It's drunken rambling season again!

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It's drunken rambling season again!

Post by Sky'sGoneOut »

I saw hares boxing and listened to Skylarks having song battles.


Fuck yeah Spring has arrived!
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Re: It's drunken rambling season again!

Post by Sky'sGoneOut »

I see, so nobody is excited by the vision of a bald man in glasses being a harbinger of life returning to our land?

Fair enough.

Note however the glass of wine in both hands. Dionysus wasn't just the god of the grape or insanity, he also did a stint as a god of fertility.

And he also had Maenads, wild women who reputedly ate human flesh during orgies, they represented utter horror to ancient Athenian men. Both the rejection of the civilised soceity they'd so recently created and their fear of what women would do if they let them out of the house.

Anyway I didn't have any of those. Just my mate Paul.

Afterwards we stumbled home and listened to Radio 4.
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