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Saturday, December 3rd & Sunday, December 4th 2016

Posted: Sat 03 Dec, 2016 8:50 am
by PorFavor
Good morfternoon.

Edited because I found the year 216 to be unfamiliar territory.

Re: Saturday, December 3rd 2016

Posted: Sat 03 Dec, 2016 9:05 am
by PaulfromYorkshire
Here's a headline from 216
Emperor Caracalla tricks the Parthians by accepting a marriage proposal. He slaughters his bride and the wedding guests after the celebrations.

Re: Saturday, December 3rd 2016

Posted: Sat 03 Dec, 2016 9:17 am
by yahyah
Didn't Caracalla get the name credit for the Baths of Caracalla in Rome in the same way Johnson did for Boris bikes. Both projects were actually started by others ?

Trying to remember, it's been twenty five years since I went there.

Re: Saturday, December 3rd 2016

Posted: Sat 03 Dec, 2016 9:18 am
by tinybgoat
Apologies, if this was posted yesterday (but don't think it was)
Iceland's Pirate party invited to form government ... -coalition
Giving the Pirate party, which came third in the election, the chance to build a government has been seen as a bold move that is not guaranteed to be a success.
“I am optimistic that we will find a way to work together,” Jónsdóttir said.

Re: Saturday, December 3rd & Sunday, December 4th 2016

Posted: Sat 03 Dec, 2016 9:51 am
by PaulfromYorkshire
I picked this up from pk1 on Twitter

I’m campaigning on the leafy streets of Richmond with my election agent. He stops a passing woman and I ask her if I can count on her vote.

“For mayor?” she says. “That’s still going on?”

“No,” says my election agent. “To be the MP.”

“But I thought you were already the MP,” says the woman, narrowing her eyes.

“I was,” I explain, “but then I resigned in order to oppose a third runway at Heathrow.” Then the woman says she thought I opposed that already, and I say, “I did.” Then she asks if my opponents are all for it, in that case, and I say, “No, they’re all against it, too.”

Re: Saturday, December 3rd & Sunday, December 4th 2016

Posted: Sat 03 Dec, 2016 10:33 am
by PorFavor

Thank you. I completely forgot about Sunday!

Re: Saturday, December 3rd & Sunday, December 4th 2016

Posted: Sat 03 Dec, 2016 11:22 am
by citizenJA
Good-morning, everyone.

Re: Saturday, December 3rd & Sunday, December 4th 2016

Posted: Sat 03 Dec, 2016 11:33 am
by nickyinnorfolk
Anyone see HIGNFY last night? There was a time when it used to satirise the people in government, now Corbyn seems to be the main target. I'm not even a fan of Corbyn, although he's been skewering May for the last few PMQs.

UKIP's Suzanne Evans was on as a guest, continuing the BBC's obsession with promoting UKIP's profile. It got very very awkward though, and the audience just laughed at her when she claimed that UKIP 'isn't fundamentally anti immigration'. She also strayed into vaguely pornographic territory when she said it had to be 'hard Brexit' because 'it's only good when it's hard'. :shock:

Regarding the notes on Brexit which were photographed, guest Hal Cruttenden mentioned that there's massive notices inside Number 10 warning against having documents on display outside where there can be photographed. So suspicions that the notes were deliberately put on display seem justified, although given how trite and woolly the notes were how the government thought it would enhance their reputation is anyone's guess.

The lady with the notes works for Tory Vice Chairman Mark Field, whom the presenter reminded viewers had an affair with Liz Truss when they were both married to other people - which led to another outing for the THAT. IS. A. DISGRACE. clip. :lol:

Re: Saturday, December 3rd & Sunday, December 4th 2016

Posted: Sat 03 Dec, 2016 11:39 am
by nickyinnorfolk
EU negotiator mocks Brexit Secretary David Davis over Conservatives' shock by-election defeat in Richmond

Following weeks in which European politicians have demanded more detail of the UK’s position, Guy Verhofstadt said he would now finally have something to talk about with Britain’s lead negotiator and that he would ask Mr Davis to explain the defeat.

Worth a read ... 52186.html" onclick=";return false;

Re: Saturday, December 3rd & Sunday, December 4th 2016

Posted: Sat 03 Dec, 2016 11:42 am
by HindleA ... dg.twitter" onclick=";return false;

Happy International Day of Disabled People from the UK Government

Re: Saturday, December 3rd & Sunday, December 4th 2016

Posted: Sat 03 Dec, 2016 11:48 am
by nickyinnorfolk
HindleA wrote: ... dg.twitter

Happy International Day of Disabled People from the UK Government

Re: Saturday, December 3rd & Sunday, December 4th 2016

Posted: Sat 03 Dec, 2016 11:49 am
by AnatolyKasparov
The ruling president of Gambia, who seized power in a 1994 coup, has just suffered a shock defeat in his bid for re-election.

Having previously pledged that he would rule for a billion years "if Allah willed it" he only fell some 999,999,978 short :lol:

Re: Saturday, December 3rd & Sunday, December 4th 2016

Posted: Sat 03 Dec, 2016 11:50 am
by citizenJA
Corbyn is in Prague with other European Socialists Saving Europe. This is pro-EU, I like that.
It's still going on, the live stream is linked below. I'll watch it later.
Party of European Socialists Council Prague
1-3 December 2016" onclick=";return false;

" onclick=";return false;
Corbyn says the populist right has identified the right problems but has 'toxic' solutions

"Europe’s centre-left parties must reject the establishment – or watch the populist far-right win across the continent,
Jeremy Corbyn will warn this weekend. In a speech to Labour’s European sister parties, at the Party of European Socialists
conference in Prague, the Labour leader will warn that the populist right had correctly identified problems with the prevailing
economic model. But he will argue the solutions of those anti-immigrant, anti-EU, and anti-Islam parties were only “toxic dead
ends” that would not solve people’s problems." ... 53066.html" onclick=";return false;

Re: Saturday, December 3rd & Sunday, December 4th 2016

Posted: Sat 03 Dec, 2016 12:11 pm
by citizenJA
Like me, my spouse is interested in politics though he has less opportunity to follow it due to the nature of his work.

Never underestimate the power of mainstream media. Generally speaking, what we see is an editorialised version
of a selection of events served up from powerbrokers mostly uninterested in democracy, equality and justice for all.
I know you all know this. I resent having to spend hours getting accurate information at a time when it should be easy.

Re: Saturday, December 3rd & Sunday, December 4th 2016

Posted: Sat 03 Dec, 2016 12:12 pm
by PorFavor
citizenJA wrote:Corbyn is in Prague with other European Socialists Saving Europe. This is pro-EU, I like that.
It's still going on, the live stream is linked below. I'll watch it later.
Party of European Socialists Council Prague
1-3 December 2016" onclick=";return false;

" onclick=";return false;
Corbyn says the populist right has identified the right problems but has 'toxic' solutions

"Europe’s centre-left parties must reject the establishment – or watch the populist far-right win across the continent,
Jeremy Corbyn will warn this weekend. In a speech to Labour’s European sister parties, at the Party of European Socialists
conference in Prague, the Labour leader will warn that the populist right had correctly identified problems with the prevailing
economic model. But he will argue the solutions of those anti-immigrant, anti-EU, and anti-Islam parties were only “toxic dead
ends” that would not solve people’s problems." ... 53066.html" onclick=";return false;

Right key but the wrong keyhole, as the song has it.

Re: Saturday, December 3rd & Sunday, December 4th 2016

Posted: Sat 03 Dec, 2016 12:36 pm
by PorFavor
Jonathan Safran Foer: technology is diminishing us

Have you found yourself checking email at dinner, or skipping from book to screen, unable to focus? The closer the world gets to our fingertips, the more we stand to lose (Guardian)
A beautifully written piece. I know nothing about the author. ... nishing-us

Re: Saturday, December 3rd & Sunday, December 4th 2016

Posted: Sat 03 Dec, 2016 1:10 pm
by citizenJA
PorFavor wrote:
Jonathan Safran Foer: technology is diminishing us

Have you found yourself checking email at dinner, or skipping from book to screen, unable to focus? The closer the world gets to our fingertips, the more we stand to lose (Guardian)
A beautifully written piece. I know nothing about the author. ... nishing-us
Thank you for posting this.

Re: Saturday, December 3rd & Sunday, December 4th 2016

Posted: Sat 03 Dec, 2016 1:14 pm
by citizenJA
"One needn’t believe in miracles to experience them. But one must be present for them." ... nishing-us" onclick=";return false;

Re: Saturday, December 3rd & Sunday, December 4th 2016

Posted: Sat 03 Dec, 2016 3:03 pm
by AnatolyKasparov
Technology has good and bad aspects, just as it has always done.

I defy anybody to tell me that (even with its shortcomings) Wikipedia is not a genuinely wondrous thing.

Re: Saturday, December 3rd & Sunday, December 4th 2016

Posted: Sat 03 Dec, 2016 3:40 pm
by AngryAsWell
BBC invite EDL members to join Question Time studio audience via Facebook

" onclick=";return false;

Re: Saturday, December 3rd & Sunday, December 4th 2016

Posted: Sat 03 Dec, 2016 3:47 pm
by AnatolyKasparov
That story is actually from over two months ago. Still relevant tho.

Re: Saturday, December 3rd & Sunday, December 4th 2016

Posted: Sat 03 Dec, 2016 5:13 pm
by PaulfromYorkshire
From the BBC
Labour will seek to amend any bill on the Article 50 process to withdraw from the EU, Jeremy Corbyn has reiterated.
The Labour leader told Sky News the party will seek an amendment on "market access and protections", but the referendum result will be respected.
The government's appeal against a High Court ruling that ministers should refer to Parliament before triggering Article 50 will be heard on Monday.
Mr Corbyn is currently in Prague with other left-wing European politicians.
What if ministers lose the Brexit appeal?
The government is expected to lose its Supreme Court appeal against an earlier High Court ruling, which said ministers cannot start the process of the UK's exit from the EU without a parliamentary debate.
BBC News understands that a short three-line bill has been prepared by the government in the event of an Article 50 debate in Parliament, so that Prime Minister Theresa May can still meet her March deadline.
It is not the first time Mr Corbyn has discussed the need to negotiate before agreeing on any potential Article 50 bill.
In November, he told the Sunday Mirror that Labour would not vote in favour of the bill in parliament unless Theresa May agrees to their "Brexit bottom lines".
'Not what we wanted'
On Saturday, Mr Corbyn said: "When the Article 50 debate comes up we will put forward an amendment to it which will be on the issues I've just said on market access and protections.
"We want those to be part of the negotiation but we are respecting the result of the referendum. It might not be the one we wanted, it's the one we've got."
A spokesman for Mr Corbyn told the BBC Labour would propose the amendment to "try to force the government to bring their negotiating position to parliament".
However, the spokesman added that if the amendment failed, Labour "will not vote against the Article 50 bill".
The Labour leader's comments come as Attorney General Jeremy Wright accused the High Court of treating the referendum result as if it were "almost... a footnote" in a document setting out the government's Supreme Court appeal arguments.
Mr Corbyn also gave a speech at the Party of European Socialists in Prague, where he urged progressive parties across Europe to unite against the rise of the "populist right" and accused some "populist right" parties of being "political parasites".

Re: Saturday, December 3rd & Sunday, December 4th 2016

Posted: Sat 03 Dec, 2016 6:01 pm
by SpinningHugo
PaulfromYorkshire wrote:From the BBC
Labour will seek to amend any bill on the Article 50 process to withdraw from the EU, Jeremy Corbyn has reiterated.
The Labour leader told Sky News the party will seek an amendment on "market access and protections", but the referendum result will be respected.
The government's appeal against a High Court ruling that ministers should refer to Parliament before triggering Article 50 will be heard on Monday.
Mr Corbyn is currently in Prague with other left-wing European politicians.
What if ministers lose the Brexit appeal?
The government is expected to lose its Supreme Court appeal against an earlier High Court ruling, which said ministers cannot start the process of the UK's exit from the EU without a parliamentary debate.
BBC News understands that a short three-line bill has been prepared by the government in the event of an Article 50 debate in Parliament, so that Prime Minister Theresa May can still meet her March deadline.
It is not the first time Mr Corbyn has discussed the need to negotiate before agreeing on any potential Article 50 bill.
In November, he told the Sunday Mirror that Labour would not vote in favour of the bill in parliament unless Theresa May agrees to their "Brexit bottom lines".
'Not what we wanted'
On Saturday, Mr Corbyn said: "When the Article 50 debate comes up we will put forward an amendment to it which will be on the issues I've just said on market access and protections.
"We want those to be part of the negotiation but we are respecting the result of the referendum. It might not be the one we wanted, it's the one we've got."
A spokesman for Mr Corbyn told the BBC Labour would propose the amendment to "try to force the government to bring their negotiating position to parliament".
However, the spokesman added that if the amendment failed, Labour "will not vote against the Article 50 bill".
The Labour leader's comments come as Attorney General Jeremy Wright accused the High Court of treating the referendum result as if it were "almost... a footnote" in a document setting out the government's Supreme Court appeal arguments.
Mr Corbyn also gave a speech at the Party of European Socialists in Prague, where he urged progressive parties across Europe to unite against the rise of the "populist right" and accused some "populist right" parties of being "political parasites".
Utterly and completely pitiful.

So Labour will propose an amendment but vote for the Bill anyway once it is defeated.

Re: Saturday, December 3rd & Sunday, December 4th 2016

Posted: Sat 03 Dec, 2016 6:14 pm
by yahyah ... ven-worse/" onclick=";return false;

Latest from YouGov on how voters rate the parties.

Re: Saturday, December 3rd & Sunday, December 4th 2016

Posted: Sat 03 Dec, 2016 6:21 pm
by gilsey
George Osborne has defended earning £320,000 in five speeches since being sacked as chancellor in July, saying he is behaving no differently from his predecessors.

In an interview with the Guardian in Liverpool about his plans to close the north-south divide by continuing to build his “northern powerhouse” from the backbenches, Osborne said he did not think people hit by austerity measures would consider his extra-curricular earnings unfair.

“When I left No 11 unemployment had never been lower in the north, there were more people in work here, incomes were rising, the country was obviously not in crisis any more economically,” he claimed.
Osborne still not stepping out of his parallel universe. ... aking-tour" onclick=";return false;

Re: Saturday, December 3rd & Sunday, December 4th 2016

Posted: Sat 03 Dec, 2016 6:50 pm
by citizenJA
'Will of the people'
The game being played is inscrutable.
Dangerous times

Re: Saturday, December 3rd & Sunday, December 4th 2016

Posted: Sat 03 Dec, 2016 7:42 pm
by PaulfromYorkshire
SpinningHugo wrote:
PaulfromYorkshire wrote:From the BBC
Labour will seek to amend any bill on the Article 50 process to withdraw from the EU, Jeremy Corbyn has reiterated.
The Labour leader told Sky News the party will seek an amendment on "market access and protections", but the referendum result will be respected.
The government's appeal against a High Court ruling that ministers should refer to Parliament before triggering Article 50 will be heard on Monday.
Mr Corbyn is currently in Prague with other left-wing European politicians.
What if ministers lose the Brexit appeal?
The government is expected to lose its Supreme Court appeal against an earlier High Court ruling, which said ministers cannot start the process of the UK's exit from the EU without a parliamentary debate.
BBC News understands that a short three-line bill has been prepared by the government in the event of an Article 50 debate in Parliament, so that Prime Minister Theresa May can still meet her March deadline.
It is not the first time Mr Corbyn has discussed the need to negotiate before agreeing on any potential Article 50 bill.
In November, he told the Sunday Mirror that Labour would not vote in favour of the bill in parliament unless Theresa May agrees to their "Brexit bottom lines".
'Not what we wanted'
On Saturday, Mr Corbyn said: "When the Article 50 debate comes up we will put forward an amendment to it which will be on the issues I've just said on market access and protections.
"We want those to be part of the negotiation but we are respecting the result of the referendum. It might not be the one we wanted, it's the one we've got."
A spokesman for Mr Corbyn told the BBC Labour would propose the amendment to "try to force the government to bring their negotiating position to parliament".
However, the spokesman added that if the amendment failed, Labour "will not vote against the Article 50 bill".
The Labour leader's comments come as Attorney General Jeremy Wright accused the High Court of treating the referendum result as if it were "almost... a footnote" in a document setting out the government's Supreme Court appeal arguments.
Mr Corbyn also gave a speech at the Party of European Socialists in Prague, where he urged progressive parties across Europe to unite against the rise of the "populist right" and accused some "populist right" parties of being "political parasites".
Utterly and completely pitiful.

So Labour will propose an amendment but vote for the Bill anyway once it is defeated.
He didn't say they'd vote for it to be fair.

Re: Saturday, December 3rd & Sunday, December 4th 2016

Posted: Sat 03 Dec, 2016 7:46 pm
by citizenJA
What would the ramifications be if Labour MPs abstained from voting on the Article 50 bill?

Re: Saturday, December 3rd & Sunday, December 4th 2016

Posted: Sat 03 Dec, 2016 7:50 pm
by AnatolyKasparov
Not much, I suspect (any more than MPs of other parties going against their "line" on this, as I expect to happen)

Re: Saturday, December 3rd & Sunday, December 4th 2016

Posted: Sat 03 Dec, 2016 8:06 pm
by tinybgoat
Maybe a slightly different slant on things-
The Conservatives have accused Labour of trying to "frustrate the will of the British people" over Brexit, after Jeremy Corbyn said they would seek to table an amendment if the Supreme Court rules there must be a vote in Parliament. ... 65872.html
"We are respecting the result of the referendum. It might not be the one we wanted but it's the one we've got," he said.
"We are not going to block it. We don't think it is right to do that but I do think there may well be a considerable body of MPs on both sides who would support an amendment which does require a trading agreement with Europe in future."

However the Conservatives said the move was clearly designed to delay the Brexit process while limiting the Government's room for manoeuvre in the negotiations.
"Yet again, Labour have shown they want to frustrate the will of the British people by slowing down the process of leaving the European Union and trying to tie the Government's hands in a negotiation," a Conservative spokesman said.
"Labour are utterly out of touch with the values of working people across our country. Only the Conservatives can be trusted to respect the outcome of the referendum and make a success of Brexit."
edited: missed a bit.

Re: Saturday, December 3rd & Sunday, December 4th 2016

Posted: Sat 03 Dec, 2016 8:08 pm
by citizenJA
It may not get passed.

Re: Saturday, December 3rd & Sunday, December 4th 2016

Posted: Sat 03 Dec, 2016 8:09 pm
by citizenJA
tinybgoat wrote:Maybe a slightly different slant on things-
The Conservatives have accused Labour of trying to "frustrate the will of the British people" over Brexit, after Jeremy Corbyn said they would seek to table an amendment if the Supreme Court rules there must be a vote in Parliament. ... 65872.html
"We are respecting the result of the referendum. It might not be the one we wanted but it's the one we've got," he said.
"We are not going to block it. We don't think it is right to do that but I do think there may well be a considerable body of MPs on both sides who would support an amendment which does require a trading agreement with Europe in future."

However the Conservatives said the move was clearly designed to delay the Brexit process while limiting the Government's room for manoeuvre in the negotiations.
"Yet again, Labour have shown they want to frustrate the will of the British people by slowing down the process of leaving the European Union and trying to tie the Government's hands in a negotiation," a Conservative spokesman said.
"Labour are utterly out of touch with the values of working people across our country. Only the Conservatives can be trusted to respect the outcome of the referendum and make a success of Brexit."
edited: missed a bit.
Good luck, T May, getting all your peeps in a row and voting the thing through.

Re: Saturday, December 3rd & Sunday, December 4th 2016

Posted: Sat 03 Dec, 2016 8:17 pm
by RogerOThornhill
tinybgoat wrote:Maybe a slightly different slant on things-
The Conservatives have accused Labour of trying to "frustrate the will of the British people" over Brexit, after Jeremy Corbyn said they would seek to table an amendment if the Supreme Court rules there must be a vote in Parliament. ... 65872.html
"We are respecting the result of the referendum. It might not be the one we wanted but it's the one we've got," he said.
"We are not going to block it. We don't think it is right to do that but I do think there may well be a considerable body of MPs on both sides who would support an amendment which does require a trading agreement with Europe in future."

However the Conservatives said the move was clearly designed to delay the Brexit process while limiting the Government's room for manoeuvre in the negotiations.
"Yet again, Labour have shown they want to frustrate the will of the British people by slowing down the process of leaving the European Union and trying to tie the Government's hands in a negotiation," a Conservative spokesman said.
"Labour are utterly out of touch with the values of working people across our country. Only the Conservatives can be trusted to respect the outcome of the referendum and make a success of Brexit."
edited: missed a bit.
They need to be reminded that their 2015 manifesto said that they would remain in the single market.

Re: Saturday, December 3rd & Sunday, December 4th 2016

Posted: Sat 03 Dec, 2016 8:46 pm
by AngryAsWell
A little bit more insight into Castro's Cuba, this time on the environment

Fidel Castro’s Enduring Environmental Legacy ... -0012.html" onclick=";return false;

I don't know what to think of this man, how much of the horror stories are true?
How much is false news?
How much was it down to the times he lived in? (Not forgetting that we too imprisoned gay's - and sometimes chemically castrated them - until 1967) and blindfolded and shot so-called defectors in both wars.
I don't want to be an excuser, or imply that bad things can be overlooked by the good done, but I would like some perspective on him that's not either fawning or demonising.

Re: Saturday, December 3rd & Sunday, December 4th 2016

Posted: Sat 03 Dec, 2016 9:10 pm
by gilsey
My thoughts on Castro.
I've never heard any suggestion that he was ripping the country off, unlike your average dictator, and unlike some notionally 'democratically elected' leaders.
Counts for something in my eyes.

Re: Saturday, December 3rd & Sunday, December 4th 2016

Posted: Sat 03 Dec, 2016 9:14 pm
by citizenJA
gilsey wrote:My thoughts on Castro.
I've never heard any suggestion that he was ripping the country off, unlike your average dictator, and unlike some notionally 'democratically elected' leaders.
Counts for something in my eyes.

Re: Saturday, December 3rd & Sunday, December 4th 2016

Posted: Sat 03 Dec, 2016 9:15 pm
by citizenJA
Goodnight, everyone.

Re: Saturday, December 3rd & Sunday, December 4th 2016

Posted: Sat 03 Dec, 2016 9:21 pm
by tinyclanger2
Theresa May will reportedly challenge MPs and peers to “defy the will of the people” if she loses a crucial Supreme Court battle on the right to trigger Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty. ... 53446.html" onclick=";return false;
I feel physically sick now whenever I see this revolting phrase. 37% of "the people" does not constitute said people.

Re: Saturday, December 3rd & Sunday, December 4th 2016

Posted: Sat 03 Dec, 2016 9:29 pm
by HindleA ... in-crisis/" onclick=";return false;

Temporary accommodation in London is a system in crisis

Re: Saturday, December 3rd & Sunday, December 4th 2016

Posted: Sat 03 Dec, 2016 9:31 pm
by HindleA ... presidency" onclick=";return false;

Austria’s worried Jews pray far right will fail to win presidency

Re: Saturday, December 3rd & Sunday, December 4th 2016

Posted: Sat 03 Dec, 2016 9:32 pm
by tinyclanger2
Vegetarian café receives barrage of online abuse for refusing to accept new five pound note
'I'm a nervous wreck. I can't handle this level of vitriol. People are finding every kind of criticisms like blowing up our pictures to see what kind of shoes we have,' says owner Sharon Meijland ... 53906.html" onclick=";return false;
Having said that if this is what the British people have become am happy not to be considered one.

Re: Saturday, December 3rd & Sunday, December 4th 2016

Posted: Sat 03 Dec, 2016 9:37 pm
by HindleA ... ge-in-will" onclick=";return false;

Former German PoW leaves £384,000 to Scottish village in will

Re: Saturday, December 3rd & Sunday, December 4th 2016

Posted: Sat 03 Dec, 2016 9:37 pm
by AngryAsWell
FC United Manchester ‏@FCUnitedMcr Dec 2
FC United are opening Broadhurst Park for the homeless on Xmas Day.

We're looking for volunteers to assist, can you help out?" onclick=";return false;

Re: Saturday, December 3rd & Sunday, December 4th 2016

Posted: Sat 03 Dec, 2016 9:55 pm
by AngryAsWell
In answer to Stephan Kinnock's Labour List article here ... itishness/" onclick=";return false;


"It reminded me greatly of the 1980s when section 28 came into force, but my local education authority defied it, and not only continued to teach the existence of homosexuality but went further to promote it. At my school we had protests outside with people leafleting that homosexuals were ‘perverts’. This was not true. This has never been true. It was a perception that a lot of people believed in and we, as a Labour council fought for what was right. That is what Labour does. That is why we are a progressive movement. We do not indulge in injustice just because it is popular. We are prepared to put in the hard work to create the fair and equal society we believe is best for our country.

Your role as a Labour MP is not to echo misinformation and scapegoatism developed to distract the failure of politics. Your role is not to mislead desperate and vulnerable people that ‘clampdowns’ on immigration will improve their homes, job possibilities, income and public services. Your role is not to stir racial tensions in areas that require solutions not additional burdens of social disorder. Your role is promote our vision of an equal, productive and cohesive society where we aspire to eradicate inequality and achieve social mobility." ... innock-mp/" onclick=";return false;

Small part of the long blog post that rings so very true.

Re: Saturday, December 3rd & Sunday, December 4th 2016

Posted: Sat 03 Dec, 2016 10:07 pm
by AngryAsWell
'Stop Brexit' party 'would beat Labour and Ukip in a general election'
Hypothetical party could win 25.9 per cent of the vote if an election was held tomorrow ... 76306.html" onclick=";return false;

Re: Saturday, December 3rd & Sunday, December 4th 2016

Posted: Sat 03 Dec, 2016 10:13 pm
by AngryAsWell
Nick SuttonVerified account
Mail on Sunday front page:
Panic in No10 over Cabinet Brexit leaks
#tomorrowspaperstoday #bbcpapers

" onclick=";return false;

Re: Saturday, December 3rd & Sunday, December 4th 2016

Posted: Sat 03 Dec, 2016 11:13 pm
by HindleA ... ut-of-beds" onclick=";return false;

Sick children moved as NHS intensive care units run out of beds

Re: Saturday, December 3rd & Sunday, December 4th 2016

Posted: Sun 04 Dec, 2016 12:27 am
by HindleA ... -good-deal" onclick=";return false;

Tories must publish Brexit plan or there’s zero chance of getting a good deal
Keir Starmer

Re: Saturday, December 3rd & Sunday, December 4th 2016

Posted: Sun 04 Dec, 2016 2:36 am
by HindleA ... s-homeless" onclick=";return false;

Growing crisis on UK streets as rough sleeper numbers soar

Re: Saturday, December 3rd & Sunday, December 4th 2016

Posted: Sun 04 Dec, 2016 3:03 am
by HindleA ... 54421.html" onclick=";return false;

Theresa May orders crackdown on unauthorised leaks by ministers and civil servants, leaked memorandum reveals