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Tuesday 4th April 2023

Posted: Tue 04 Apr, 2023 6:59 am
by refitman
Morning all.

Re: Tuesday 4th April 2023

Posted: Tue 04 Apr, 2023 10:08 am
by frog222
Anticapitalist idiot rampant :-)

Re: Tuesday 4th April 2023

Posted: Tue 04 Apr, 2023 10:20 am
by gilsey

Re: Tuesday 4th April 2023

Posted: Tue 04 Apr, 2023 10:38 am
by frog222
Oh dear , involuntary laugh here .

Re: Tuesday 4th April 2023

Posted: Tue 04 Apr, 2023 11:18 am
by frog222

Re: Tuesday 4th April 2023

Posted: Tue 04 Apr, 2023 1:02 pm
by AnatolyKasparov
Said "regulator" just happens to be a card carrying Tory - surprised?

Re: Tuesday 4th April 2023

Posted: Tue 04 Apr, 2023 4:12 pm
by tinyclanger2
Third up Australia

I have a horrible feeling that Australia's Voyager might garner a fair few votes with their nonsensical "Promise". The very cross-looking singer reminds me of a certain Professor (Leeds Uni circa 1980) whom a fellow student once described as "bald with long hair". It's an equally apt description of both of these men, and yet describes such very different layouts of a) baldness and b) hair.

Apart from that Voyager presents a motely collection of facial hair, man-buns, rolled-up jacket sleeves and general prancing about. There's a background of Australian landscapes, accompanied by a kind of banal Pink Floyd-OMD-Lordy-Boyzone kind of a sound. They also use the words "Cross my heart til the sky turns red" at least twice.

Clanger rating:
Was it fun? In a ghoulish-fascination kind of a way
Was it dancey? More prancey than dancey
What would Terry have said about it? I suspect he would have made reference to the lead lad's haircut.

Re: Tuesday 4th April 2023

Posted: Tue 04 Apr, 2023 4:21 pm
by gilsey
Enjoying these tc2, don't stop. How many did you say there were?

Re: Tuesday 4th April 2023

Posted: Tue 04 Apr, 2023 6:38 pm
by Sky'sGoneOut
He's got a sort of early Human League Phil Oakey thing going on but without the gender bending so it just looks naff. Still better than the drummer's man bun though.

To my eternal shame I must admit that I did briefly sport a top knot because I actually was going bald with long hair and was attempting to obscure the fact. The entirely justified ridicule I endured prompted my transition to a shaved head and I haven't regretted it since. Apart from stupidly not realising that without hair the top of your head burns really easily in the sun. That really hurt and when it began to peel I looked like I had some sort of tropical disease. Fortunately I went on to discover that someone had invented hats.

Re: Tuesday 4th April 2023

Posted: Tue 04 Apr, 2023 6:57 pm
by Sky'sGoneOut
I see Jenrick has been fined and banned from driving for 6 months for speeding. His defence being...
“I was driving below the national speed limit on an empty motorway, with no road works in sight. I now understand that a variable speed limit had been applied, which I didn’t see. I wouldn’t knowingly exceed the speed limit.”
Yeah right, so he wants us to believe he didn't see any of the gantries spanning the motorway with big signs in bright lights telling him to slow down, because if that's the case he shouldn't be driving at all. If there'd been an accident ahead he could have ploughed into emergency workers. What an absolute prick.

Re: Tuesday 4th April 2023

Posted: Tue 04 Apr, 2023 7:12 pm
by AnatolyKasparov
He's truly a gift that keeps on "giving".

Re: Tuesday 4th April 2023

Posted: Tue 04 Apr, 2023 7:13 pm
by tinyclanger2
Sky'sGoneOut wrote: Tue 04 Apr, 2023 6:38 pm He's got a sort of early Human League Phil Oakey thing going on but without the gender bending so it just looks naff. Still better than the drummer's man bun though.

To my eternal shame I must admit that I did briefly sport a top knot because I actually was going bald with long hair and was attempting to obscure the fact. The entirely justified ridicule I endured prompted my transition to a shaved head and I haven't regretted it since. Apart from stupidly not realising that without hair the top of your head burns really easily in the sun. That really hurt and when it began to peel I looked like I had some sort of tropical disease. Fortunately I went on to discover that someone had invented hats.

Re: Tuesday 4th April 2023

Posted: Tue 04 Apr, 2023 7:14 pm
by tinyclanger2
gilsey wrote: Tue 04 Apr, 2023 4:21 pm Enjoying these tc2, don't stop. How many did you say there were?
(looks modestly down). There are Many of these yet to go.

Re: Tuesday 4th April 2023

Posted: Tue 04 Apr, 2023 7:27 pm
by tinyclanger2
It's always the 80s in Clangerworld

Re: Tuesday 4th April 2023

Posted: Tue 04 Apr, 2023 7:30 pm
by tinyclanger2
Coincidentally I once played the wall in a Midsummer Night's dream at school.
Such was the extent of my acting abilities.

Re: Tuesday 4th April 2023

Posted: Tue 04 Apr, 2023 7:33 pm
by tinyclanger2
I beg your pardon. Occasionally it;s the 70's.

Re: Tuesday 4th April 2023

Posted: Tue 04 Apr, 2023 7:35 pm
by tinyclanger2
:dance: :dance: :dance:

Re: Tuesday 4th April 2023

Posted: Tue 04 Apr, 2023 8:04 pm
by RogerOThornhill
In amongst all of the "Oh, wasn't he just brilliant" there have been a few "Er...hang on..."

Lawson was incredibly lucky (like Howe) in having the income from North Sea oil coming in, and incredibly risky - Big Bang and the late 80s boom.

Re: Tuesday 4th April 2023

Posted: Tue 04 Apr, 2023 8:20 pm
by frog222
Would any clever cnuts around here predict the consequences of a yet unknown SARS Variant --

Some things nobody knows, BUT some are knowlable given access to data ...

Re: Tuesday 4th April 2023

Posted: Tue 04 Apr, 2023 8:20 pm
by frog222

Re: Tuesday 4th April 2023

Posted: Tue 04 Apr, 2023 8:33 pm
by refitman
Sky'sGoneOut wrote: Tue 04 Apr, 2023 6:57 pm I see Jenrick has been fined and banned from driving for 6 months for speeding. His defence being...
“I was driving below the national speed limit on an empty motorway, with no road works in sight. I now understand that a variable speed limit had been applied, which I didn’t see. I wouldn’t knowingly exceed the speed limit.”
Yeah right, so he wants us to believe he didn't see any of the gantries spanning the motorway with big signs in bright lights telling him to slow down, because if that's the case he shouldn't be driving at all. If there'd been an accident ahead he could have ploughed into emergency workers. What an absolute prick.
He also admitted there's no legal route for asylum seekers into the UK

Re: Tuesday 4th April 2023

Posted: Tue 04 Apr, 2023 9:19 pm
by Sky'sGoneOut
tinyclanger2 wrote: Tue 04 Apr, 2023 7:30 pm Coincidentally I once played the wall in a Midsummer Night's dream at school.
Such was the extent of my acting abilities.
I can't remember what the school play was but me and my friend Matthew had to shoot each other. I used my dad's old air rifle but he brought in an actual shotgun and was allowed to shoot me with real cartridges with the shot removed. Except on the evening of our performance he missed a pellet while cleaning out the cartridge and I still have a scar from being shot in the arm at point blank range live on stage. I had to lie still pretending to be dead despite being in considerable pain.

Those were the days, none of your health safety nonsense. Everyone had a good laugh and my parents didn't even complain to the school. Even I didn't mind because I got attention and sympathy from the girls in the cast. Getting the pellet removed wasn't much fun though.

Re: Tuesday 4th April 2023

Posted: Tue 04 Apr, 2023 9:40 pm
by Sky'sGoneOut
Not long after that I came home drunk after an orienteering trip. Our teacher, Mr Hill, decided to stop off at the Black Bull pub in a little village called Lowick and bought us all two or three halves of Guinness while getting pissed himself before getting back in the van and driving us home. I was 12. Once again as far as I'm aware nobody complained to the school. He was still in his job when I left 6 years later.

That would have been 1983 so it would be fair to say society was still under the malign influence of those who'd grown up during the decadent 60's.

Re: Tuesday 4th April 2023

Posted: Tue 04 Apr, 2023 10:32 pm
by Sky'sGoneOut
Trump in an email to his supporters...
“While we are living through the darkest hours of American history, I can say that at least for this moment right now, I am in great spirits.”
Yeah dude, you being prosecuted for falsifying business records is definitely way darker than, say, a civil war that killed over half a million people.

Say what you like about Johnson but at least he didn't try to claim his appearance in front of the select committee was worse than the black death.

Re: Tuesday 4th April 2023

Posted: Tue 04 Apr, 2023 11:02 pm
by Sky'sGoneOut
refitman wrote: Tue 04 Apr, 2023 8:33 pm He also admitted there's no legal route for asylum seekers into the UK
He can say that until he's blue in the face but the the UNHCR refugee convention to which we are a signatory says otherwise. There's no such thing as a legal route because under the convention anyone who arrives here can legaly claim asylum. Safe routes are another matter.

The bigger problem is them deliberately halting the processing of asylum claims, presumably to intentionally create a crisis which they'll claim only they can solve at the next GE.

They'll happily make tens of thousands of desperate people suffer just to cling to power and god knows what the Labour party will say about it. I guess it depends on whatever they've heard from their focus groups that week.

Re: Tuesday 4th April 2023

Posted: Wed 05 Apr, 2023 12:26 am
by Sky'sGoneOut
While I'm on a roll could I add my voice to that of Gilsey and encourage TC to continue their excellent Eurovision review odyssey.

the kind of music that used to make me want to dance on Greek buses.
I'd love to know what Greek buses you've been on TC. I've been on a few but never felt like dancing, quite the opposite. But to be fair to Greek buses that was the fault of Australian backpackers keeping me up all night in hostels. Always fucking Australians. May dingos eat their babies.

I tried to give it the full benefit of the doubt, but in all honesty had to stop viewing half way through in the interests of my mental health.
She ended up levitating in a skimpy outfit made out of straps as if a pervy Armenian David Copperfield was behind the curtain.

As for the glorious Lene Lovich.

Re: Tuesday 4th April 2023

Posted: Wed 05 Apr, 2023 1:24 am
by Sky'sGoneOut
We all know Shaddap your Face stopped Vienna getting to Number one.

Less famously who do you think kept Kim Wilde away from that vaunted spot?

Let's just say he trembles and appreciates the history of dilapidated buildings.

Re: Tuesday 4th April 2023

Posted: Wed 05 Apr, 2023 4:01 am
by Sky'sGoneOut