Can I unsee that?

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Can I unsee that?

Post by Sky'sGoneOut »

I had a long and cold journey home tonight and just as I was about to get off the bus it stopped. I wandered forward and asked the driver what was going on and he said there'd been a road accident up ahead so I asked him to let me off the bus because I could walk from there, which he did. So I was free, to walk home or to wander up the road and rubberneck. Guess which I did? Yes I wandered up the road and saw a detached arm just lying there along with other immediately unidentifiable human pieces. An arm. Just lying there. Amongst other pieces of human gore.

And there was a small crowd taking pictures with their phones.
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Re: Can I unsee that?

Post by HindleA »

Pass.I've discovered/seen a fair few dead bodies in my time.I can't honestly say my first reaction was to take a photograph.More seriously I wonder if anybody has died who could have been helped by the first being there being more concerned about capturing an incident in the current habit of everybody being a mini reporter post your pic/vid if you happen to be in a disaster area to sky/bbc etc.thing.I don't watch much,partly because of such things but I hope it hasn't reached this is my left bollock lying in the road etc.
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Re: Can I unsee that?

Post by citizenJA »

Damn motor vehicle accidents are hellish

The highway patrol and other law enforcement agencies in California see carnage from car accidents. I no longer live in California or drive anywhere. When I lived in CA, I didn't drive fast; I obeyed the speed limit at all times. The highway patrol had personnel waiting in their vehicles for the inevitable slew of speeding and dangerous drivers. They handed out speeding tickets and reckless driving citations all day long. A speeding ticket is expensive, not only for the ticket but the higher insurance premiums speeding drivers have to pay. I approve of this, I've lost family members to reckless drivers.

I continue to advocate for comprehensive public transportation for everyone, everywhere, all of it affordable or free.
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Re: Can I unsee that?

Post by Sky'sGoneOut »

The first dead body I saw was when I was doing my paper round, there was a farm at the end of town up a really steep little road and one day I saw an upturned tractor (the big ones with a cab) and as I got closer I saw the tractor had tipped over backards and the top of the cab had sliced through the top of the guy's head. His brains were spilled out on the road. This was 1980 and after I ran back and told Peter at the shop I was given a cup of tea and sent off to school. Nobody even thought to call my Mum, there was no talk of counseling. And to be honest, as a 9 year old I never had any bad dreams or freak outs or anything else. I just seemed to take it in my stride. I was far more concerned about my Star Wars toys.

As for Sunday night, I asked three of the ghoulish onlookers what had happened and the response was different each time, one said 'boy racers', another said it was the result of a police chase, and the other said it was a taxi driver driving too fast. I can neither confirm nor deny any of these claims, all I saw was the wreckage of two cars and a very obvious human body part peeking out from a bit of plastic sheeting.

Had I been a modern day Victor Frankenstein such a find would have been quite appealing.
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