A distinct lack of werewolves.

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A distinct lack of werewolves.

Post by Sky'sGoneOut »

Braved Burley Moor last night, part of Rombalds moor.


Apparently Rombald was a giant who got his arse kicked by an angry wife resulting in the various formations of stones across the moor.
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Re: A distinct lack of werewolves.

Post by Sky'sGoneOut »

Not these stones though.

These are the 'Twelve Apostles' which are evidently a 'reconstruction' of what was left of a much larger circle. You can trace the remains of the original bank around the place by just wandering out a few feet amongst the heather.

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Re: A distinct lack of werewolves.

Post by Sky'sGoneOut »

But it's all in a state of horrible disrepair because those who own the moor make their money from grouse shooting. Why should they care that neolithic monuments are being left to rot?


This apparently once had cup and ring markings like I know from Northumberland. All I saw once I got close was graffiti and rubbish.
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Re: A distinct lack of werewolves.

Post by Sky'sGoneOut »

And why would anyone want to kill red grouse? They make a noise when disturbed like the Burgess Meredith Penguin from Batman. It's endlessly amusing.
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Re: A distinct lack of werewolves.

Post by Sky'sGoneOut »

Anyway I woke up this morning to a pair of greylag geese pecking away just outside the tent honking contentedly to one another, they didn't judge me at all when I emptied my pee bottle. It's a big rift in the wild camping community (ha ha) whether staying nice and warm in your sleeping bag and peeing in a bottle during the night is somehow less 'wild' than getting out of your nice warm sleeping bag, putting your boots on, then going outside for a piss in your underwear.

Having tried both, and as the evidence suggests above, I am firmly in the pissing in a bottle camp.
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Re: A distinct lack of werewolves.

Post by Sky'sGoneOut »


You try to capture the ambience of the moors and some idiot texts you.

There's no escape.
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