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Wednesday 3rd September 2014

Posted: Wed 03 Sep, 2014 7:30 am
by refitman
Morning all. Labour lead at 3 points on Youogv:

Latest YouGov / The Sun results 2nd Sept -

Con 32%, (-2)
Lab 35%, (no change)
LD 8%, (+1)
UKIP 15%; (+1)

APP -24 (-1)

Re: Wednesday 3rd September 2014

Posted: Wed 03 Sep, 2014 8:33 am
by danesclose
Morning all. We can rest safe in our beds - Dave is chairing another meeting of COBRA

Re: Wednesday 3rd September 2014

Posted: Wed 03 Sep, 2014 8:40 am
by danesclose
Don't know if this has been posted (had a quick look at yesterdays board & couldn't see anything) but apparently half of schools in UK’s biggest academy chain are officially failing their pupils ... 04784.html" onclick=";return false;

Re: Wednesday 3rd September 2014

Posted: Wed 03 Sep, 2014 8:59 am
by RogerOThornhill
danesclose wrote:Don't know if this has been posted (had a quick look at yesterdays board & couldn't see anything) but apparently half of schools in UK’s biggest academy chain are officially failing their pupils ... 04784.html" onclick=";return false;
Yes, it's on page 1 about 3:30pm...

Expanded too fast and in too many areas of the country- with the help of the DfE who won't ever admit that.

Interesting Education select committee this morning. Apart from the appalling brown-nosed Dan Moynhihan who thinks that academies can do no wrong, we have a lawyer who's shit-hot on the legal aspects and the chap in charge of Prospect Academies Trust who've just quit saying they couldn't cope. I wrote about them a couple of months back so I'm interested to see what explanation they come up with...and whether they blame the DfE.

There's also some announcement from Nicky Morgan on the cards which sounds decidedly ominous if Dominic Cummings can be believed.

Re: Wednesday 3rd September 2014

Posted: Wed 03 Sep, 2014 9:46 am
by TechnicalEphemera
danesclose wrote:Morning all. We can rest safe in our beds - Dave is chairing another meeting of COBRA

Maybe the muppet can deal with the fact his intervention in Libya means AQ affiliated organisations have managed to get 11 airliners out of Tripoli Airport. ... ks-on-911/

Given how little of the world is covered by primary radar that is a worry.

Re: Wednesday 3rd September 2014

Posted: Wed 03 Sep, 2014 10:09 am
by TheGrimSqueaker
If I said this over on the Graun I would be modded, but I thought the trick was not to feed the trolls.

Are people adopting the Mr Creosote approach with RingPiece, trying to feed him so much that eventually he explodes? Sadly all it will do is encourage him enough to grow yet another new head.

Re: Wednesday 3rd September 2014

Posted: Wed 03 Sep, 2014 10:18 am
by StephenDolan
TheGrimSqueaker wrote:If I said this over on the Graun I would be modded, but I thought the trick was not to feed the trolls.

Are people adopting the Mr Creosote approach with RingPiece, trying to feed him so much that eventually he explodes? Sadly all it will do is encourage him enough to grow yet another new head.
I've decided to ignore him. Troll needs a diet.

Re: Wednesday 3rd September 2014

Posted: Wed 03 Sep, 2014 10:22 am
by RogerOThornhill

The chap from Prospect has just landed the DfE into the poo.

I was right - it was the DfE asked PAT to take over Gloucester Academy....despite the fact that they knew that PAT were in trouble...and the DfE themselves had already stopped PAT from taking over more schools!

Re: Wednesday 3rd September 2014

Posted: Wed 03 Sep, 2014 10:29 am
by TheGrimSqueaker
StephenDolan wrote: I've decided to ignore him. Troll needs a diet.
Same here. Although he's been steering clear of me for a while, he tends not to come out of our encounters too well! :dance:

Re: Wednesday 3rd September 2014

Posted: Wed 03 Sep, 2014 10:52 am
by RogerOThornhill
RobertSnozers wrote:
TheGrimSqueaker wrote:
StephenDolan wrote: I've decided to ignore him. Troll needs a diet.
Same here. Although he's been steering clear of me for a while, he tends not to come out of our encounters too well! :dance:
I barely go back to the politics liveblog now, and never post, but does he still post under RustinPeace or does he have a different identity now?
Still the same.

I pointed out that he said yesterday that he wouldn't be posting much as he had lots of work to do. My charge that maybe this was his work was predictably deleted.

Re: Wednesday 3rd September 2014

Posted: Wed 03 Sep, 2014 11:04 am
by PorFavor
Good morning.

Did anyone else see the news item yesterday evening (re the little boy, currently in Spain, with the brain tumour)? It featured David Cameron oozing sympathy\empathy for the parents since he'd had personal experience of having, and nursing, a gravely sick child. The news item (possibly on Sky - I had to beat a hasty retreat) was replete with photographs of DC cradling his son, Ivan. The whole works. It really disgusted me.

Re: Wednesday 3rd September 2014

Posted: Wed 03 Sep, 2014 11:25 am
by PorFavor
Further to my Ashya King reference, above, here's a link to the text version of the item (and yes, it was Sky, although it may also have featured elsewhere). I can't find a link to the video version of the actual broadcast, but David Cameron's comments appear a fair way down in the text article.

Edited to add link! ... ys-parents

Re: Wednesday 3rd September 2014

Posted: Wed 03 Sep, 2014 12:10 pm
by TheGrimSqueaker
PorFavor wrote:Good morning.

Did anyone else see the news item yesterday evening (re the little boy, currently in Spain, with the brain tumour)? It featured David Cameron oozing sympathy\empathy for the parents since he'd had personal experience of having, and nursing, a gravely sick child. The news item (possibly on Sky - I had to beat a hasty retreat) was replete with photographs of DC cradling his son, Ivan. The whole works. It really disgusted me.
I have immense sympathy for anybody who loses a child, especially in the distressing way it happened to the Camerons. But I always get the itchy feeling that he is exploiting it now for political benefit - they don't allow photos of the other children, for example, yet the Ivan ones are used often - which to my mind is beneath contempt; I've tried very hard to give him the benefit of the doubt in the past, but can do so no longer and feel genuine sadness that he would even use this for personal gain.

Re: Wednesday 3rd September 2014

Posted: Wed 03 Sep, 2014 12:35 pm
by AnatolyKasparov
Meanwhile, back in Clacton.........

Roger Lord has quit UKIP, resigned his council seat, and endorsed..........wait for it..........the LIBDEMS!!!!

:lol: :lol:

Re: Wednesday 3rd September 2014

Posted: Wed 03 Sep, 2014 12:50 pm
by pk1
AnatolyKasparov wrote:Meanwhile, back in Clacton.........

Roger Lord has quit UKIP, resigned his council seat, and endorsed..........wait for it..........the LIBDEMS!!!!

:lol: :lol:
Mr Lord, a farmer, said he would be handing his support to Liberal Democrat Gary Scott, Tendring district councillor for Alresford, who he described as a “very genuine person” for the forthcoming county council by-election.

The Liberal Democrats are due to select their Parliamentary candidate in a meeting last night in Clacton, with the winner set to be unveiled in the town on Saturday.

Mr Scott said he would not be standing in the by-election. ... _1_3755662" onclick=";return false;

:lol: so he's endorsing somebody who won't even be standing in the by-election !! :lol:

The residents of Clacton had a lucky escape I reckon.

Re: Wednesday 3rd September 2014

Posted: Wed 03 Sep, 2014 12:54 pm
by PorFavor

Labour’s Sarah Champion asks about the abuse in Rotherham. When will the government appoint the chair to the national abuse inquiry?

Cameron says Theresa May is leading a committee of ministers. The announcement of the chair of the abuse inquiry will be made in the coming days.

The police sometimes felt these people were beyond the pale, he [David Cameron] says. That offends our sense of decency. (Andrew Sparrow, Guardian)
Does anyone know, please, if the bit in bold is what he actually said? If so, what on earth is he talking about?

Re: Wednesday 3rd September 2014

Posted: Wed 03 Sep, 2014 12:59 pm
by RogerOThornhill
PorFavor wrote:

Labour’s Sarah Champion asks about the abuse in Rotherham. When will the government appoint the chair to the national abuse inquiry?

Cameron says Theresa May is leading a committee of ministers. The announcement of the chair of the abuse inquiry will be made in the coming days.

The police sometimes felt these people were beyond the pale, he [David Cameron] says. That offends our sense of decency. (Andrew Sparrow, Guardian)
Does anyone know, please, if the bit in bold is what he actually said? If so, what on earth is he talking about?
I took it to mean that sometimes the police thought that the girls who were being abused weren't worth their time and effort.

But it is the case that the police in some instances weren't able to proceed because the girls refused to either tell them who the abuser was or wouldn't give evidence against them. hard to see how the police could be blamed for that.

Re: Wednesday 3rd September 2014

Posted: Wed 03 Sep, 2014 3:00 pm
by RogerOThornhill
Oh wow.

Compulsory setting: schools face being forced to separate pupils by ability
Education secretary expected to enforce setting in England by asking Ofsted to make it a condition of being rated outstanding
Completely. Lost. The. Plot. using Ofsted to do the dirty work.

Autonomy? What autonomy?

Re: Wednesday 3rd September 2014

Posted: Wed 03 Sep, 2014 3:48 pm
by pk1
PorFavor wrote:

Labour’s Sarah Champion asks about the abuse in Rotherham. When will the government appoint the chair to the national abuse inquiry?

Cameron says Theresa May is leading a committee of ministers. The announcement of the chair of the abuse inquiry will be made in the coming days.

The police sometimes felt these people were beyond the pale, he [David Cameron] says. That offends our sense of decency. (Andrew Sparrow, Guardian)
Does anyone know, please, if the bit in bold is what he actually said? If so, what on earth is he talking about?
Here's the exact quote as recorded in Hansard:
But there is also a big concern that sometimes the police and other agencies ignored these people because they felt they were beyond the pale, which offends all our senses of human decency. ... wn/89/#c89" onclick=";return false;

Nope, PF, not a clue what he meant.

Re: Wednesday 3rd September 2014

Posted: Wed 03 Sep, 2014 3:50 pm
by RogerOThornhill
RogerOThornhill wrote:Oh wow.

Compulsory setting: schools face being forced to separate pupils by ability
Education secretary expected to enforce setting in England by asking Ofsted to make it a condition of being rated outstanding
Completely. Lost. The. Plot. using Ofsted to do the dirty work.

Autonomy? What autonomy?
According to Dominic Cummings, this is coming from No 10 which makes sense as Wintour wrote the story and not Richard Adams.

But...did it actually come from an idea from Nick Gibb? I said before that Gibb was put back in the DfE to make sure that Morgan didn't stray too far from the path - this smacks of his kind of bonkersness.

Re: Wednesday 3rd September 2014

Posted: Wed 03 Sep, 2014 4:23 pm
by letsskiptotheleft
My seat, I have just discovered is in the Top 100 of ''Ukip Friendly Labour Seats'' which rather makes a mockery of the whole list as they have no councillors, and I have yet ever to see a Ukip poster anywhere on my travels, even during the Euro's. ... our-seats/" onclick=";return false;

Re: Wednesday 3rd September 2014

Posted: Wed 03 Sep, 2014 4:30 pm
by PorFavor
pk1 wrote: ... wn/89/#c89" onclick=";return false;

Nope, PF, not a clue what he meant.

Hello - and thanks for the full quote. Lordy, lordy - he's a deep one, isn't he? Still. he was breath-takingly impressive at fish- pointing, too, so that should have given us a clue as to his true greatness.

Re: Wednesday 3rd September 2014

Posted: Wed 03 Sep, 2014 4:47 pm
by letsskiptotheleft
RobertSnozers wrote:
letsskiptotheleft wrote:My seat, I have just discovered is in the Top 100 of ''Ukip Friendly Labour Seats'' which rather makes a mockery of the whole list as they have no councillors, and I have yet ever to see a Ukip anywhere on my travels. ... our-seats/" onclick=";return false;
I'm a bit surprised neither of the Southampton seats are on the list. Parts of the population seem very receptive to Ukip and might fall into the 'left behind' category, e.g. former Ford plant workers (thanks Vince, you incompentent prick). Plus we have Eastleigh next door, and that's crawling with kippers.
A lot of it hardly makes sense, looks as though they did their conclusions on the Euro results, which anyone with half a brain knows are different to the GE, certainly some strange Welsh inclusions there, Ynys Mon?

Talking of strange, that well balanced and nuanced chap Sean Hannity of Fox News reckons Farage is a potential PM, Nige let rip a bit here, there again he was amongst potential friends? ... _hp_ref=tw" onclick=";return false;

Re: Wednesday 3rd September 2014

Posted: Wed 03 Sep, 2014 5:11 pm
by letsskiptotheleft
I can hardly think of a worse night out. :lol:" onclick=";return false;

Re: Wednesday 3rd September 2014

Posted: Wed 03 Sep, 2014 5:13 pm
by RogerOThornhill
Oh dear...

Kevin Brennan @KevinBrennanMP · 20m
Nicky Morgan denies she's introducing compulsory setting and says people outside the House should not speculate on Twitter


I was told by No10 and two others in Whitehall a version v close to @patrickwintour story. Some had warned internally it was mad


Car crash politics...

Re: Wednesday 3rd September 2014

Posted: Wed 03 Sep, 2014 5:15 pm
by Tubby Isaacs
Has anyone in the fawning media asked Carswell about his book yet?

His philosophy is basically "privatise hospital and have a referendum on the colour of paint in reception"

Re: Wednesday 3rd September 2014

Posted: Wed 03 Sep, 2014 5:18 pm
by ohsocynical
Plans unveiled for new academy in West Reading

And here's another. :rofl:

Re: Wednesday 3rd September 2014

Posted: Wed 03 Sep, 2014 5:18 pm
by letsskiptotheleft
RogerOThornhill wrote:Oh dear...

Kevin Brennan @KevinBrennanMP · 20m
Nicky Morgan denies she's introducing compulsory setting and says people outside the House should not speculate on Twitter


I was told by No10 and two others in Whitehall a version v close to @patrickwintour story. Some had warned internally it was mad


Car crash politics...
Cummings has been rather industrious this afternoon hasn't he, to give him credit he is good at choosing his moments.

Re: Wednesday 3rd September 2014

Posted: Wed 03 Sep, 2014 5:20 pm
by Tubby Isaacs
letsskiptotheleft wrote:My seat, I have just discovered is in the Top 100 of ''Ukip Friendly Labour Seats'' which rather makes a mockery of the whole list as they have no councillors, and I have yet ever to see a Ukip poster anywhere on my travels, even during the Euro's. ... our-seats/" onclick=";return false;
My constituency, Bethnal Green and Bow, must be pretty close to the the least UKIPpy.

Re: Wednesday 3rd September 2014

Posted: Wed 03 Sep, 2014 5:24 pm
by danesclose
Evening All.
Martin Rowson's latest take on Dave & COBRA
2014-09-03_164238.jpg (77.79 KiB) Viewed 24294 times

Re: Wednesday 3rd September 2014

Posted: Wed 03 Sep, 2014 5:27 pm
by pk1
letsskiptotheleft wrote:My seat, I have just discovered is in the Top 100 of ''Ukip Friendly Labour Seats'' which rather makes a mockery of the whole list as they have no councillors, and I have yet ever to see a Ukip poster anywhere on my travels, even during the Euro's. ... our-seats/" onclick=";return false;
I live in a Con held, south eastern seat. The incumbent MP has an 11,500 majority yet appears on that Ford/Goodwin list of potential Ukip seats !

There is little to say about the list other than it's crap & there is more chance of that pig learning to fly than for Ukip to take this seat.

Re: Wednesday 3rd September 2014

Posted: Wed 03 Sep, 2014 5:30 pm
by Tubby Isaacs
RogerOThornhill wrote:
But it is the case that the police in some instances weren't able to proceed because the girls refused to either tell them who the abuser was or wouldn't give evidence against them. hard to see how the police could be blamed for that.
Yes, that's certainly part of it, though Lancashire Police have prosecuted far more people successfully.

There was some great trolling v Keir Starmer the other day. Apparently he was sat there with files on his desks vetoing criminal cases because he's so politically correct, or something.

A poster who seemed sensible said the other day that the police threatened a victim who "brought a friend along" could be prosecuted for procuring. Is that true? Was that perhaps a desperate (though utterly misguided) attempt to get her to testify?

Re: Wednesday 3rd September 2014

Posted: Wed 03 Sep, 2014 5:33 pm
by AnatolyKasparov
Some of the seats high on that Labour "target" list are simply loopy - Knowsley, for instance, has no UKIP presence to speak of whatsoever.

"Demographics" ain't everything.

Re: Wednesday 3rd September 2014

Posted: Wed 03 Sep, 2014 5:43 pm
by letsskiptotheleft
pk1 wrote:
letsskiptotheleft wrote:My seat, I have just discovered is in the Top 100 of ''Ukip Friendly Labour Seats'' which rather makes a mockery of the whole list as they have no councillors, and I have yet ever to see a Ukip poster anywhere on my travels, even during the Euro's. ... our-seats/" onclick=";return false;
I live in a Con held, south eastern seat. The incumbent MP has an 11,500 majority yet appears on that Ford/Goodwin list of potential Ukip seats !

There is little to say about the list other than it's crap & there is more chance of that pig learning to fly than for Ukip to take this seat.
Exactly, Ford and Godwin are having a tidy little living at the moment through Ukip, no problem with that, there's bigger arseholes than them plying the same trade, but some it is just ridiculous.

Anatoly, yes, demographics count for nothing at times, the Rhondda is on there too.

Re: Wednesday 3rd September 2014

Posted: Wed 03 Sep, 2014 5:49 pm
by letsskiptotheleft
Carswell will fit right in with The Peoples Army, do people actually realise who they vote for?

" onclick=";return false;

Re: Wednesday 3rd September 2014

Posted: Wed 03 Sep, 2014 6:05 pm
by ohsocynical
Oh, what a night! Mark your calender now for the Lib Dem disco
Just when you thought conference season couldn’t get any more exciting, the Lib Dems unveil plans for what will surely be an evening to remember

I haven't read BTL yet. Am expecting an entertaining half an hour. :lol:

Re: Wednesday 3rd September 2014

Posted: Wed 03 Sep, 2014 6:09 pm
by AngryAsWell
I know its petty and I shouldn't laugh but...
:lol!: :lol!: :lol!:

Tory MP for Morecambe and Lunesdale spells the name of his own constituency wrong ... ncy-wrong/" onclick=";return false;

Re: Wednesday 3rd September 2014

Posted: Wed 03 Sep, 2014 6:17 pm
by pk1
Is it just me or do the links no longer open in a separate tab ?

I'm sure I remember refitman saying he had reset it so they did.

Re: Wednesday 3rd September 2014

Posted: Wed 03 Sep, 2014 6:18 pm
by pk1
Who is online
Users browsing this forum: AnatolyKasparov, AngryAsWell, Bing [Bot], danesclose, Hobiejoe, ohsocynical, pk1, PorFavor, rearofthestore, RogerOThornhill, TheGrimSqueaker, Tubby Isaacs and 28 guests
28 guests ! Come on in, don't be shy.

Re: Wednesday 3rd September 2014

Posted: Wed 03 Sep, 2014 6:19 pm
by TheGrimSqueaker
letsskiptotheleft wrote:
Exactly, Ford and Godwin are having a tidy little living at the moment through Ukip.....
Somehow that typo, when discussing UKIP, seems so apt.

Re: Wednesday 3rd September 2014

Posted: Wed 03 Sep, 2014 6:39 pm
by refitman
pk1 wrote:Is it just me or do the links no longer open in a separate tab ?

I'm sure I remember refitman saying he had reset it so they did.
It appears to be links that have

Code: Select all

around them. I have removed the button for now, until I can work out if I can fix it.

Re: Wednesday 3rd September 2014

Posted: Wed 03 Sep, 2014 6:42 pm
by PorFavor
Goodnight, everyone.

Re: Wednesday 3rd September 2014

Posted: Wed 03 Sep, 2014 6:46 pm
by RogerOThornhill
letsskiptotheleft wrote:
RogerOThornhill wrote:Oh dear...

Kevin Brennan @KevinBrennanMP · 20m
Nicky Morgan denies she's introducing compulsory setting and says people outside the House should not speculate on Twitter


I was told by No10 and two others in Whitehall a version v close to @patrickwintour story. Some had warned internally it was mad


Car crash politics...
Cummings has been rather industrious this afternoon hasn't he, to give him credit he is good at choosing his moments.
He gets better...I'm warming to him.

odysseanproject @odysseanproject · 1h
Ahh, No10's plan for the launch of the 'compulsory setting manifesto policy', it will make you WEEP!

odysseanproject @odysseanproject · 2h
As I said before don't blame Nicky M for this setting debacle. It's classic No10, the guys who are dealing with ISIS...

Re: Wednesday 3rd September 2014

Posted: Wed 03 Sep, 2014 7:26 pm
by ohsocynical
PorFavor wrote:Goodnight, everyone.

Night PF :)

Re: Wednesday 3rd September 2014

Posted: Wed 03 Sep, 2014 7:36 pm
by Spacedone
Remember how the Lobbying Bill wasn't about silencing those pesky charities who had been saying things the government didn't want anyone to hear?

Charities should stick to knitting and keep out of politics, says MP (the new Civil Society Minister) ... ok-newmark" onclick=";return false;
Asked about the ability of charities to campaign, he said: "We really want to try and keep charities and voluntary groups out of the realms of politics. Some 99.9% do exactly that. When they stray into the realm of politics that is not what they are about and that is not why people give them money."

In comments first reported on Civil Society, he added: "The important thing charities should be doing is sticking to their knitting and doing the best they can to promote their agenda, which should be about helping others."

Re: Wednesday 3rd September 2014

Posted: Wed 03 Sep, 2014 7:38 pm
by Tubby Isaacs
ohsocynical wrote:Plans unveiled for new academy in West Reading

And here's another. :rofl:
Oh Christ.
The proposed new Civitas Academy
Headteacher who's never worked in a school?

Re: Wednesday 3rd September 2014

Posted: Wed 03 Sep, 2014 7:44 pm
by Tubby Isaacs
Nothing to see here.

Stanley Knife missing from shambolic Sodexo jail. ... es-7712148" onclick=";return false;

Great timing too.
The disappearance comes during a week when Government officials from Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Prisons (HMIP) are visiting the jail to assess conditions.

Re: Wednesday 3rd September 2014

Posted: Wed 03 Sep, 2014 7:46 pm
by Tubby Isaacs
Nothing to see here.

Stanley Knife missing from shambolic Sodexo jail. ... es-7712148" onclick=";return false;

Great timing too.
The disappearance comes during a week when Government officials from Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Prisons (HMIP) are visiting the jail to assess conditions.

Re: Wednesday 3rd September 2014

Posted: Wed 03 Sep, 2014 8:14 pm
by letsskiptotheleft
Friend of mine, an accountant in Cardiff has been told not to go to work tomorrow, all non-emergency cases in the Heath have been cancelled, according to my niece, and mostly all schools in Newport and Cardiff are shut, due to the summit..

Now if the unions had done such a thing....

Re: Wednesday 3rd September 2014

Posted: Wed 03 Sep, 2014 8:49 pm
by Tubby Isaacs
letsskiptotheleft wrote:Friend of mine, an accountant in Cardiff has been told not to go to work tomorrow, all non-emergency cases in the Heath have been cancelled, according to my niece, and mostly all schools in Newport and Cardiff are shut, due to the summit..

Now if the unions had done such a thing....

I went on the train from Newport to Cardiff. It wasn't next door.