posted: Sat 14 May, 2016 6:24 pm
by gilsey
Loach film on shame of poverty in Britain moves Cannes to tears ... c4.twitter" onclick=";return false;
I confess to feeling a bit uneasy about this, maybe it seems like airing our dirty linen in public - a documentary on BBC or C4 would be one thing, but a film at an international festival? I'm ashamed, but the govt won't be.

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th May 2016

Posted: Sat 14 May, 2016 7:52 pm
by HindleA
Probably need adjusting but press conference re. above from youtube.It is what I see ,apologies if content inappropriate/unavailable.

" onclick=";return false;


Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th May 2016

Posted: Sat 14 May, 2016 8:11 pm
by Vordy
yahyah wrote:One thing I could use is some brain storming though.

We [husband & I] don't Facebook or anything like that. We aren't notorious.
We cannot understand how the nasty neighbour knows where we used to live.
We told him the town when we moved here, but today he said 'go back to....XXXXXXXX XXXXX' the name of the lane we lived in in Gloucestershire. No one here in Wales would know our old address details other than our solicitor.

He spends a lot of time plotting against neighbours and boundaries via the Land Registry, am wondering if he could trace our names back to our old address via that ?
He might be using Yaya.

See link here. ... Core%3EURL" onclick=";return false;

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th May 2016

Posted: Sat 14 May, 2016 8:15 pm
by rebeccariots2
George Galloway ‏@georgegalloway 2h2 hours ago
After discussions with my friends in the labour movement I've decided not to run in Tooting. The dangers of a Tory victory are too great.

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th May 2016

Posted: Sat 14 May, 2016 8:17 pm
by AnatolyKasparov
Ah right, so he can now claim credit if it is a Labour hold. In his own imagination, anyway.

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th May 2016

Posted: Sat 14 May, 2016 10:01 pm
by HindleA ... woeful-gps" onclick=";return false;

Care for children with mental health problems is woeful, say GPs
Vulnerable young people facing wait of up to a year for specialist help, survey of doctors finds

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th May 2016

Posted: Sat 14 May, 2016 10:02 pm
by HindleA ... is-doctors" onclick=";return false;

Family doctors fear a mental health scandal waiting to happen

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th May 2016

Posted: Sat 14 May, 2016 10:18 pm
by citizenJA
goodnight, everyone

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th May 2016

Posted: Sat 14 May, 2016 10:23 pm
by Tubby Isaacs
Oh dear. The Telegraph has to apologise for some Gilligan bollocks about Tower Hamlets.

It seems that a Mr Mujibul Islam wasn't the willing beneficiary of corruption, after all.

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th May 2016

Posted: Sat 14 May, 2016 11:17 pm
by danesclose
gilsey wrote:Loach film on shame of poverty in Britain moves Cannes to tears ... c4.twitter" onclick=";return false;
I confess to feeling a bit uneasy about this, maybe it seems like airing our dirty linen in public - a documentary on BBC or C4 would be one thing, but a film at an international festival? I'm ashamed, but the govt won't be.
Many of Ken Loach's recent films have been a reflection on modern Britain - Riff Raff & Raining Stones spring to mind

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th May 2016

Posted: Sat 14 May, 2016 11:18 pm
by refitman
Tubby Isaacs wrote:Oh dear. The Telegraph has to apologise for some Gilligan bollocks about Tower Hamlets.

It seems that a Mr Mujibul Islam wasn't the willing beneficiary of corruption, after all.
They've hidden it away well and apparently removed the search function from their website. I haven't visited it in a while and it makes the Indy look competent. ... n-apology/" onclick=";return false;

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th May 2016

Posted: Sat 14 May, 2016 11:36 pm
by Tubby Isaacs
So does that mean the whole bidding process wasn't corrupt at all? Lutfur might be due an apology too.

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th May 2016

Posted: Sun 15 May, 2016 12:02 am
by Tubby Isaacs
Good. Khan looking at the Garden Bridge and the dodgy way it was planned. Johnson met Heatherwick 5 times before the open competition even started.

Ho ho what japes.

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th May 2016

Posted: Sun 15 May, 2016 12:06 am
by Tubby Isaacs
Surprised to see that among the bucket of shit thrown over Rahman in the judgement that had him kicked out, the judge basically says the stuff said about him being linked with extremists and covertly backed by them wasn't supported by anything he'd seen.

Bet the DT didn't tell it's readers that. Shame Rahman can't get that clarified.

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th May 2016

Posted: Sun 15 May, 2016 3:58 am
by ephemerid
gilsey wrote:Loach film on shame of poverty in Britain moves Cannes to tears ... c4.twitter" onclick=";return false;
I confess to feeling a bit uneasy about this, maybe it seems like airing our dirty linen in public - a documentary on BBC or C4 would be one thing, but a film at an international festival? I'm ashamed, but the govt won't be.

I'm ashamed, too - and as someone who has been caught up in the system for some time, I am glad Loach has made this film.

Thanks to HindleA for the video of the press conference; in answer to the first question put to him, Loach talks about how this issue isn't just about what goes on in the UK - he also points out that similar things are happening across Europe, in terms of mass unemployment and how austerity is being imposed on those least able to bear it, with a culture of blame and judgement.

This is, I think, an important film in the mould of "Kathy Come Home". Personally, I have no problem with airing our dirty linen in public; people need to know what is being done to others in their name. The situation in the UK now, for our sick, disabled, unemployed, and working poor, is the worst it has been since the inception of the welfare state - I think that there are many even UK residents who have no idea what goes on, and if this film makes more people aware of the hounding of their peers by their own government, I'm all for it.

I agree with you that the government won't be ashamed. I don't give a fiddlers' fart about their feelings. What matters to me is that the truth comes out - campaigners, activists, self-help groups, charities, and some politicians have tried, without much success, to get these issues into the media and register protest.
The UK public is swamped with anti-scrounger rhetoric, and I have been hoping (so far in vain) for people to engage their brains, stop watching Benefits Street and all the rest of the execrable poverty porn, and realise that they are next. The Tory-voting woman on Question Time hit the headlines for a day or two, but the impact was fleeting; more and more people will soon be getting the same treatment as Universal Credit rolls out, and if the past 6 years is a yardstick, we still won't see people out on the streets protesting.

If this film goes some way to make people understand what the lives of many claimants is really like, good. If it makes the public understand just how far the Tories have taken their cruelty, even better. If it causes outrage, better still.
It has been 50 years since Loach made "Kathy Come Home". The result was Shelter. We need this film. I'm glad he made it, I'm glad it has caused a stir in Cannes, and I'm really glad that Loach still has that fire in his belly to speak up for us.

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th May 2016

Posted: Sun 15 May, 2016 7:09 am
by yahyah

Sky's chief political correspondent has tweeted about Tory battle bus expenses in Chippenham" onclick=";return false;

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th May 2016

Posted: Sun 15 May, 2016 7:14 am
by yahyah
We had a visit, after my phone call asking for advice, from two lovely young police officers.

They were well trained, empathetic, gave clear advice and reassurance, offered to go and give our neighbour a talking to to warn him about his, and his contractors, future behaviour.
We didn't want it escalated at this point, so signed a disclaimer to say that.
But the police officers emphasised we must call 101 for advice, or 999 if we feel any form of threat as we are in a fairly isolated spot. Also to ring and ask them to pop back round again for a chat or more help should we feel the need.

After all the bad press for the police, it is very encouraging that some officers seem to get it about how to carry out their duties. When they went, the female officer said people like us are a pleasure to help, it makes up for some of the difficult times/people they have to deal with.

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th May 2016

Posted: Sun 15 May, 2016 8:16 am
by HindleA
Good to hear yahyah ... aw-changes" onclick=";return false;

Cameron pledges more help for care leavers and adoption law changes
Before Queen’s speech, prime minister voices impatience with regulations that ‘let the most vulnerable in our country down"

Community Care Grant abolishment amnesia.

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th May 2016

Posted: Sun 15 May, 2016 8:36 am
by yahyah
The Danczuks couldn't go long without their ugly mugs in media, could they ?

The day Karen Danczuk stands as a Labour candidate for Westminster will be the day I finally resign my membership.

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th May 2016

Posted: Sun 15 May, 2016 8:42 am
by ephemerid
yahyah wrote:We had a visit, after my phone call asking for advice, from two lovely young police officers.

They were well trained, empathetic, gave clear advice and reassurance, offered to go and give our neighbour a talking to to warn him about his, and his contractors, future behaviour.
We didn't want it escalated at this point, so signed a disclaimer to say that.
But the police officers emphasised we must call 101 for advice, or 999 if we feel any form of threat as we are in a fairly isolated spot. Also to ring and ask them to pop back round again for a chat or more help should we feel the need.

After all the bad press for the police, it is very encouraging that some officers seem to get it about how to carry out their duties. When they went, the female officer said people like us are a pleasure to help, it makes up for some of the difficult times/people they have to deal with.
Good. I hope they've made a note of it somewhere.

And I hope you were able to get some rest and feel a bit better today.

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th May 2016

Posted: Sun 15 May, 2016 8:45 am
by yahyah
Thanks Ephie. We're off out for a walk at Aberaeron, along the coast path, to blow off the mental cobwebs. And to get away from Boris Johnson.

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th May 2016

Posted: Sun 15 May, 2016 9:01 am
by citizenJA
Tubby Isaacs wrote:Surprised to see that among the bucket of shit thrown over Rahman in the judgement that had him kicked out, the judge basically says the stuff said about him being linked with extremists and covertly backed by them wasn't supported by anything he'd seen.

Bet the DT didn't tell it's readers that. Shame Rahman can't get that clarified.
Was Rahman cleared then of wrongdoing? I'd be happy to learn that's the case. I'll look it up.

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th May 2016

Posted: Sun 15 May, 2016 9:01 am
by citizenJA
yahyah wrote:Thanks Ephie. We're off out for a walk at Aberaeron, along the coast path, to blow off the mental cobwebs. And to get away from Boris Johnson.
Have a lovely day!

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th May 2016

Posted: Sun 15 May, 2016 9:04 am
by citizenJA
yahyah wrote:We had a visit, after my phone call asking for advice, from two lovely young police officers.

They were well trained, empathetic, gave clear advice and reassurance, offered to go and give our neighbour a talking to to warn him about his, and his contractors, future behaviour.
We didn't want it escalated at this point, so signed a disclaimer to say that.
But the police officers emphasised we must call 101 for advice, or 999 if we feel any form of threat as we are in a fairly isolated spot. Also to ring and ask them to pop back round again for a chat or more help should we feel the need.

After all the bad press for the police, it is very encouraging that some officers seem to get it about how to carry out their duties. When they went, the female officer said people like us are a pleasure to help, it makes up for some of the difficult times/people they have to deal with.
I'm happy about this, good.

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th May 2016

Posted: Sun 15 May, 2016 9:06 am
by citizenJA
Good-morning, everyone

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th May 2016

Posted: Sun 15 May, 2016 9:16 am
by ephemerid
yahyah wrote:Morning.

Sky's chief political correspondent has tweeted about Tory battle bus expenses in Chippenham" onclick=";return false;
Good - and it seems he has emails from Emma Pidding confirming the allegations he makes.

Pidding was made a CBE in 2014 for voluntary political services; she is a friend of Lord Feldman and Cameron, a close friend of Mark Clarke, and was made Baroness Pidding in October 2015 despite being at the heart of the bullying scandal.

The Telegraph has a story entitled "Tatler Tory faces election costs enquiry".

The article seems to be aimed at making it look as though the spending was all directed by CCHQ and thus is national campaign spending. Just because the cash came from central coffers it doesn't follow that it shouldn't be accounted for locally, does it?
There are quotes from a few emails sent by Clarke about how local transport had to be covered locally to cover their arses....

Shapps, Feldman, Gove, Pidding, and others were behind the plan to flood marginals with activists, involve them in local campaigns, recruit them using inducements (free bars, meals, and accommodation), etc. They knew what was being planned and approved it.

Perhaps this is the plan - blame Mark Clarke (who got banned from the party for life over the bullying scandal) for the "mistakes"; complain that it isn't fair to impugn poor innocent Tory MPs who had no idea all that cash was being spent (presumably they thought it all came from the magic money tree); pretend that it was all the fault of that nasty Clarke person (did we mention we banned him?) who didn't account for stuff properly; and make out that nobody at the top had anything to do with it and we were all duped.....

Yeah, that'll work.....

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th May 2016

Posted: Sun 15 May, 2016 9:26 am
by rebeccariots2
yahyah wrote:Morning.

Sky's chief political correspondent has tweeted about Tory battle bus expenses in Chippenham" onclick=";return false;
Ah the fragrant Emma Pidding pops up again. They really did have a lovely team working on their campaign eh. Clarke, Pidding, Shapps and co.

Re: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th May 2016

Posted: Sun 15 May, 2016 9:28 am
by ephemerid
Revolting picture of OGRPPFGTCC on the front page of the Observer - he's in his "casual wear", gurning and fish available, sadly.
Bet he's all "pumped up" and "passionate". Yeucch.

He is now exhorting people to register to vote so they can vote for Remain. Pity he didn't think of how much he'd need the support of the voters when he happily changed the rules on voter registration which has led to nearly 2 million people losing their right to vote...

Now we have the unedifying spectacle of a Prime Minister who has promised a referendum he didn't really want but has to deliver, due entirely to his own stupidity. He wanted to snaffle votes from UKIP, succeeded, and won a general election he was expected to lose - and now he has to find more voters to support his campaign for IN and is scrabbling about trying to re-enfranchise those he disenfranchised or risk losing.

I am embarrassed to have this vacuous preening popinjay as my Prime Minister. He's a spiv, a chancer, and a wanker. (That's sexist, that is)