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Friday 15th April 2016

Posted: Fri 15 Apr, 2016 7:11 am
by refitman
Morning all.

Re: Friday 15th April 2016

Posted: Fri 15 Apr, 2016 8:06 am
by rebeccariots2
Anushka Asthana ‏@GuardianAnushka 12m12 minutes ago Richmond, London
Great spot by @DaveHill: Boris Johnson praise for Sadiq Khan stance on Islamist terror in 2005:" onclick=";return false; #londonmayor2016
What a nasty mendacious hypocrite Boris Johnson is re joining in with the smears on Sadiq Khan - as this article shows. When the London mayoral campaign is over I hope Goldsmith and Johnson are thoroughly discredited - neither of them deserve to keep any of the charming, benign image they've previously cultivated.

Re: Friday 15th April 2016

Posted: Fri 15 Apr, 2016 8:17 am
by PaulfromYorkshire

Wadebridge West (Cornwall) result:
LDEM: 43.5% (+19.2)
CON: 25.6% (-39.9)
LAB: 16.0% (+5.8)
IND: 8.0% (+8.0)
GRN: 6.8% (+6.8)

-40% :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Friday 15th April 2016

Posted: Fri 15 Apr, 2016 8:17 am
by rebeccariots2
Debbie Abrahams ‏@Debbie_abrahams 7m7 minutes ago
The late Michael MEACHER MP proposed a PMB in 2013 on clamping down on Tax Evasion that Govt talked out! So much for their commitment!

Re: Friday 15th April 2016

Posted: Fri 15 Apr, 2016 8:20 am
by StephenDolan
Morning all.

Richard Murphy excellent on Today, dismantled the tax secrecy argument put forward. Let's hope this stays a hot topic.

Re: Friday 15th April 2016

Posted: Fri 15 Apr, 2016 8:20 am
by rebeccariots2
PaulfromYorkshire wrote:Extraordinary

Wadebridge West (Cornwall) result:
LDEM: 43.5% (+19.2)
CON: 25.6% (-39.9)
LAB: 16.0% (+5.8)
IND: 8.0% (+8.0)
GRN: 6.8% (+6.8)
And good I think. We need the Lib Dems to comeback in the south west - and it shows the level of disillusion with the Tories. Tim Farron tweeted about it last night - I don't begrudge him excitement at this result. Cornwall used to have one of the good Lib Dem MPs which it was sad to lose.

Re: Friday 15th April 2016

Posted: Fri 15 Apr, 2016 8:21 am
by PaulfromYorkshire
StephenDolan wrote:Morning all.

Richard Murphy excellent on Today, dismantled the tax secrecy argument put forward. Let's hope this stays a hot topic.
Yes great to see him gaining a high profile, hopefully at the expense of the Taxpayers Alliance!

Re: Friday 15th April 2016

Posted: Fri 15 Apr, 2016 8:27 am
by PaulfromYorkshire
rebeccariots2 wrote:
PaulfromYorkshire wrote:Extraordinary

Wadebridge West (Cornwall) result:
LDEM: 43.5% (+19.2)
CON: 25.6% (-39.9)
LAB: 16.0% (+5.8)
IND: 8.0% (+8.0)
GRN: 6.8% (+6.8)
And good I think. We need the Lib Dems to comeback in the south west - and it shows the level of disillusion with the Tories. Tim Farron tweeted about it last night - I don't begrudge him excitement at this result. Cornwall used to have one of the good Lib Dem MPs which it was sad to lose.
Yes. As I've pointed out before, Farron has one undeniable quality (and perhaps only one) and that is he is not a Westminster Village type. I'd really hoped that the South West and the English shires would have been tempted towards the Lib Dems in abhorrence of the Bullingdon Brigade last year. But Clegg became one of them didn't he? Now, as we've discussed, with the Yorkshire Post shouting for the region against Cameron and the like times may change.

Why would anyone in Wadebridge think for one second about voting for the party of an Eton, Bullingdon toff who shags pigs and whose Dad avoided, however legally, paying tax?

Re: Friday 15th April 2016

Posted: Fri 15 Apr, 2016 8:27 am
by rebeccariots2
Mirror Politics ‏@MirrorPolitics 5m5 minutes ago
Strike row NHS chief bragged how he gave up weekend work ...and it was 'fantastic' ... ed-7758685" onclick=";return false; …
Bruce Keogh loses credibility by the day.

Re: Friday 15th April 2016

Posted: Fri 15 Apr, 2016 8:36 am
by refitman
Zac Goldsmith did not declare family interest in green grant cuts
Tory mayoral candidate asked questions in parliament about cuts that affected brother Ben’s investments in solar energy firm ... grant-cuts" onclick=";return false;
The Conservative mayoral candidate asked questions in parliament about cuts in green grants that affected solar energy companies owned by his younger brother, but did not declare an indirect interest.

Zac Goldsmith put down six questions between November 2011 and February 2012 after the government announced it would slash subsidies to the solar industry. Goldsmith warned MPs that there was panic in the industry over ministers’ plans.

His younger brother, Ben, a venture capitalist, had personally invested in one solar energy firm Engensa, which described the cuts as unacceptable. Ben Goldsmith’s investment fund, WHEB, also owned a quarter of Engensa’s software partner, PassivSystems, a firm valued at £40m in 2014.

Re: Friday 15th April 2016

Posted: Fri 15 Apr, 2016 8:49 am
by danesclose
refitman wrote:Oops!
Zac Goldsmith did not declare family interest in green grant cuts
Tory mayoral candidate asked questions in parliament about cuts that affected brother Ben’s investments in solar energy firm ... grant-cuts" onclick=";return false;
The Conservative mayoral candidate asked questions in parliament about cuts in green grants that affected solar energy companies owned by his younger brother, but did not declare an indirect interest.

Zac Goldsmith put down six questions between November 2011 and February 2012 after the government announced it would slash subsidies to the solar industry. Goldsmith warned MPs that there was panic in the industry over ministers’ plans.

His younger brother, Ben, a venture capitalist, had personally invested in one solar energy firm Engensa, which described the cuts as unacceptable. Ben Goldsmith’s investment fund, WHEB, also owned a quarter of Engensa’s software partner, PassivSystems, a firm valued at £40m in 2014.
Good morning. I wonder what sort of coverage The Standard will give to this story?

Re: Friday 15th April 2016

Posted: Fri 15 Apr, 2016 9:01 am
by PaulfromYorkshire
It just shows there's no such thing as a nice Tory. It seems Zac's green trappings weren't quite so pure as he'd made us believe.

Re: Friday 15th April 2016

Posted: Fri 15 Apr, 2016 9:05 am
by nickyinnorfolk
Britain ‘lagging behind developed world’ on child poverty, Unicef report reveals

Unicef’s deputy executive director for the UK said the country ‘can and must do better‘ and should be ‘more ambitious’ for its children ... 83291.html" onclick=";return false;

Well, there's a surprise ... not. :fire:

Near where I live there's a town called Holt, which has the worst child poverty figures (24pc) in Norfolk apart from Norwich. If you visited Holt you might find that hard to believe, if you were in the town centre at any rate. It looks very upmarket - lots of posh shops, nice cafés and restaurants, and the public school and prep school Gresham's taking up a lot of space with its extensive buildings and playing fields. And yet this same town is home to severe deprivation. There was a report in the Eastern Daily Press about this in 2012 - I expect it's got worse in the meantime. ... _1_1174539" onclick=";return false;

Re: Friday 15th April 2016

Posted: Fri 15 Apr, 2016 9:14 am
by nickyinnorfolk
I didn't see Question Time yesterday but apparently a lady in the audience really laid it on the line to the obnoxious Daniel Hannan.
She was cheered as she fumed how David Cameron had "stripped us of everything" through years of austerity cuts - including a Women's Aid refuge that had stood for 40 years but will shut in two weeks.

"We were told a lie," she stormed. "We were told we had to take austerity. We were told that we had to lose our jobs, our libraries, our swimming baths.

"Cameron? He did not look after the vulnerable - he made sure the rich got richer and richer".
Pro- Brexit MEP Mr Hannan kept trying to bring the debate back to his pet subject of the EU - saying it was raiding British taxes.

The woman was having none of it.

She shouted over him: "It's a lie!".

At that point host David Dimbleby told staff to remove the roaming microphone which was picking up the woman's comments. ... er-7759310" onclick=";return false;

Re: Friday 15th April 2016

Posted: Fri 15 Apr, 2016 11:04 am
by AnatolyKasparov
Generally good results for the LibDems in yesterday's byelections, and Labour doing decently despite none of the seats being natural territory for them.

More later, as ever ;)

Re: Friday 15th April 2016

Posted: Fri 15 Apr, 2016 11:10 am
by StephenDolan ... ell-review" onclick=";return false;

'Efficient administration of local council tax support was “hampered” because councils have to administer both the government-set pensioner entitlement and the nationally mandated housing benefit scheme.'


Re: Friday 15th April 2016

Posted: Fri 15 Apr, 2016 11:15 am
by PorFavor
Good morfternoon.
G4S fined 100 times since 2010 for breaching prison contracts

Ministry of Justice data obtained by Labour shows one prison was fined on 28 occasions incurring £1m in penalties

G4S has been fined at least 100 times for breaching its contracts to run prisons since 2010, according to data obtained by Labour.

Andrew Selous, the prisons minister, revealed that almost £3m has been paid in fines since David Cameron came to power, after Labour made repeated requests to the Ministry of Justice (MoJ).

The data showed that one prison alone, HMP Rye Hill, has been fined on 28 separate occasions and incurred £1m in penalties.

Louise Haigh, Sheffield Heeley MP and a shadow civil service minister, said Labour had to “prise this vital data out of the hands of a desperately reluctant MoJ”.

[She also said] " .... the fines being paid by G4S are pitifully small and constitute nothing more than a slap on the wrist. At the Medway youth jail, where an undercover investigation revealed endemic child abuse, G4S only received a meagre £700 fine." (Guardian - my emphasis) ... -contracts

Re: Friday 15th April 2016

Posted: Fri 15 Apr, 2016 11:30 am
by Willow904 ... r-suggests" onclick=";return false;
Inquest hears financial reasons seemed to be behind decision for a mother to have a natural birth despite her objections. Her baby died days later
This woman saw a consultant obstetrician early in her second pregnancy, which shows that the difficulties in her first birth had been recognised. I'm really surprised she wasn't offered the choice of an elective caesarian at this point. The idea that cost was a factor in not offering her the option is surprising, but it seems to me the coronor would only log it as a factor if he had been explicitly told this was the case. In some ways she was unfortunate the forceps delivery in her first birth was successful, as had that delivery ended up as an emergency caesarian, she would surely have been offered an elective one next time around. Very sad story. Childbirth has become so much safer over the years, but it still isn't without risk and it sometimes feels the women who take those risks aren't always given the consideration they deserve.

Re: Friday 15th April 2016

Posted: Fri 15 Apr, 2016 11:35 am
by HindleA
Councils don't do themselves any favours,we had both a waste of time and cost in needless "discussions/visitations" about whether a room with a dialysis machine was every used for any other purpose/by anybody else,which were irrelevant,for the purpose of the disabled reduction in CT.The spending more in attempts to deny habit is not confined to national Governments.

Re: Friday 15th April 2016

Posted: Fri 15 Apr, 2016 11:42 am
by PorFavor
At the top of the Politics Readers' Edition (Guardian) -

The photo' of David Cameron and Paddy Ashdown - is it a set-up for a muddle "with hilarious consequences"?

Re: Friday 15th April 2016

Posted: Fri 15 Apr, 2016 12:33 pm
by PorFavor
I've been reflecting on the Zac Goldsmith situation. It was a terrible mistake (for them) for the Conservatives to decide to tarnish the image of their "white knight". Uncharacteristic cock-up on the election front. What were they thinking of?

Re: Friday 15th April 2016

Posted: Fri 15 Apr, 2016 12:41 pm
by nickyinnorfolk
PorFavor wrote:I've been reflecting on the Zac Goldsmith situation. It was a terrible mistake (for them) for the Conservatives to decide to tarnish the image of their "white knight". Uncharacteristic cock-up on the election front. What were they thinking of?
Quite. I think Zac fancied himself as a male version of Princess Di (the resemblance was remarked on in one of his Guardian interviews) - whom his sister Jemima Khan was very close to in her latter years.

Incidentally, apparently there's been some confusion about whose sister Ms Khan is, some people assuming she was Sadiq's sister ... :)

She's supposed to be vaguely left wing as well (she's associate editor of the New Statesman).

Re: Friday 15th April 2016

Posted: Fri 15 Apr, 2016 12:44 pm
by AnatolyKasparov
Part of me wonders if Zac is deliberately trashing the Crosby brand, to show that sort of politics "doesn't work" in the capital at least.

That is probably far too Machiavellian in reality, but the crassness of some of his recent blunders mean you can't help but entertain that idea just a little bit ;)

Re: Friday 15th April 2016

Posted: Fri 15 Apr, 2016 12:48 pm
by PorFavor
AnatolyKasparov wrote:Part of me wonders if Zac is deliberately trashing the Crosby brand, to show that sort of politics "doesn't work" in the capital at least.

That is probably far too Machiavellian in reality, but the crassness of some of his recent blunders mean you can't help but entertain that idea just a little bit ;)
Yes, probably! Unless, at a later date, it transpires that Zac Goldsmith has deposited a letter to that effect with a solicitor or notary. You know - in the event of my demise . . . .

Re: Friday 15th April 2016

Posted: Fri 15 Apr, 2016 12:55 pm
by Rebecca
AnatolyKasparov wrote:Part of me wonders if Zac is deliberately trashing the Crosby brand, to show that sort of politics "doesn't work" in the capital at least.

That is probably far too Machiavellian in reality, but the crassness of some of his recent blunders mean you can't help but entertain that idea just a little bit ;)
IMO Goldsmith is just an average,run of the mill nasty Tory,he usually manages to hide this under the glossy veneer of boyish good looks,wealth and spurious charm.
Cast your minds back a few years when he showed his true colours in an interview with the lovely Jon Snow:[youtube]UovcMQXxmoE[/youtube]

Re: Friday 15th April 2016

Posted: Fri 15 Apr, 2016 12:57 pm
by yahyah

Anyone else having trouble loading comments on the readers' edition of AS's blog ?

Re: Friday 15th April 2016

Posted: Fri 15 Apr, 2016 12:59 pm
by Rebecca
yahyah wrote:Afternoon.

Anyone else having trouble loading comments on the readers' edition of AS's blog ?
I'm having trouble loading any comments on the guardian atm.

How are you feeling now btw?

Re: Friday 15th April 2016

Posted: Fri 15 Apr, 2016 1:02 pm
by Willow904
AnatolyKasparov wrote:Part of me wonders if Zac is deliberately trashing the Crosby brand, to show that sort of politics "doesn't work" in the capital at least.

That is probably far too Machiavellian in reality, but the crassness of some of his recent blunders mean you can't help but entertain that idea just a little bit ;)
I just think he's never had to compete for anything purely on merit before and just doesn't know how. He's stuck with Crosby tactics because he's never developed any of his own.

The tone of his campaign certainly doesn't seem to sit comfortably with him. When he went into the race the Tories were popular, whereas now they're really struggling, and he was possibly expecting to face a slightly world weary Tessa Jowell, rather than a scrappy Sadiq Khan.

Re: Friday 15th April 2016

Posted: Fri 15 Apr, 2016 1:03 pm
by Rebecca
Excellent Steve Bell today for anyone who hasn't been over there.

Re: Friday 15th April 2016

Posted: Fri 15 Apr, 2016 1:08 pm
by Willow904
yahyah wrote:Afternoon.

Anyone else having trouble loading comments on the readers' edition of AS's blog ?
Yes, I think it's at the G's end. I had trouble yesterday and read a comment from someone else that they had been having loading problems over a few days.

Re: Friday 15th April 2016

Posted: Fri 15 Apr, 2016 1:08 pm
by yahyah
Rebecca wrote:
yahyah wrote:Afternoon.

Anyone else having trouble loading comments on the readers' edition of AS's blog ?
I'm having trouble loading any comments on the guardian atm.

How are you feeling now btw?
Hi Rebecca.

Not too well. Have had regular attacks of scintillating scotoma, head pain & numbness, vertigo, nausea and sensory problems all week. Several days solidly now.

Am awaiting [hopefully] a call from the doctor for advice. Am on higher dose slow release propranolol for prophylaxis but it isn't working. Thoroughly fed up with it all. This is as bad as when I ended up at casualty.

Re: Friday 15th April 2016

Posted: Fri 15 Apr, 2016 1:09 pm
by refitman
Rebecca wrote:
yahyah wrote:Afternoon.

Anyone else having trouble loading comments on the readers' edition of AS's blog ?
I'm having trouble loading any comments on the guardian atm.

How are you feeling now btw?
At least it's fixed their troll problem (albeit temporarily).

Re: Friday 15th April 2016

Posted: Fri 15 Apr, 2016 1:14 pm
by AnatolyKasparov
Hope things improve for you soon, yahyah :rock:

Re: Friday 15th April 2016

Posted: Fri 15 Apr, 2016 1:15 pm
by HindleA ... -homeless/" onclick=";return false;

Foxtons declare war on the homeless

Re: Friday 15th April 2016

Posted: Fri 15 Apr, 2016 1:20 pm
by Rebecca
yahyah wrote:
Rebecca wrote:
yahyah wrote:Afternoon.

Anyone else having trouble loading comments on the readers' edition of AS's blog ?
I'm having trouble loading any comments on the guardian atm.

How are you feeling now btw?
Hi Rebecca.

Not too well. Have had regular attacks of scintillating scotoma, head pain & numbness, vertigo, nausea and sensory problems all week. Several days solidly now.

Am awaiting [hopefully] a call from the doctor for advice. Am on higher dose slow release propranolol for prophylaxis but it isn't working. Thoroughly fed up with it all. This is as bad as when I ended up at casualty.

Poor you,it all sounds dreadful.Hope things improve over the weekend. x

Re: Friday 15th April 2016

Posted: Fri 15 Apr, 2016 1:20 pm
by rebeccariots2
GeorgeMonbiot ‏@GeorgeMonbiot 1m1 minute ago
Sorry about the comments being switched off. It's a problem across the site, which I'm told will be fixed soon. So sharpen your nibs ...

Re: Friday 15th April 2016

Posted: Fri 15 Apr, 2016 1:22 pm
by yahyah
Thanks for your good wishes. Feel sorry for my other half, he keeps telling me to take it easy but not being able to live normally is so frustrating.

Re: Friday 15th April 2016

Posted: Fri 15 Apr, 2016 1:27 pm
by RogerOThornhill
That went well...

Redditch’s Tudor Grange Academy facing crisis over numbers – and cash ... s-numbers/
DISASTROUS intake figures are set to plunge Tudor Grange Academy Redditch into financial crisis.

The controversial school – which, against the pleas of parents pushed through a two-tier system into the town instead of sticking with the borough’s current three tier set up – has just 19 pupils due to start in September 2016 for its Year 7 intake – out of a total of 180 available places.

The figures, from the county council, are only marginally better at Year 9 – the entry point for middle schools – where out of a total of 280 places just 58 have been taken – and education watchers expect that figure could actually be in the 40s as parents move their children elsewhere.
and guess who sanctioned this...
Two-tier was introduced at the request of TGAR, followed by Ridgeway Academy, and approved by West Midlands Education Commissioner Pank Patel who discussed the implications with school leaders at a series of meetings at local MP Karen Lumley’s offices last year.
In fact, he ignored what the local people wanted which was to continue with the 3 tier system.


Re: Friday 15th April 2016

Posted: Fri 15 Apr, 2016 1:32 pm
by PorFavor

Very sorry to hear that you're not too good.

Re: Friday 15th April 2016

Posted: Fri 15 Apr, 2016 1:55 pm
by Willow904
yahyah wrote:
Rebecca wrote:
yahyah wrote:Afternoon.

Anyone else having trouble loading comments on the readers' edition of AS's blog ?
I'm having trouble loading any comments on the guardian atm.

How are you feeling now btw?
Hi Rebecca.

Not too well. Have had regular attacks of scintillating scotoma, head pain & numbness, vertigo, nausea and sensory problems all week. Several days solidly now.

Am awaiting [hopefully] a call from the doctor for advice. Am on higher dose slow release propranolol for prophylaxis but it isn't working. Thoroughly fed up with it all. This is as bad as when I ended up at casualty.
Hi Yahyah. I'm glad you're expecting a call from your doctor. I've suffered from visual migraine since my early thirties and I recognise some of your symptoms but not the time frame. Visual impairment never lasts more than an hour, although the headache and nausea can last up to 48 hrs, there's a definite beginning, middle and end to a migraine, even when you get them back to back and once you know what they are they're not alarming, just draining. Having symptoms for several days solid sounds unusual to me so I hope you get offered some further investigations rather than more medication.

Re: Friday 15th April 2016

Posted: Fri 15 Apr, 2016 1:55 pm
by HindleA ... t-support/" onclick=";return false;

Latest ‘reckless’ DSA reforms could leave disabled students without support

Re: Friday 15th April 2016

Posted: Fri 15 Apr, 2016 2:10 pm
by rebeccariots2
Ukip has just launched its Welsh manifesto. I clicked on the link to see it and found that you have to sign up to an account to download it. I resisted that temptation. Will wait until the salient points are available without needing to go through any hoops.

Re: Friday 15th April 2016

Posted: Fri 15 Apr, 2016 2:14 pm
by rebeccariots2
Willow904 wrote:
yahyah wrote:
Rebecca wrote: I'm having trouble loading any comments on the guardian atm.

How are you feeling now btw?
Hi Rebecca.

Not too well. Have had regular attacks of scintillating scotoma, head pain & numbness, vertigo, nausea and sensory problems all week. Several days solidly now.

Am awaiting [hopefully] a call from the doctor for advice. Am on higher dose slow release propranolol for prophylaxis but it isn't working. Thoroughly fed up with it all. This is as bad as when I ended up at casualty.
Hi Yahyah. I'm glad you're expecting a call from your doctor. I've suffered from visual migraine since my early thirties and I recognise some of your symptoms but not the time frame. Visual impairment never lasts more than an hour, although the headache and nausea can last up to 48 hrs, there's a definite beginning, middle and end to a migraine, even when you get them back to back and once you know what they are they're not alarming, just draining. Having symptoms for several days solid sounds unusual to me so I hope you get offered some further investigations rather than more medication.
Commiserations yahyah. Just to say I've had migraines since the year dot ... and I too have had periods where they have been around for days on end - varying intensity but definitely ongoing.

Re: Friday 15th April 2016

Posted: Fri 15 Apr, 2016 2:49 pm
by Tubby Isaacs
RogerOThornhill wrote:That went well...

Redditch’s Tudor Grange Academy facing crisis over numbers – and cash ... s-numbers/
DISASTROUS intake figures are set to plunge Tudor Grange Academy Redditch into financial crisis.

The controversial school – which, against the pleas of parents pushed through a two-tier system into the town instead of sticking with the borough’s current three tier set up – has just 19 pupils due to start in September 2016 for its Year 7 intake – out of a total of 180 available places.

The figures, from the county council, are only marginally better at Year 9 – the entry point for middle schools – where out of a total of 280 places just 58 have been taken – and education watchers expect that figure could actually be in the 40s as parents move their children elsewhere.
and guess who sanctioned this...
Two-tier was introduced at the request of TGAR, followed by Ridgeway Academy, and approved by West Midlands Education Commissioner Pank Patel who discussed the implications with school leaders at a series of meetings at local MP Karen Lumley’s offices last year.
In fact, he ignored what the local people wanted which was to continue with the 3 tier system.

Same clanger as with studio schools. People don't like switching at different times to everyone else.

Re: Friday 15th April 2016

Posted: Fri 15 Apr, 2016 2:53 pm
by frightful_oik
Hi yahyah, sorry you're still poorly. Take it easy and that's an order!
Just got back from Derby Royal and making good progress. I can more or less walk now so long as it's not too far. Haven't got to go back for 3 weeks. I shall be taking a spare shoe and sock and wearing a hopeful look on my face. I can't miss the playoffs. :popcorn: :fight: and probably :wall: :fire:

Re: Friday 15th April 2016

Posted: Fri 15 Apr, 2016 3:05 pm
by Tubby Isaacs
More Education brilliance. ... -thinktank" onclick=";return false;
IFS forecasts fall in spending of 7% per pupil in England by 2020
No way are they going to smooth this over by redistributing.

Re: Friday 15th April 2016

Posted: Fri 15 Apr, 2016 3:17 pm
by citizenJA
rebeccariots2 wrote:
Willow904 wrote:
yahyah wrote: Hi Rebecca.

Not too well. Have had regular attacks of scintillating scotoma, head pain & numbness, vertigo, nausea and sensory problems all week. Several days solidly now.

Am awaiting [hopefully] a call from the doctor for advice. Am on higher dose slow release propranolol for prophylaxis but it isn't working. Thoroughly fed up with it all. This is as bad as when I ended up at casualty.
Hi Yahyah. I'm glad you're expecting a call from your doctor. I've suffered from visual migraine since my early thirties and I recognise some of your symptoms but not the time frame. Visual impairment never lasts more than an hour, although the headache and nausea can last up to 48 hrs, there's a definite beginning, middle and end to a migraine, even when you get them back to back and once you know what they are they're not alarming, just draining. Having symptoms for several days solid sounds unusual to me so I hope you get offered some further investigations rather than more medication.
Commiserations yahyah. Just to say I've had migraines since the year dot ... and I too have had periods where they have been around for days on end - varying intensity but definitely ongoing.
I'm sorry, yahyah, please accept my love and hopes for your getting well soon.

Good-afternoon, everyone.

Re: Friday 15th April 2016

Posted: Fri 15 Apr, 2016 3:24 pm
by Tubby Isaacs
Bell end Brandon Lewis had a pop at leftwingers who own houses opposing the government's housing bill.

Pathetic, isn't it?

Re: Friday 15th April 2016

Posted: Fri 15 Apr, 2016 3:27 pm
by Tubby Isaacs
More on Perry Beeches. ... -involved/" onclick=";return false;


Re: Friday 15th April 2016

Posted: Fri 15 Apr, 2016 3:53 pm
by Tubby Isaacs
“Mercifully, this American president, who is the most anti-British American president there has ever been, won’t be in office for much longer, and I hope will be replaced by somebody rather more sensible when it comes to trading relationships with this country,” Farage said.
That's the Obama who's strongly promoted TTIP which Farage supports?