Friday 2nd June 2023

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Friday 2nd June 2023

Post by refitman »

Morning all.
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Re: Friday 2nd June 2023

Post by frog222 »

Morning refit

Hoping Sky's absence is only about bloody internet probs .

Watched a few QT clips on twitter, but missed George Freeman "going off-message" as R4 put it this morning .

Looking around one might say the GBD’s have won as huge numbers of us are blissfully unaware of the risks from reinfection .

We will see about that .

I haven’t been long on twitter, the first person I followed was

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Re: Friday 2nd June 2023

Post by frog222 »

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Re: Friday 2nd June 2023

Post by frog222 »

Quite a list, from FEBRUARY 3 ffs ! --

Answer wanted on why Hancock was not sacked
The Covid-19 inquiry will seek answers about why Boris Johnson failed to attend any Cobra meetings in the lead-up to the pandemic and why he decided not to sack Matt Hancock, according to letters released for the first time (George Grylls writes).

The Cabinet Office’s decision to sue the inquiry has resulted in the publication of letters providing a first insight into the topics that will be explored by the probe. Baroness Hallett, who is chairing the inquiry, wrote to Johnson on February 3 with a list of 150 questions about the government’s handling of the pandemic.

The questions, which cover everything from the decision to discharge patients from hospitals into care homes in the spring of 2020 to the creation of the Eat Out to Help Out scheme, were drawn up to help Johnson compose a witness statement.

Hallett begins her questions by asking about the way decisions were made in No 10 and what extent informal messaging systems were used and recorded.

She asks if he had any concerns about “the performance of any cabinet minister” and “did you receive advice from the then cabinet secretary that Matt Hancock MP, should be removed from his position?”

There are also some embarrassing questions for Johnson on how seriously he took the disease during the early stage of the pandemic.

One question asks: “To what extent did you believe that coronavirus was akin to influenza? Did you hold and express the initial view in early 2020 that Covid-19 was not a serious threat and was akin to swine flu?”

One of the most damning questions comes later and reads: “Please explain what impact, if any, you consider alleged breaches of social restriction and lockdown rules by ministers, officials and advisers . . . had on public confidence and the maintenance of observance of those rules by the public?” "
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Re: Friday 2nd June 2023

Post by frog222 »

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Re: Friday 2nd June 2023

Post by frog222 »

Don't hold your breaths --

" In 2013, even the Swedish authorities began to question the dead end into which they had waded at the advice of the British authorities by insisting on extradition. They considered dropping the extradition case, writing to the Crown Prosecution Service: “Hope I didn’t ruin your weekend”.

Why would a Swedish prosecutor dropping an extradition attempt for a sex case in Sweden ruin the weekend of CPS authorities?

There are too many unanswered questions in this case. Some of the key decisions were taken when the Crown Prosecution Service was headed by Keir Starmer, current leader of the British Labour Party. What role, if any, did Keir Starmer play in the Julian Assange case?

The highly anomalous handling of the Swedish case by both the Swedish prosecutors and the Crown Prosecution Service resulted in justice for no one, contributed to the devastation of Assange’s health, cost British taxpayers at least 13.2 million pounds to keep the Ecuadorian embassy under siege, resulted in the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention decision that Sweden and Britain had arbitrarily detained Assange since 2010 and, finally, led the UN Special Rapporteur on torture, Nils Melzer, to denounce 50 perceived due process violations. "
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Re: Friday 2nd June 2023

Post by AnatolyKasparov »

Sky might be on his hols (again!)
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Re: Friday 2nd June 2023

Post by frog222 »

AnatolyKasparov wrote: Fri 02 Jun, 2023 1:03 pm Sky might be on his hols (again!)
Well , I hope it's that !

Sounds as tho QT was a right zinger .
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Re: Friday 2nd June 2023

Post by frog222 »

A few parents have been fortunate enough, and/or clever enough to protect their kids like this one from WA --

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Re: Friday 2nd June 2023

Post by frog222 »

Repeat Johnson , it's not up to you to redact it

"" “In view of the urgency of your request I believe we need to test this advice, which came from the security services.

“I have asked the Cabinet Office for assistance in turning it on securely so that I can search it for all relevant material.

“I propose to pass all such material directly to you.”, ""
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Re: Friday 2nd June 2023

Post by frog222 »

" Unaccompanied by officials, and seemingly in relaxed and sentimental mood, Johnson casually agreed that the Australians could have their beef exported to the UK on the basis of the weight of the cuts of steak, rather than the weight of the carcass.

The well-sourced account of the trade disaster in Politico continues: “To their amazement, Johnson gave way on tariffs and product weights. Brandis, the high commissioner, moved like a flash, writing down Johnson’s pledge on a piece of paper and then excusing himself to go to the washroom. On his way to the toilet he handed the paper to an aide, the same former Australian official added.

“The aide digitally scanned the note and sent it instantly to the Australian High Commission on the Strand, where a waiting colleague quickly turned it into a formal trade document. This was sent back and — remarkably — printed out inside No 10, and then placed by the Australian team into an official-looking folder. The folder was handed back to Brandis as he headed back into the dinner.”

Johnson has called Politico’s account of what happened “rubbish”, but even if the UK-Australia Free Trade Agreement wasn’t literally written on bog roll, it may as well have been, so much did it damage British agriculture." ... 50254.html

Boris the Blunderer !
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Re: Friday 2nd June 2023

Post by AnatolyKasparov »

Brexit was going to be the easiest thing in history, remember.
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Re: Friday 2nd June 2023

Post by refitman »

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Re: Friday 2nd June 2023

Post by gilsey »

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Re: Friday 2nd June 2023

Post by refitman »

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Re: Friday 2nd June 2023

Post by refitman »

Snap Gilsey
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Re: Friday 2nd June 2023

Post by frog222 »

Scathing stuff also from Bastani on Starmer towards the end of this segment

( Michael Walker CLUELESS! Obviously hasn't read Oliver Eagleton article from 2+ years ago at Novara, or his book from last year . ) ....

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Re: Friday 2nd June 2023

Post by gilsey »

More depressing and sadly unsurprising Labour news.

Starmer urged to use some of Labour’s £28bn green fund for other spending
One shadow cabinet minister said: “Voters care more about jobs than green stuff. It was always a mistake to call it the green prosperity plan. A bunch of us are now saying to Rachel it should be used for capital spending even if it’s not explicitly green.”
Labour sources say that Reeves has indicated to colleagues there will be no additional money to pay for major infrastructure spending, leaving shadow ministers battling to claim a share of the green fund for their own projects.
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Re: Friday 2nd June 2023

Post by frog222 »

gilsey wrote: Fri 02 Jun, 2023 10:37 pm More depressing and sadly unsurprising Labour news.
Starmer urged to use some of Labour’s £28bn green fund for other spending
One shadow cabinet minister said: “Voters care more about jobs than green stuff. It was always a mistake to call it the green prosperity plan. A bunch of us are now saying to Rachel it should be used for capital spending even if it’s not explicitly green.”
Labour sources say that Reeves has indicated to colleagues there will be no additional money to pay for major infrastructure spending, leaving shadow ministers battling to claim a share of the green fund for their own projects.
"" There will be no additional money for Operation Overlord .

( Which is why this is translated from the German . )
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Re: Friday 2nd June 2023

Post by frog222 »
