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Re: General nonsense.

Posted: Mon 17 Oct, 2016 4:23 am
by Sky'sGoneOut
I ran on the spot in my front room as training before even going out and being sick.

Re: General nonsense.

Posted: Mon 17 Oct, 2016 4:52 am
by Sky'sGoneOut
Thought I had a virus but it turned out just to be Firefox being a dick.

Over an hour spent trying to work out what the fuck was wrong.

Being completely off my tits helped enourmously.

Re: General nonsense.

Posted: Mon 17 Oct, 2016 12:33 pm
by citizenJA
Sky'sGoneOut wrote:CitizenJA.

You're welcome in this fucked up club.
Thank you.

Re: General nonsense.

Posted: Mon 17 Oct, 2016 1:23 pm
by citizenJA
Sky'sGoneOut wrote:I was once a runner myself many years ago.

It never gets pleasant. All there is is the myth of the runners high and that's bollocks.

It's a mild trance brought on by repetitive breathing that just masks the misery temporarily.

Running is horrible.
'Runners' high'. You know the breath is most important, that's good. I started exercising regularly when I was about fifteen years old. I could do long-distance running but I preferred low-impact exercise. Running hurt. I kept at the physical exercise in the years following that time. Euphoria from steady exertion became part of my life. Learning things is easier as a kid. If air quality and environment aren't good enough, physical exertion can hurt. Wholesome exercise happens when it's possible to forget everything but the breathe, the steady rhythm of exertion.

Re: General nonsense.

Posted: Mon 17 Oct, 2016 1:26 pm
by citizenJA
Apologies for not asking sooner than now. Is it okay with you to post here?

Re: General nonsense.

Posted: Mon 17 Oct, 2016 1:28 pm
by citizenJA
Sky'sGoneOut wrote:Thought I had a virus but it turned out just to be Firefox being a dick.

Over an hour spent trying to work out what the fuck was wrong.

Being completely off my tits helped enourmously.
Exact same thing happening to me too. The Firefox thing. It's better now.

Re: General nonsense.

Posted: Mon 17 Oct, 2016 3:05 pm
by HindleA
One of my friends,whom I had persuaded as to the joys of running organised runs,rewarded me with being sick on me promptly after crossing the line.I have seen some interesting injuries including dislocated arms-perhaps a problem with windmill running technique.

Re: General nonsense.

Posted: Tue 18 Oct, 2016 7:06 pm
by tinyclanger2
Far be it from me to say it, but am grumpily impressed by that there running. I am endeavouring to walk the length of a marathon in an 8-hour day (and the rest), that people like Mr Hindle complete in a matter of hours.

Re: General nonsense.

Posted: Tue 18 Oct, 2016 7:06 pm
by tinyclanger2
Some people are the world's funny old things.

Re: General nonsense.

Posted: Thu 20 Oct, 2016 2:05 am
by Sky'sGoneOut
citizenJA wrote:Exact same thing happening to me too. The Firefox thing. It's better now.
All I remember is getting 'server not found' for ages and thinking it was maybe a DNS error with TalkTalk, but then remembered I could try my phone which worked fine so tried IE which also worked fine so it was definitely Firefox. Weird. I must have wasted a good hour running Malwarebytes and other assorted bits and bobs.

Glad it wasn't just me.

Re: General nonsense.

Posted: Thu 20 Oct, 2016 3:48 am
by Sky'sGoneOut
citizenJA wrote:'Runners' high'. You know the breath is most important, that's good. I started exercising regularly when I was about fifteen years old. I could do long-distance running but I preferred low-impact exercise. Running hurt. I kept at the physical exercise in the years following that time. Euphoria from steady exertion became part of my life. Learning things is easier as a kid. If air quality and environment aren't good enough, physical exertion can hurt. Wholesome exercise happens when it's possible to forget everything but the breathe, the steady rhythm of exertion.
I ran cross country for the county while playing football for a county football team when I was 13, I also played for the junior team of the local football club and ran various distances as a junior for the local running club.

Then I discovered beer, drugs and girls.

It's only in my 40's, too late, that I've realised all of those things could have been accommodated had I had the wit.

I could have been a brilliant runner, a brilliant footballer and got off with loads of girls if I'd just played it right.


Re: General nonsense.

Posted: Thu 20 Oct, 2016 4:17 am
by Sky'sGoneOut

Liz Fraser ladies and gentlemen.

Re: General nonsense.

Posted: Thu 20 Oct, 2016 4:18 am
by HindleA
You are youngish yet.Enter an event,you reach heroic level just for trying,companionship should you so wish.I was spoken for and no longer interested,but a way to have relationships.I politely turned a request from a East German girl to further practice her English after a run,as an example.Going slower gives you more time to talk.

Re: General nonsense.

Posted: Thu 20 Oct, 2016 4:36 am
by Sky'sGoneOut
You're adorable.

Re: General nonsense.

Posted: Thu 20 Oct, 2016 4:54 am
by Sky'sGoneOut

Re: General nonsense.

Posted: Thu 20 Oct, 2016 5:08 am
by Sky'sGoneOut

Re: General nonsense.

Posted: Fri 21 Oct, 2016 8:33 pm
by tinyclanger2
Sky'sGoneOut wrote:[youtube]HFWKJ2FUiAQ[/youtube]

Liz Fraser ladies and gentlemen.
takes me back. thanks

Re: General nonsense.

Posted: Sat 22 Oct, 2016 1:43 am
by Sky'sGoneOut
It was my freinds 50'th last night.

We had Chinese food then got pissed.

I had Szechuan chicken and soft noodles.

It was nice.

Re: General nonsense.

Posted: Sat 22 Oct, 2016 1:54 am
by Sky'sGoneOut
Never accept chinese rice wine as a substitute for sake.

It was like drinking alcoholic beef stock.

Even I couldn't finish it.

Re: General nonsense.

Posted: Sat 22 Oct, 2016 2:01 am
by Sky'sGoneOut
Who cares?

Why should I?

Why should I give a fuck?

Maybe because I like you.

Re: General nonsense.

Posted: Sat 22 Oct, 2016 2:08 am
by Sky'sGoneOut
Now fuck off.


And god help you all.

Re: General nonsense.

Posted: Sat 22 Oct, 2016 2:41 am
by Sky'sGoneOut
Why am I drunk and angry?

Seriously though why?

I'm clearly drunk and somewhat stoned but where is this feeling of being fucking annoyed coming from?

Perhaps from me being fucking annoyed.

Let us see.

Re: General nonsense.

Posted: Sat 22 Oct, 2016 2:49 am
by Sky'sGoneOut

Queen were awesome.

Re: General nonsense.

Posted: Sat 22 Oct, 2016 12:20 pm
by tinyclanger2
They were indeed. Though I didn't realise it at the time.

Re: General nonsense.

Posted: Tue 25 Oct, 2016 12:24 am
by Sky'sGoneOut
Never go out for your friend's 50'th birthday then get home and realise with horror you have no alcohol but a substantial amount of cannabis left.

That's all I'm saying.

Avoid such a scenario.

Anyway went to see Haley Bonar tonight, a Canadian so presumably she's really pissed off at the Walloons.

Here she is...


Sorry it's a shit picture but I hate taking my phone out during a gig and filming or taking a photo like all the other twats. I'm better than them, so I just whipped it out for a second and did the business for evidence purposes then returned it to my pocket.

Anyway here's what attracted me in the first place...


She wasn't as good as this song or indeed the video suggests.

Re: General nonsense.

Posted: Tue 25 Oct, 2016 12:35 am
by Sky'sGoneOut
Ah yes shit of course, there was a point to me mentioning Miss Bonar (pronounced boner), I'm used to going to gigs these days and being the old bastard hanging around at the back with a pint but tonight for some reason with this lady's music I was about half way up the age scale. I was expecting kids but the room was full of pensioners.

I asked a couple of them what was going on and they said she'd been on Radio 4.

Re: General nonsense.

Posted: Tue 25 Oct, 2016 1:05 am
by Sky'sGoneOut
The thing is I'm living in the last year of the good times.

Iain Duncan Smith fucked up the ESA system so badly a bunch of us were left for three years untouched by the Work Capability Assesment. So due to his monumental incompetence I've been left alone for a couple of years to be a bit evidently fucked up (aren't we all) but otherwise infinitely more relaxed than I was previously.

I've got until next September left and then all hell will break loose again.

Yes it's almost a year but try telling that to the anxiety obsessed part of my brain that keeps me awake for hours.

Or try telling that to the other part of my brain that weighs up the pros and cons of being alive.

The cons outweigh the pros in my future let me tell you.

I've fought the DWP twice now and in both cases it's taken over a year but at least I won. But they're removing the weapons I once had to use. They're making what was never a fair fight into a crap shoot. It's like the Aztecs fighting the conquistadors. Stone weapons against steel. And as happened then it just takes a few to make misery for millions.

I so look forward to having a physiotherapist or a neonatal nurse (you can find out who these people are) judge me fit for work once again.

Last time I was close to burning down the ATOS offices but after some sound persuasive advice merely threw paint.

Next time all bets are off.

Re: General nonsense.

Posted: Tue 25 Oct, 2016 1:32 am
by Sky'sGoneOut
Pete Burns is dead?

I've been out.

Oh well I guess this is inevitable...


Curiously if you look closely you'll see Wayne Hussey on guitar.

The guy from The Mission?

Pah, none of you were eighties goths were you?

Re: General nonsense.

Posted: Tue 25 Oct, 2016 1:37 am
by Sky'sGoneOut

Re: General nonsense.

Posted: Tue 25 Oct, 2016 1:59 am
by Sky'sGoneOut
Was there ever a time when England wasn't unpleasant and nasty?

With its head stuck up its own arse looking back upon some fantasy version of itself?

At least we Scots know most of our cultural icons are made up shit. We know all this tartan bollocks was made up by an Englishman. We know our land is being used by cunts like Trump and Mohamed Al Fayed. We know all of this.

And yet we kind of like Scotland.

A fair land where you can come if you like, a place where all of you would be welcome.

When I retire there I will have an inflatable mattress just for Hindle.

Re: General nonsense.

Posted: Tue 25 Oct, 2016 2:23 am
by Sky'sGoneOut
Excuse me I must prepare some drugs.

That's better.

You know once I thought I could be a footballer, then when it turned out I was shit at that I turned my attention towards academia. Which didn't work either.

Don't get me wrong I loved the books, so many of them, but who's going to read them? Are you?

Re: General nonsense.

Posted: Tue 25 Oct, 2016 2:30 am
by Sky'sGoneOut

Re: General nonsense.

Posted: Tue 25 Oct, 2016 2:35 am
by HindleA
I am half Scottish,my dad being a Paisley Buddy spent the majority of first twenty years there.The inflatable mattress offer is noted with thanks.

Re: General nonsense.

Posted: Tue 25 Oct, 2016 2:45 am
by Sky'sGoneOut
I have no idea what's going on Hindle, I'm just guessing and using witchcraft.

Re: General nonsense.

Posted: Tue 25 Oct, 2016 2:47 am
by HindleA
Ah a Government advisor.

Re: General nonsense.

Posted: Tue 25 Oct, 2016 2:56 am
by HindleA
I am catching up with w/end crossword puzzles,boring for some,but I find a ridiculous amount of pleasure in beating/matching the challenge of setter,I won a pen once delivered by securicor,wonderful,but hardly used,the small bottle of ink was a fiver,25 years ago,still three quarters full.

Re: General nonsense.

Posted: Tue 25 Oct, 2016 3:25 am
by Sky'sGoneOut
At some point I'll admit defeat.

But not today, or tommorow.

Re: General nonsense.

Posted: Tue 25 Oct, 2016 3:54 am
by Sky'sGoneOut

Maybe you should listen.

Re: General nonsense.

Posted: Tue 25 Oct, 2016 3:59 am
by Sky'sGoneOut
There was once a time when people like us could express ouselves with farts.

But no longer.

Re: General nonsense.

Posted: Tue 25 Oct, 2016 4:14 am
by Sky'sGoneOut
Once there was a time, and it was good. All the elves and fairies agreed.

The rest is just us arguing.

Re: General nonsense.

Posted: Tue 25 Oct, 2016 9:36 am
by citizenJA
Sky'sGoneOut wrote:Pah, none of you were eighties goths were you?
Of course not, I like dancing too much.

Re: General nonsense.

Posted: Tue 25 Oct, 2016 9:38 am
by citizenJA
There's more real life on this thread than many experience in a full day spent with people known and unknown.

Re: General nonsense.

Posted: Tue 25 Oct, 2016 9:43 am
by citizenJA
Sky'sGoneOut wrote:Excuse me I must prepare some drugs.

That's better.

You know once I thought I could be a footballer, then when it turned out I was shit at that I turned my attention towards academia. Which didn't work either.

Don't get me wrong I loved the books, so many of them, but who's going to read them? Are you?
I'll read them. I like reading as much as I love dancing.

Re: General nonsense.

Posted: Tue 25 Oct, 2016 10:03 am
by citizenJA
Sky'sGoneOut wrote:
citizenJA wrote:'Runners' high'. You know the breath is most important, that's good. I started exercising regularly when I was about fifteen years old. I could do long-distance running but I preferred low-impact exercise. Running hurt. I kept at the physical exercise in the years following that time. Euphoria from steady exertion became part of my life. Learning things is easier as a kid. If air quality and environment aren't good enough, physical exertion can hurt. Wholesome exercise happens when it's possible to forget everything but the breathe, the steady rhythm of exertion.
I ran cross country for the county while playing football for a county football team when I was 13, I also played for the junior team of the local football club and ran various distances as a junior for the local running club.

Then I discovered beer, drugs and girls.

It's only in my 40's, too late, that I've realised all of those things could have been accommodated had I had the wit.

I could have been a brilliant runner, a brilliant footballer and got off with loads of girls if I'd just played it right.

You couldn't be anything other than the incomparable person you are now, whenever now occurs.

I dreamt of a device I held in my hand called a "transmuter". I used it going anywhere in space and time.
No such thing as a mistake or failure, I went back or forward to live over anything, or nothing. No death.
I held the transmuter. I dreamt this over twenty years ago. What I've read here reminded me of the dream,
though there's no time I forget it entirely. I dream spectacular dreams, some epic, some hellish.
The transmuter isn't always in my hand.

I loved listening to Queen and Pete Burns. Burns is gone, I hadn't known until now.

Re: General nonsense.

Posted: Tue 25 Oct, 2016 10:53 am
by AnatolyKasparov
Sky'sGoneOut wrote:Was there ever a time when England wasn't unpleasant and nasty?
Yes. And it wasn't that long ago, either.

It can happen again.

Re: General nonsense.

Posted: Tue 25 Oct, 2016 6:32 pm
by tinyclanger2
I will be attending Scotland this weekend courtesy of a friend's 60th birthday "do". I have made note, SGO, of your advice above.

Re: General nonsense.

Posted: Tue 25 Oct, 2016 10:04 pm
by adam
citizenJA wrote:
Sky'sGoneOut wrote:Pah, none of you were eighties goths were you?
Of course not, I like dancing too much.

One of the very best 80s dance floor tracks. Possibly too pop and insufficiently goth to count but there you go. The best bit is at about 3m17s when it goes all quiet and swirly and then totally crashes back in. Obviously.

Re: General nonsense.

Posted: Sun 30 Oct, 2016 11:49 pm
by Sky'sGoneOut
I passed what looked like a factory today on the bus and on the side it said HINDLE. In big letters.

Perhaps some kind of brooding area for young Hindles. Clones I suspect. Bred and educated to populate the earth after the bombs have fallen.

Though after a brief look online it seems Hindle in Bradford concern themselves mainly with gearboxes and other such bits of cars.

Which is a little disappointing.

Re: General nonsense.

Posted: Sun 30 Oct, 2016 11:57 pm
by Sky'sGoneOut
I have made note, SGO, of your advice above.
No, don't do that. My advice is worth shit unless you happen to tickle the same fancies as I.

And I don't think you do.

You seem to inhabit somewhere better.

Re: General nonsense.

Posted: Mon 31 Oct, 2016 12:11 am
by Sky'sGoneOut