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Tuesday 6th September 2022

Posted: Tue 06 Sep, 2022 6:35 am
by refitman
Morning all.

Re: Tuesday 6th September 2022

Posted: Tue 06 Sep, 2022 7:40 am
by refitman
Clearly the lesson to take away from the weekend

Re: Tuesday 6th September 2022

Posted: Tue 06 Sep, 2022 8:24 am
by frog222
Know your enemy p22473

A free read of the very detailed Times article
” Others remember Truss as someone who was bristling with ideas. “She was the person you wanted to sit next to. She was quick-witted and sharp. She enjoyed the repartee.”

Truss was also a member of Oxford’s Hayek Society, a student group advocating free trade, and the pro-EU Reform Club, another society dedicated to open markets. Other members of the Reform Club at the time included Olly Robbins, who became the UK’s chief Brexit negotiator, and Mark Littlewood, a Lib Dem turned Brexiteer who is the director of the Institute of Economic Affairs, a right-wing think tank.

Dominating the opposite side of the debate was a group of notorious Eurosceptics a few years above Truss, who included Daniel Hannan, the Brexiteer who Truss later appointed to the UK’s Board of Trade, and Jacob Rees-Mogg.

Littlewood and Truss would rekindle their friendship later in life. Reflecting on their time at university together, Littlewood said: “I wouldn’t have considered it a ludicrous thought that she could be prime minister. But if you told me she would be prime minister with the enthusiastic support of Dan Hannan and Jacob Rees-Mogg, I would have thought you were probably taking the mick.” ... tory-right

Re: Tuesday 6th September 2022

Posted: Tue 06 Sep, 2022 9:15 am
by RogerOThornhill
Good morning.

The only thing you need to read about yet another reference to a Roman...

Re: Tuesday 6th September 2022

Posted: Tue 06 Sep, 2022 10:11 am
by notnowsonny
I thought it was impossible to top Priti Patel's self-congratulatory letter of resignation for unadulterated bullshit, but Borarse (copyright notnowsonny)
managed it today. Within minutes of his departure (and how I laughed when he nearly walked Clarrie into a lamp-post, blind as always to those depending on him) commentators were tearing apart his boasts and, let's be honest, lies.

Long may it last.

Re: Tuesday 6th September 2022

Posted: Tue 06 Sep, 2022 12:37 pm
by RogerOThornhill

Re: Tuesday 6th September 2022

Posted: Tue 06 Sep, 2022 12:53 pm
by AnatolyKasparov
How is the campaign to "Reinstate Boris" going?

Re: Tuesday 6th September 2022

Posted: Tue 06 Sep, 2022 3:36 pm
by frog222
I was reading Libération just now, where she was also described as a weather-vane -- ... 4M24HMCYY/

As for this bit of rubbish --

Re: Tuesday 6th September 2022

Posted: Tue 06 Sep, 2022 3:42 pm
by AnatolyKasparov
Looks like a few people Truss might have expected to be supportive are turning down positions in the "new" government.

Re: Tuesday 6th September 2022

Posted: Tue 06 Sep, 2022 4:04 pm
by tinyclanger2
Hello all.

Re: Tuesday 6th September 2022

Posted: Tue 06 Sep, 2022 4:05 pm
by tinyclanger2
I read and appreciate your various contributions daily, but remain in a quasi vegetative state (shocked by the world) which appears to inhibit me from thinking of anything remotely valuable or interesting to contribute.

Still, why start now eh!

Re: Tuesday 6th September 2022

Posted: Tue 06 Sep, 2022 4:06 pm
by tinyclanger2
On the other hand (Joe Lycett)

Re: Tuesday 6th September 2022

Posted: Tue 06 Sep, 2022 4:07 pm
by frog222
From The Times Red Box mail

"Dorries, meanwhile, has told friends she had been “genuinely torn” between accepting an offer from Truss to stay on as culture secretary and pursuing other interests such as writing – but has since decided to head to the backbenches before accepting a peerage. <b>How soon she chooses to trigger that by-election will be an early test of just how much loyalty Johnson acolytes feel they owe his successor.</b>"

<b>"4. The audacity of Chope

At the very top of Liz Truss's in-tray: the worst kind of parting gift from Boris Johnson. </b>

" Overnight the government laid a motion to remove Conservative MP Laura Farris from the privileges committee investigation into whether the outgoing prime minister misled parliament... and replace her with one Sir Christopher Chope, the veteran backbencher and Brexiteer.

Farris announced over the summer that she would step down from the partygate probe. But it is hard to read No 10's choice of replacement as anything but deliberately provocative: if Chope's parliamentary career will be remembered for anything, it will be for his use of parliamentary procedure to frustrate colleagues.

He also has form for blocking investigations into alleged misconduct – in 2018 he was one of three MPs to veto an inquiry into bullying accusations against John Bercow. Unsurprisingly, Labour will move to force a vote on his appointment. It forces Truss, who has been critical of the investigation as a whole and lunched with Johnson at Chequers last week, to show her hand on partygate and her successor on day one. "


Various people would perhaps prefer for him to remain MP for the quite marginal Uxbridge , should the Tories do badly next GE...

but that also a mixed blessing ! :-)

Re: Tuesday 6th September 2022

Posted: Tue 06 Sep, 2022 4:10 pm
by tinyclanger2
(Although in a fundamental way I don't approve, I did find the evidence-based approach entertaining)

Re: Tuesday 6th September 2022

Posted: Tue 06 Sep, 2022 4:38 pm
by frog222
Rain and distant thunder here, how's the weather at Number Ten ?

Nice if she is interrupted by floods of rain ..

Re: Tuesday 6th September 2022

Posted: Tue 06 Sep, 2022 5:35 pm
by AnatolyKasparov
There were big thunderstorms locally last night, and one has just started again now.

Re: Tuesday 6th September 2022

Posted: Tue 06 Sep, 2022 5:53 pm
by tinyclanger2
What's the collective noun for a big bunch of Tories

Re: Tuesday 6th September 2022

Posted: Tue 06 Sep, 2022 6:02 pm
by frog222
@TC2 -- something with 'cluster' in it I'm sure :-)

Re: Tuesday 6th September 2022

Posted: Tue 06 Sep, 2022 6:17 pm
by frog222
A sizable cluster of creeps waiting for their new Leader

Re: Tuesday 6th September 2022

Posted: Tue 06 Sep, 2022 7:13 pm
by tinyclanger2
I remember when Cameron and Osborne came in and we thought it couldn't get any worse (I think we were even still at the Guardian comments at the time)

Re: Tuesday 6th September 2022

Posted: Tue 06 Sep, 2022 8:01 pm
by tinyclanger2
(For the record I was modded for using the word "psychopath")

Re: Tuesday 6th September 2022

Posted: Tue 06 Sep, 2022 8:41 pm
by frog222
CRACE ... o-the-last
" Downing Street fell silent as Johnson and Carrie, who looked as if she had just come from Coachella, came out of the front door of No 10. The Convict looked vaguely disturbed, as if he couldn’t quite believe his reckoning was finally at hand. Somehow he had clung to the hope it had all been a bad joke and that the Tory party would come to their senses and beg him to stay. His eyes darted around, searching for a saviour to rise from the streets. None came. "

Re: Tuesday 6th September 2022

Posted: Tue 06 Sep, 2022 9:46 pm
by Sky'sGoneOut
” Others remember Truss as someone who was bristling with ideas. “She was the person you wanted to sit next to. She was quick-witted and sharp. She enjoyed the repartee.”
We keep being told this, that away from the cameras she's brimming with wit and intelligence, yet her 'achievements' in all the ministerial posts she's had tell a very different story. I mean just take the trade deal she struck with New Zealand. They were literally laughing about it in the New Zealand press, they couldn't believe anyone would have been so stupid to offer it, free rein to their farmers and a negative impact on our GDP. Her time as enviroment minister has left our rivers and seas clogged with shit. As justice secretary her single notable achievement was failing to defend judges when the Mail described them as enemies of the people and as chief secretary to the treasury she achieved precisely nothing besides posting lots of pictures of herself on Instagram.

If we judge Liz Truss by her deeds rather than the fawning anecdotes of sycophants then the picture that emerges matches exactly what we see from her in public. A vapid simpleton barely able to string a coherent sentence together with the mannerisms of a Thunderbirds puppet suffering from neurological trauma.

It's like asking people to believe that sprouts are nice if you cook them properly, years of experience tells us otherwise.

Well we're about to see who's right.

I'm predicting Thick Lizzy won't last a year, she has the support of less than half of Tory MPs, little over half the membership and despite the efforts of the right wing press her polling is absolutely atrocious even with Tory voters. I've never experienced a new Prime Minister be welcomed in with such a resounding 'meh'.

Oh well, at least her parents will be proud of her...

(Edited because I bollocksed up the formatting).

Re: Tuesday 6th September 2022

Posted: Tue 06 Sep, 2022 9:59 pm
by refitman

Re: Tuesday 6th September 2022

Posted: Tue 06 Sep, 2022 10:02 pm
by frog222
@Sky hope you're right :

Re: Tuesday 6th September 2022

Posted: Tue 06 Sep, 2022 10:06 pm
by Sky'sGoneOut
tinyclanger2 wrote: Tue 06 Sep, 2022 5:53 pm What's the collective noun for a big bunch of Tories
Given today's developments I'd have to borrow a Japanese word and say a 'seppuku' of Tories.

Re: Tuesday 6th September 2022

Posted: Tue 06 Sep, 2022 10:56 pm
by Sky'sGoneOut
As a Classics graduate who has long had the hots for Natalie Haynes (despite her less than successful appearance on QT) may I just express my admiration for that splendid tweet above.

Johnson appears to have studied Classics without actually fucking learning anything. Given his previous utterings I doubt he even knows who Cincinnatus is besides the legend of his comeback and 'virtue' which was nothing of the sort. He became dictator to defend his son who with a gang of patrician thugs murderously stopped the plebeians in their efforts to gain equality through the Republic's political system.

I suppose there's always a chance Johnson's knowledge isn't as superficial as he's previously demonstrated and he know's exactly what he's saying and sending a message to his colleagues but I doubt it.

He's just a fat, lazy fraud who shambled out of power with barely anyone bothering to listen to his delusional shit anymore.

If the Tory faithful want to go for him again once Thick Lizzy has run her brief course then so be it.

Outside of their ranks he's even less popular than she is so he really would have to emulate a dictator crushing the political will of the people if he wants fancy wallpaper again.

Re: Tuesday 6th September 2022

Posted: Tue 06 Sep, 2022 11:07 pm
by AnatolyKasparov
I assume all on here will be aware of the gossip about Truss and the new Chancellor? A "brave" appointment in more than one sense.

Re: Tuesday 6th September 2022

Posted: Tue 06 Sep, 2022 11:19 pm
by Sky'sGoneOut
Well I suppose if I fat shame Johnson it's only fair to slut shame Truss.

Actually no. It isn't. She can fuck who she likes and frankly, given her looks and all the rest, I think she's done pretty well for herself.

But then again, I'm not married to her.

Have we suddenly become French when affairs by conservative politicians are things to be either ignored or celebrated?

Re: Tuesday 6th September 2022

Posted: Tue 06 Sep, 2022 11:38 pm
by RogerOThornhill
Interesting appointment - I do wonder - since there's not a lot of woke in international trade - whether la Truss has been told that not that many people are interested in such stuff. Thankfully given her comments before, she didn't get education...

Re: Tuesday 6th September 2022

Posted: Tue 06 Sep, 2022 11:44 pm
by Sky'sGoneOut
This last weekend my brother managed to persuade me that Orbital weren't entirely shite.

Re: Tuesday 6th September 2022

Posted: Wed 07 Sep, 2022 12:14 am
by Sky'sGoneOut
RogerOThornhill wrote: Tue 06 Sep, 2022 11:38 pm Interesting appointment - I do wonder - since there's not a lot of woke in international trade - whether la Truss has been told that not that many people are interested in such stuff. Thankfully given her comments before, she didn't get education...
They're scared of her, whether we like it or not she, or someone like her, will be the face of the new Conservatives. Johnson purged any semblance of sanity and Truss is riding on the frayed coatails of old school Tory dogma.

From the Chilean constitution to abortion in the U.S the right has moved on and are fighting and winning wars that make Truss look like a particularly shit dinosaur.

They've lost the economic argument. How can anyone justify a prick like Musk being so rich? So we have the culture wars as a distraction.

A distraction certaian sections of the left are more than happy to take part in because they're too fucking stupid to realise they're being played.

Re: Tuesday 6th September 2022

Posted: Wed 07 Sep, 2022 2:47 am
by Sky'sGoneOut