Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd & Monday 4th May 2015

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Re: Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd & Monday 4th May 2015

Post by ephemerid »

NHS? Taxes? Social care? Benefits? Sleb endorsements?

None of this matters.

What really matters is that the Royal Sprog is named Diana.

The latest (execrable) piece of sycophantic nonsense from the (execrable) twerp Allison Pearson at the Telegraph.
It would be OK, apparently, to have Elizabeth as a middle name on the grounds that in September (should she live that long) HMQ will be the longest-serving monarch ever - plus it's Mrs.Middleton's middle name too which is rather lovely obviously.

Diana, apparently, is the only correct choice because she was at Will's wedding in spirit on account of his recycling of her sapphire (which Waity Katy wasn't actually wearing on the day on account of leaving some room for the wedding ring proper).
As Allison opines that Saint Diana was the "most-hunted" woman ever, I suppose we have to concede that naming her granddaughter after her will make all that press intrusion OK and render the Leveson report utterly redundant.

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Re: Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd & Monday 4th May 2015

Post by Tizme1 »

ephemerid wrote:
Tizme1 wrote:Greetings all.

I dropped by to answer what I'd be doing on Thursday night/Friday morning. I'll be at the Watford count for what its worth. But I'm struggling with this place yet again. References to 'the pond life' don't help. And I'm still struggling with the comment recently about the Tory Councillor who had 3 fingers bitten off. I find quips along the lines of 'hope the dog doesn't get rabies' out of order. Actually, I don't just find it 'out of order', I find such comments inhumane. And frankly, such attitudes underline and confirm my decision that the Labour party and its supporters have nothing to offer me and I can't condone them. If that is the Labour attitude, it really isn't that much better than the Tories. :(

With all due respect, Tizme, I don't think there is such a thing as "the Labour attitude".

As someone who has supported the Liberals in their various manifestations for 40 years, I have been betrayed by their current incarnation and there are many others like me; Labour is the only alternative for me, as I want my vote to count where I live.

I am also someone who has, on occasion, crossed swords with people here; I have sometimes been very annoyed by what I felt was tribalism and commented accordingly. That was not helpful to anyone, and along with my apologies I have had to express my sadness that my actions (and those of others) has led to some valued posters staying away.

My areas of knowledge are known to you; these are issues I have campaigned on long before this election. Some for decades.
Despite my frequent irritation with Labour's statements on some of these things, my posts have been appreciated and my annoyance with Labour largely tolerated. The people here are not - whatever you think - unkind. Nor are they intolerant.

When individual people make remarks that you personally find offensive, call them out on it. They're big enough to fight their corner or apologise if necessary - and to be fair, I have seen people take back what they say here on occasion (myself included)
Of course there will be times when some of us might be a bit too vicious in what we think is funny. That's not "Labour attitude" it's someone making a joke that not everyone will laugh at. If that's a struggle for you, why bother to engage?

This site makes no apology for being a haven for people who wanted somewhere to go when the Guardian became a bear pit for Tory trolls and a place where left-wingers were being drowned out by not only the Tories below the line but those above it.
I'm inclined to think that even the new format might have been tolerable had the atmosphere remained like the old CIF.

As it is, and with the election so close, most of the regular posters here are Labour supporters; but to cite a few posts you happen to find distasteful and tarring people here with the same brush as the Tories is wrong.
Personally, I have some sympathy for some Green ideas; but it has been my experience and observation that the Greens are not immune from making smart-alec jibes or remarks others might find unpleasant.

I am sorry you continue to struggle with this. Your input is appreciated, but you are being unfair, IMHO. The Tories in office have been vicious, mendacious, incompetent, and downright nasty. Their behaviour is frequently echoed in the attitudes of their supporters.
That is not true of Labour - which is why they are the only party I can support which has a reasonable chance of governing.

I hope you find it in your heart to allow the odd comment you find distasteful to pass, as we are all capable of them. I hope you appreciate the work that others put in to this site so that you and I are free to comment on it.
I hope that your election night goes well for you in Watford, and that you continue to post here. struggling or not.

But please don't accuse all of us as having a "Labour attitude" akin to the Tories. You're better than that, and so are we.
Yes you're probably right Ephe. After a particularly difficult day I wasn't in the best of moods. The 'joke' about the dog incident got to me previously because on the same day the news broke, one of my fellow Greens locally had been bitten by a dog. Nowhere near as much damage as the Tory woman suffered but it happens and its not much fun.

Sometimes there is a bit of tribalism on here by which I guess I mean misreading things or seeing things through a particular prism. Mostly I find I can let it wash over me. Not least because as others have said, it is nowhere near as bad as some places! Also, it's natural and happens within my own party on occasions. For instance on Saturday we had an 'event'. At one point I was chatting with some of my fellow Greens and said it seemed to me that Russell Brand would be the 'surprise endorsement' Labour were hinting would happen on Monday. No way they told me. He's come out for us some of them said and were quite surprised when I told them he'd endorsed Caroline Lucas, not the Greens as a whole.

Anyway, I'm sorry everyone - it wasn't my intention to stir up yet another argument. I guess I was just venting!
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Re: Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd & Monday 4th May 2015

Post by PorFavor »

I'm plum tuckered out, just in case anyone's interested. Roll on Thursday. (I'll be doing a 'phone knock-up - but the same obstacles apply to that as to 'phone canvassing.) Still, I shall griddle my codpiece . . . .
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Re: Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd & Monday 4th May 2015

Post by Willow904 »

Delia Smith...and Russell Brand.

That's broad appeal!

Re SNP supporters intimidating Labour campaigners - how can the MSM continue to ignore the very obvious question marks this throws up regarding accuracy of polling? Something is going very wrong if this is allowed to continue unchecked - we've had a young girl intimidated by SNP supporters to the point she has said she no longer feels able to vote. I wonder if a law has actually been broken in that case. A few arrests would be helpful as activity from both SNP supporters and mask wearing Tory supporters have crossed a line to my mind - if such intimidation and harrassment isn't nipped in the bud it could very quickly get out of control. I'm not sure how serious the behaviour has to be to break any harrassment or political intimidation laws but it's clearly not fair play and not only should our political classes most certainly not be directly involved, as appears to be the case with the Tory mask wearers, but they all should be coming out and clearly condemning such behaviour. I really do think politicians of all persuasions should be taking this more seriously. Only Farage, to my memory, has spoken out generally against such harrassment. If Sturgeon or Cameron have put out a statement reminding their supporters to respect those of other parties I must have missed it.
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Re: Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd & Monday 4th May 2015

Post by Eric_WLothian »

From the Indy:
Tories on Westminster council could block Ed Miliband's stone monolith

Robert Davis, the Conservative councillor who chairs the planning committee and its cabinet member for the built environment told the Independent Mr Miliband’s plan would face a number of obstacles.

“The fact is the committee who would make the decision comprises of three Conservatives and one Labour member so you could probably guess without me having to tell you the likely way the decision would go,” he said. ... 23348.html

Firstly, it says a lot about Tory councillors who would apparently block planning permission on the grounds that they didn't like the applicant.
Secondly, I was under the impression that planning permission wouldn't be needed for something which (a) isn't permanent and (b) wouldn't be in public view.

edited to add that for those who have heard enough of NS, the URL has no relevance to the actual story it links to.
Last edited by Eric_WLothian on Mon 04 May, 2015 1:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd & Monday 4th May 2015

Post by howsillyofme1 »

Good afternoon all

Hope you are enjoying the holiday (I am sadly not off today and am on a train between Aigle and Basel in the Romandie...bloody terrible weather here recently)

Coming to the end now and I have to admit I have been perplexed by the strong anti-SNP message of Miliband and have been trying to rationalise it

The way I see it is that he, unlike most others, is not looking at the post-election strategy but focusing totally on the need to maximise Labour seats on May 7th

He knows that the only risk is that Cameron manages to find some excuse to stay as PM (with LD support) and so he needs to maximise Labour support to be the biggest party, and if not very close to the Tories. The SNP, PC, Greens etc can wait as far as he is concerned. It is the Tories that matter and how the party does on May 7th

I expect he sees there is no risk in going hard on the SNP - it may shore up some votes in Scotland and help prevent some slippage in England.

He knows that the maths is on his side and all this stuff about deals etc is just hot air and guff.

I cannot see anyway Cameron can stay in power for any time because he does not have enough votes. A continuation of the current Coalition as a minority Government would tear apart the LD and probably the Tories as well

It is also clear that, if the SNP get a big representation then all they can do to Miliband is side with the Tories, and that will not happen with the SE in 2016 coming up - I expect Sturgeon realises this as well

All Miliband has to do is win the votes and he should be able to manage that fairly easily in most cases.....he is a clever man and will need to ensure his policies have wide appeal - this is the same as any minority Government and will be a lot easier for him than the Tories

The most interesting dilemma will be for the SNP - when will they have the nerve to vote with the Tories against Labour? And what will it cost them to do that?

I predict there will be no coalitions, no formal deals but we will see a voting pattern emerging in the HoC - the nationalists will not want to be seen voting with the Tories too regularly

Labour+SNP+PC+SDLP+Green+Lib Dems
Tory + Clegg + Laws + UKIP

The DUP are difficult to predict

The only question is what will happen if the SNP abstain on English this point the Labour vs Tory figures will matter more, and the fate may rest with Lib Dems. I expect them to back Labour more than the Tories although there may be a split.....this is why Labour need to be as well-represented as the Tories to make sure it is not possible for the Lib Dems to maintain power
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Re: Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd & Monday 4th May 2015

Post by Swarthlander »

TheGrimSqueaker wrote:
Breaking: Russell Brand backs Labour and Ed Miliband
And aren't the insults flying BTL at the 'other place'. :lol:
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Re: Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd & Monday 4th May 2015

Post by yahyah »

The last five minutes of Brand's video is powerful.
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Re: Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd & Monday 4th May 2015

Post by RogerOThornhill »

Swarthlander wrote:
TheGrimSqueaker wrote:
Breaking: Russell Brand backs Labour and Ed Miliband
And aren't the insults flying BTL at the 'other place'. :lol:
Yes, the predictable "Nothing to see here. Move along please"

If it wasn't seen as important they wouldn't bother....
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Re: Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd & Monday 4th May 2015

Post by Eric_WLothian »

Willow904 wrote:Delia Smith...and Russell Brand.

That's broad appeal!

Re SNP supporters intimidating Labour campaigners - how can the MSM continue to ignore the very obvious question marks this throws up regarding accuracy of polling? Something is going very wrong if this is allowed to continue unchecked - we've had a young girl intimidated by SNP supporters to the point she has said she no longer feels able to vote. I wonder if a law has actually been broken in that case. A few arrests would be helpful as activity from both SNP supporters and mask wearing Tory supporters have crossed a line to my mind - if such intimidation and harrassment isn't nipped in the bud it could very quickly get out of control. I'm not sure how serious the behaviour has to be to break any harrassment or political intimidation laws but it's clearly not fair play and not only should our political classes most certainly not be directly involved, as appears to be the case with the Tory mask wearers, but they all should be coming out and clearly condemning such behaviour. I really do think politicians of all persuasions should be taking this more seriously. Only Farage, to my memory, has spoken out generally against such harrassment. If Sturgeon or Cameron have put out a statement reminding their supporters to respect those of other parties I must have missed it.
Spot the contradiction:
Mr Murphy said the protest was evidence that the SNP was trying to disrupt the democratic process.

However, demonstrators interviewed by the BBC denied they were there on behalf of the SNP.

Some of the protesters were waving SNP leaflets, while Mr Murphy was branded a "traitor" and a "warmongerer". ... d-32581803

Must be MI5 behind those SNP leaflets.
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Re: Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd & Monday 4th May 2015

Post by ephemerid »

PorFavor wrote:I'm plum tuckered out, just in case anyone's interested. Roll on Thursday. (I'll be doing a 'phone knock-up - but the same obstacles apply to that as to 'phone canvassing.) Still, I shall griddle my codpiece . . . .

Aftermorn, Por.

You are not as plum as Our Glorious Ronsealed Fishpointing Shirtsleeve-Roller-Upper General who gets plummier by the day in both sound, shape, and complexion.
I have every expectation that he will be plummier still before he realises that he is the EX - OGRFSRUG, and as with all over-ripe plums left uneaten he will burst with very sticky consequences.

I am interested in your tuckered-outness as I have a modicum of it myself; however I refuse to even consider a codpiece, griddled fried or boiled, on the grounds I'd rather go a-canvassing Commando than draw attention to me bits.
I hope your phoning yields fruit as long as it isn't plums. Cherries or raspberries are good. They have that lovely cerise thing going on like Ed's backdrops, if a little darker. But no plums. Or blueberries.

While all this is going on, vote for Diana (see above) and keep yer commas in their place.


Tizme - big of you to come back and explain. Thank you.

I'm no slouch in the grouch department, as I told you earlier.

As a life-long insomniac, I'm sleeping even less lately. I feel as though the country is holding its' breath.
I know I am (which is no mean feat with COPD)

People are getting a bit tetchy and a bit grouchy. Whilst it's all very fascinating and exciting and all that jazz, it's also scary for many of us with the polls so close.
People in my position, relying as we do on an efficient NHS and the support of social security, are fearful too - if the Tories win, I fear for people who lack the support I am so fortunate to have.

Please don't do what I did and chase good people away. I've been angry with myself ever since.
This place is, as Tish says, "awesome" and we all mean well whatever we might let slip in a moment of stroppiness.

Keep posting. I am sure I am not alone in wanting to hear what you have to say. :hug:
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Re: Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd & Monday 4th May 2015

Post by ohsocynical »

Swarthlander wrote:
TheGrimSqueaker wrote:
Breaking: Russell Brand backs Labour and Ed Miliband
And aren't the insults flying BTL at the 'other place'. :lol:
Must have a read of them once I've finished the bedroom ceiling.

BTW Election stress? Try painting while listening to Dixon of Dock Green...Ah those were the days. :D
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Re: Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd & Monday 4th May 2015

Post by yahyah »

Eric_WLothian wrote:
Willow904 wrote:Delia Smith...and Russell Brand.

That's broad appeal!

Re SNP supporters intimidating Labour campaigners - how can the MSM continue to ignore the very obvious question marks this throws up regarding accuracy of polling? Something is going very wrong if this is allowed to continue unchecked - we've had a young girl intimidated by SNP supporters to the point she has said she no longer feels able to vote. I wonder if a law has actually been broken in that case. A few arrests would be helpful as activity from both SNP supporters and mask wearing Tory supporters have crossed a line to my mind - if such intimidation and harrassment isn't nipped in the bud it could very quickly get out of control. I'm not sure how serious the behaviour has to be to break any harrassment or political intimidation laws but it's clearly not fair play and not only should our political classes most certainly not be directly involved, as appears to be the case with the Tory mask wearers, but they all should be coming out and clearly condemning such behaviour. I really do think politicians of all persuasions should be taking this more seriously. Only Farage, to my memory, has spoken out generally against such harrassment. If Sturgeon or Cameron have put out a statement reminding their supporters to respect those of other parties I must have missed it.
Spot the contradiction:
Mr Murphy said the protest was evidence that the SNP was trying to disrupt the democratic process.

However, demonstrators interviewed by the BBC denied they were there on behalf of the SNP.

Some of the protesters were waving SNP leaflets, while Mr Murphy was branded a "traitor" and a "warmongerer". ... d-32581803

Must be MI5 behind those SNP leaflets.

Our Labour candidate retweeted an SNP activist saying about something the other day 'we were careful not to mention SNP or wear SNP badges' but maybe the SNP guy is just an M15 agent in deep cover.
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Re: Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd & Monday 4th May 2015

Post by ohsocynical »

yahyah wrote:
Eric_WLothian wrote:
Willow904 wrote:Delia Smith...and Russell Brand.

That's broad appeal!

Re SNP supporters intimidating Labour campaigners - how can the MSM continue to ignore the very obvious question marks this throws up regarding accuracy of polling? Something is going very wrong if this is allowed to continue unchecked - we've had a young girl intimidated by SNP supporters to the point she has said she no longer feels able to vote. I wonder if a law has actually been broken in that case. A few arrests would be helpful as activity from both SNP supporters and mask wearing Tory supporters have crossed a line to my mind - if such intimidation and harrassment isn't nipped in the bud it could very quickly get out of control. I'm not sure how serious the behaviour has to be to break any harrassment or political intimidation laws but it's clearly not fair play and not only should our political classes most certainly not be directly involved, as appears to be the case with the Tory mask wearers, but they all should be coming out and clearly condemning such behaviour. I really do think politicians of all persuasions should be taking this more seriously. Only Farage, to my memory, has spoken out generally against such harrassment. If Sturgeon or Cameron have put out a statement reminding their supporters to respect those of other parties I must have missed it.
Spot the contradiction:
Mr Murphy said the protest was evidence that the SNP was trying to disrupt the democratic process.

However, demonstrators interviewed by the BBC denied they were there on behalf of the SNP.

Some of the protesters were waving SNP leaflets, while Mr Murphy was branded a "traitor" and a "warmongerer". ... d-32581803

Must be MI5 behind those SNP leaflets.

Our Labour candidate retweeted an SNP activist saying about something the other day 'we were careful not to mention SNP or wear SNP badges' but maybe the SNP guy is just an M15 agent in deep cover.
;)" onclick=";return false;
I think it was Margaret Curran? A Scottish Lab MP who was being menaced while she was out doorknocking.
They Tweeted something like how could she know because they weren't wearing SNP badges or in SNP colours...

You sometimes wonder if they actually know how social media works. :roll:
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Re: Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd & Monday 4th May 2015

Post by Eric_WLothian »

ohsocynical wrote:
yahyah wrote:
Eric_WLothian wrote: Spot the contradiction: ... d-32581803

Must be MI5 behind those SNP leaflets.

Our Labour candidate retweeted an SNP activist saying about something the other day 'we were careful not to mention SNP or wear SNP badges' but maybe the SNP guy is just an M15 agent in deep cover.
;)" onclick=";return false;
I think it was Margaret Curran? A Scottish Lab MP who was being menaced while she was out doorknocking.
They Tweeted something like how could she know because they weren't wearing SNP badges or in SNP colours...

You sometimes wonder if they actually know how social media works. :roll:
They're not the sharpest knives in the box - and not potential MI5 superspies:
Piers Doughty-Brown is actually proud of this encounter. He posts the video on his Facebook page.

“Long day hunting with Helen Tennant, but it paid off in the end when we cornered Margaret Curran,” he writes. Other posts on the page, in which he speaks of voting to select the SNP election candidate and of attending the party’s recent conference, make clear that he is an SNP member.

Helen Tennant’s Facebook profile picture was, until recently, a poster for a party fundraising event – or, as the poster puts it, “raising funds for the Glasgow East Election Fund, also known as the Get Curran’s Scalp Fund”. ... miles.html
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Re: Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd & Monday 4th May 2015

Post by TheGrimSqueaker »

Regarding Piers Doughty-Brown* I found this interesting blogpost yesterday.

http://glasgowunihumanrights.blogspot.c ... n-you.html" onclick=";return false;

*The last two posts BTL are worth a read too
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Re: Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd & Monday 4th May 2015

Post by Willow904 »

yahyah wrote:
Eric_WLothian wrote:
Willow904 wrote:Delia Smith...and Russell Brand.

That's broad appeal!

Re SNP supporters intimidating Labour campaigners - how can the MSM continue to ignore the very obvious question marks this throws up regarding accuracy of polling? Something is going very wrong if this is allowed to continue unchecked - we've had a young girl intimidated by SNP supporters to the point she has said she no longer feels able to vote. I wonder if a law has actually been broken in that case. A few arrests would be helpful as activity from both SNP supporters and mask wearing Tory supporters have crossed a line to my mind - if such intimidation and harrassment isn't nipped in the bud it could very quickly get out of control. I'm not sure how serious the behaviour has to be to break any harrassment or political intimidation laws but it's clearly not fair play and not only should our political classes most certainly not be directly involved, as appears to be the case with the Tory mask wearers, but they all should be coming out and clearly condemning such behaviour. I really do think politicians of all persuasions should be taking this more seriously. Only Farage, to my memory, has spoken out generally against such harrassment. If Sturgeon or Cameron have put out a statement reminding their supporters to respect those of other parties I must have missed it.
Spot the contradiction:
Mr Murphy said the protest was evidence that the SNP was trying to disrupt the democratic process.

However, demonstrators interviewed by the BBC denied they were there on behalf of the SNP.

Some of the protesters were waving SNP leaflets, while Mr Murphy was branded a "traitor" and a "warmongerer". ... d-32581803

Must be MI5 behind those SNP leaflets.

Our Labour candidate retweeted an SNP activist saying about something the other day 'we were careful not to mention SNP or wear SNP badges' but maybe the SNP guy is just an M15 agent in deep cover.
;)" onclick=";return false;
I'm glad to say that I have now seen that the SNP have put out a statement in response to the incident to say they don't condone such behaviour and asking people to show respect etc etc. Which just leaves our current PM, David Cameron, not doing enough to discourage intimidation of political opponents as far as I'm concerned. Everyone seems to be openly admitting Gove is behind the Salmond and Sturgeon masks. I find it quite shocking a PM could apparently endorse such activity.
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Re: Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd & Monday 4th May 2015

Post by frightful_oik »

Welcome back Tizme. Glad you're feeling better.
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Re: Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd & Monday 4th May 2015

Post by utopiandreams »

Willow904 wrote:... Which just leaves our current PM, David Cameron, not doing enough to discourage intimidation of political opponents as far as I'm concerned. Everyone seems to be openly admitting Gove is behind the Salmond and Sturgeon masks. I find it quite shocking a PM could apparently endorse such activity.
I've said it before that I hated Maggie and was not at all enamoured by Tony, but I thoroughly detest our acting PM and many of his ministers for that matter. It is one thing disagreeing with policy but this lot just flout all sense of decency and accepted rules of governance. Yeah we may decry the manner in which politicians obfuscate whilst trying to hold the party line, but there is a world of difference with current Tory lies and their open hostility. Blimey we've even witnessed their guffaws when discussing the disabled or dispossessed within the House.

Apart from contempt of Parliament they've even perjured themselves in front of Lord Justice Leveson, allegedly. The sooner this popinjay and his mates are gone the better.

Edit: typo
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Re: Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd & Monday 4th May 2015

Post by AngryAsWell »

Ugly scenes as hardline nationalists disrupt Labour event in Glasgow ... .125052594" onclick=";return false;

Perhaps if people stopped lying about "£30billion in cuts" scenes like this might not be happening.
He said: "Of course (his protest) is a good thing. This isn't just me. There were 25 other working-class people there, people who are saying Labour has become the red Tories and we're there to demonstrate against £30billion in cuts.
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Re: Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd & Monday 4th May 2015

Post by rebeccariots2 »

Craig Murray's take on the Jim Murphy / Eddie Izzard abandoned rally.
Nationalist Terror" onclick=";return false;
...The Mainstream Media are anxious to invoke the “violent nationalists” meme at every opportunity. Today Jim Murphy and Eddie Izzard ran away in Glasgow because evil nationalists shouted back when he was haranguing them. That’s what they did – shouted back. Nobody punched anyone. Nobody shoved anyone. Nobody threw anything. But people had the gall not to listen in hushed silence to Murphy.

The idea is that Murphy with a massive media pack turns up and speaks in front of two dozen Labour activists, who huddle behind him with placards, and the media then show only cropped close shots which make it look like there was a crowd of pro-Labour people. The media do this obligingly several times a day for all the unionist parties, and it works well with closed halls with heavy security. But of course it doesn’t work on the streets, where evil people can have the gall to shout back instead of doffing their caps.

So then a different narrative kicks in, that of evil nationalist violent thugs. Now we have a news story about Murphy and Izzard “escaping” nationalist thugs. But look closely at the video clip in the Guardian, which has gone into unionist orgasm on the story. All the people with the multi-coloured placards are the planted Labour supporters. (Scottish Labour placards have now to be not only red, but also blue and orange, for obvious reasons). ...
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Re: Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd & Monday 4th May 2015

Post by TheGrimSqueaker »

rebeccariots2 wrote:Craig Murray's take on the Jim Murphy / Eddie Izzard abandoned rally.
Nationalist Terror" onclick=";return false;
...The Mainstream Media are anxious to invoke the “violent nationalists” meme at every opportunity. Today Jim Murphy and Eddie Izzard ran away in Glasgow because evil nationalists shouted back when he was haranguing them. That’s what they did – shouted back. Nobody punched anyone. Nobody shoved anyone. Nobody threw anything. But people had the gall not to listen in hushed silence to Murphy.

The idea is that Murphy with a massive media pack turns up and speaks in front of two dozen Labour activists, who huddle behind him with placards, and the media then show only cropped close shots which make it look like there was a crowd of pro-Labour people. The media do this obligingly several times a day for all the unionist parties, and it works well with closed halls with heavy security. But of course it doesn’t work on the streets, where evil people can have the gall to shout back instead of doffing their caps.

So then a different narrative kicks in, that of evil nationalist violent thugs. Now we have a news story about Murphy and Izzard “escaping” nationalist thugs. But look closely at the video clip in the Guardian, which has gone into unionist orgasm on the story. All the people with the multi-coloured placards are the planted Labour supporters. (Scottish Labour placards have now to be not only red, but also blue and orange, for obvious reasons). ...
So Craig Murray is condoning what happened? Seems he didn't get the memo, as per Willow's earlier post.
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Re: Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd & Monday 4th May 2015

Post by rebeccariots2 »

AngryAsWell wrote:Ugly scenes as hardline nationalists disrupt Labour event in Glasgow ... .125052594" onclick=";return false;

Perhaps if people stopped lying about "£30billion in cuts" scenes like this might not be happening.
He said: "Of course (his protest) is a good thing. This isn't just me. There were 25 other working-class people there, people who are saying Labour has become the red Tories and we're there to demonstrate against £30billion in cuts.
That description of what went on is pretty damning. It's a credit to Murphy that he hasn't sought to take out an injunction against Clerkin (which would no doubt play into his desire to paint himself as the trodden down protestor against the establishment). My understanding is that repeated following etc is construed as harrassment. That's certainly what was set out in advice to those engaged in badger cull campaigning.
Working on the wild side.
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Re: Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd & Monday 4th May 2015

Post by AngryAsWell »

General Election Accountability Assembly May 4th 2015: Live Stream
Ed, Clegg and a tory (not call me) are speaking" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd & Monday 4th May 2015

Post by Swarthlander »

rebeccariots2 wrote:...It's a credit to Murphy that he hasn't sought to take out an injunction against Clerkin...
But.. but.. but..
The Nats are claiming it's Murphy who briefs Clekrin as to where he will be.....

I don't know, what with MFI MI5 and stuff it's all confoosin, even for the Nats.


PS: It's Charlotte. Charlie will be pleased.
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Re: Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd & Monday 4th May 2015

Post by Tubby Isaacs »

rebeccariots2 wrote:Craig Murray's take on the Jim Murphy / Eddie Izzard abandoned rally.
Nationalist Terror" onclick=";return false;
...The Mainstream Media are anxious to invoke the “violent nationalists” meme at every opportunity. Today Jim Murphy and Eddie Izzard ran away in Glasgow because evil nationalists shouted back when he was haranguing them. That’s what they did – shouted back. Nobody punched anyone. Nobody shoved anyone. Nobody threw anything. But people had the gall not to listen in hushed silence to Murphy.

The idea is that Murphy with a massive media pack turns up and speaks in front of two dozen Labour activists, who huddle behind him with placards, and the media then show only cropped close shots which make it look like there was a crowd of pro-Labour people. The media do this obligingly several times a day for all the unionist parties, and it works well with closed halls with heavy security. But of course it doesn’t work on the streets, where evil people can have the gall to shout back instead of doffing their caps.

So then a different narrative kicks in, that of evil nationalist violent thugs. Now we have a news story about Murphy and Izzard “escaping” nationalist thugs. But look closely at the video clip in the Guardian, which has gone into unionist orgasm on the story. All the people with the multi-coloured placards are the planted Labour supporters. (Scottish Labour placards have now to be not only red, but also blue and orange, for obvious reasons). ...
I don't think the Nationalist antics are much more than stupid, but quite clearly people are doing a fair bit more than just "shouting back".
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Re: Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd & Monday 4th May 2015

Post by Tizme1 »

ephemerid wrote:
PorFavor wrote:I'm plum tuckered out, just in case anyone's interested. Roll on Thursday. (I'll be doing a 'phone knock-up - but the same obstacles apply to that as to 'phone canvassing.) Still, I shall griddle my codpiece . . . .

Aftermorn, Por.

You are not as plum as Our Glorious Ronsealed Fishpointing Shirtsleeve-Roller-Upper General who gets plummier by the day in both sound, shape, and complexion.
I have every expectation that he will be plummier still before he realises that he is the EX - OGRFSRUG, and as with all over-ripe plums left uneaten he will burst with very sticky consequences.

I am interested in your tuckered-outness as I have a modicum of it myself; however I refuse to even consider a codpiece, griddled fried or boiled, on the grounds I'd rather go a-canvassing Commando than draw attention to me bits.
I hope your phoning yields fruit as long as it isn't plums. Cherries or raspberries are good. They have that lovely cerise thing going on like Ed's backdrops, if a little darker. But no plums. Or blueberries.

While all this is going on, vote for Diana (see above) and keep yer commas in their place.


Tizme - big of you to come back and explain. Thank you.

I'm no slouch in the grouch department, as I told you earlier.

As a life-long insomniac, I'm sleeping even less lately. I feel as though the country is holding its' breath.
I know I am (which is no mean feat with COPD)

People are getting a bit tetchy and a bit grouchy. Whilst it's all very fascinating and exciting and all that jazz, it's also scary for many of us with the polls so close.
People in my position, relying as we do on an efficient NHS and the support of social security, are fearful too - if the Tories win, I fear for people who lack the support I am so fortunate to have.

Please don't do what I did and chase good people away. I've been angry with myself ever since.
This place is, as Tish says, "awesome" and we all mean well whatever we might let slip in a moment of stroppiness.

Keep posting. I am sure I am not alone in wanting to hear what you have to say. :hug:
Thanks Ephe. And frightful oik too. It's hard not to get tetchy at the moment isn't it? Most of the time, I'm fairly optimistic. For instance I don't think things will go as badly as the polls suggest in Scotland, but occasionally I think about the 18 long, long, years of Thatcher then Major. I never would have believed that we could have a worse government than Thatcher's but this lot have been. Still, best not to dwell on that.

On a more positive note, whilst in town on Saturday, Matt Turmaine [labour candidate] came to speak to me. Obviously he knows who I am so wasn't trying to get my vote! He told me if he is elected, he wants to work with our candidate on some issues. He's a career politician and his motives are no doubt political but who cares if it means Labour and the Greens are working together where they can.
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Re: Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd & Monday 4th May 2015

Post by AngryAsWell »

If this is what a Labour marginal looks like I'm happy." onclick=";return false;
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Re: Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd & Monday 4th May 2015

Post by pk1 »

I have returned from the Labour rally in Hove. It was packed !

I'm hoping you can click the link & see the photos of Ed, Ed Balls, Delia Smith as well as two of our PPC's, Peter Kyle (Hove & Portslade) & Purna Sen (Brighton Pavilion)

I took the third photo just after I had shaken his hand ! :dance:" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd & Monday 4th May 2015

Post by utopiandreams »

Am I alone in thinking Cameron's recent choice of shirt somewhat strange? Does he know something we don't?
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Re: Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd & Monday 4th May 2015

Post by utopiandreams »


I'm glad I'm not alone, AngryAsWell, I've posted similar over at the G. Depending on recommendations it may be the seeds of another yarn. To nick one of NicholasB's terms, we shall see.

Edit: looking at this I feel there may have been a better choice of word than 'seeds' given the reference to shirts and yarn. Not that it matters, but nothing comes to the fore, I'm afraid.
Last edited by utopiandreams on Mon 04 May, 2015 4:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd & Monday 4th May 2015

Post by AngryAsWell »

utopiandreams wrote:Am I alone in thinking Cameron's recent choice of shirt somewhat strange? Does he know something we don't?
We've been commenting on it in our house for a couple of weeks now ...
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Re: Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd & Monday 4th May 2015

Post by Swarthlander »

Just a pretend Party... ... l1VU6BsdxZ" onclick=";return false;
The website on Ukip Scotland's election posters doesn't actually exist

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Re: Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd & Monday 4th May 2015

Post by AngryAsWell »

AngryAsWell wrote:General Election Accountability Assembly May 4th 2015: Live Stream
Ed, Clegg and a tory (not call me) are speaking" onclick=";return false;
Sajid Javid being mauled

Nick Clegg on next then Ed
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Re: Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd & Monday 4th May 2015

Post by PorFavor »

pk1 wrote:I have returned from the Labour rally in Hove. It was packed !

I'm hoping you can click the link & see the photos of Ed, Ed Balls, Delia Smith as well as two of our PPC's, Peter Kyle (Hove & Portslade) & Purna Sen (Brighton Pavilion)

I took the third photo just after I had shaken his hand ! :dance:" onclick=";return false;
As intended, and as I said to you the other day, I was there in spirit if not in person. Did you feel my presence? No? Oh.
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Re: Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd & Monday 4th May 2015

Post by Swarthlander »

Nigle Fromage:-
Pressed on the general election candidates, he said: “We’ve got about 10% of our candidates are black and ethnic minorities, and about 16% are women, which is low. The reason is I think that if you stand for Ukip it costs you quite a lot of money and I think a lot more men are prepared to take selfish decisions about spending money on politics than women. I can’t think of any other reasons.”
So, it's all you women's fault, you shouldn't be so tight. Probably saving for frilly focks and stuff. :roll:
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Re: Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd & Monday 4th May 2015

Post by mikems »

Doesn't Nigel know how much behind the fridge cleaner is?
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Re: Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd & Monday 4th May 2015

Post by utopiandreams »

Stirring stuff from Clegg asking for Osborne to look the disabled and parents of kids having £1500 taken from them in the eye. Pity he didn't include Cameron given he constantly brings up Ivan.
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Re: Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd & Monday 4th May 2015

Post by AngryAsWell »

AngryAsWell wrote:
AngryAsWell wrote:General Election Accountability Assembly May 4th 2015: Live Stream
Ed, Clegg and a tory (not call me) are speaking" onclick=";return false;
Sajid Javid being mauled

Nick Clegg on next then Ed
Ed up now... any min
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Re: Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd & Monday 4th May 2015

Post by utopiandreams »

It seems they liked Clegg. My problem though is that his feeling of achievement in government will have been enhanced whereas it is his enabling of Tories that has been the issue these last five years, even if, as is likely, things may have been far worse with a Conservative majority.
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Re: Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd & Monday 4th May 2015

Post by utopiandreams »

Excuse my French. Où est David Cameron?

Edit: no need to answer, he simply lacks the moral fibre. (No pun intended with my previous post btw, purely coincidental).
Last edited by utopiandreams on Mon 04 May, 2015 4:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd & Monday 4th May 2015

Post by pk1 »

@patrickwintour · 2h 2 hours ago
Guardian-ICM will be publishing a poll from Nick Clegg's constituency of Sheffield Hallam this afternoon.

They apparently are testing opinion using the standard un-named candidate as well as naming Clegg so we might have evidence of the 'naming the candidate makes a difference' theory.
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Re: Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd & Monday 4th May 2015

Post by utopiandreams »

I know I've said it before, but would any of you have guessed that I like the way Ed calls people by name?
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Re: Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd & Monday 4th May 2015

Post by utopiandreams »

RobertSnozers wrote:
utopiandreams wrote:It seems they liked Clegg. My problem though is that his feeling of achievement in government will have been enhanced whereas it is his enabling of Tories that has been the issue these last five years, even if, as is likely, things may have been far worse with a Conservative majority.
Things would have slightly worse in some respects, possibly even less bad in others. The LibDems' fiddling with the Health and Social Care Act managed to make it much clumsier and more complex without addressing any of the things that made it such a dangerous piece of legislation.
Agreed Robert, but you probably remember my pleading with them not to support it whatsoever and that tinkering around the edges would not achieve anything. Truth be known I never fully expressed my total disgust with them until it became obvious they would allow its passage through the House in the vain hope that being a supporter they may just heed my warnings. Then again, I was just one voice in many and Clegg then had the audacity to say our support was no longer wanted even though he was only a child when they first gained mine.
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Re: Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd & Monday 4th May 2015

Post by Tish »

Thanks for all the responses to what I said earlier, I didn't have a chance to reply as I went out straight after to take my daughter to see Cinderella at the pictures for a Bank Holiday treat.

yahyah - you've never said anything to make me feel uncomfortable, don't worry about that. As I said, I think everyone here is incredibly polite and open to other ideas compared to some of the sites I've been on.

Ephemerid - I didn't know all that about how the WCA came into being so thanks for the info. I remember Peter Lilley and his little list from the time, a vile man whose continued presence on the Tory benches demonstrates just how phoney Cameron's "modernisation" of the party truly was. Hopefully he'll get what's coming to him soon.
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Re: Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd & Monday 4th May 2015

Post by Eric_WLothian »

Just been out to the shops. I saw, at most, half a dozen small SNP posters in windows. There was one 'Yes' poster that I think we can safely ignore. Otherwise no sign of an election. Is everybody sure it's this week?
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Re: Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd & Monday 4th May 2015

Post by utopiandreams »


I noticed the other day, Robert, that there seems to have been some progress toward CSSs and their corporate takeover from CCGs, before the election too. Something we've not heard anything of since passage of the bill.

Edit: I can't remember where, maybe the Independent, but I was expecting something about the Property Services judging by the headline.
Last edited by utopiandreams on Mon 04 May, 2015 5:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd & Monday 4th May 2015

Post by Tubby Isaacs »

Eddi Reader ‏@eddireader 5h5 hours ago
@BBCJamesCook walking into a YES city and trying to create chaos and aggro.. Jim Murphy is a trouble maker

Pathetic. As a wise man replies.

Graeme ‏@talkstough 1m1 minute ago
.@eddireader @BBCJamesCook Shall we just simplify things then & call it "a No country" and shutdown all debate then? Idiotic, divisive post.
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Re: Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd & Monday 4th May 2015

Post by Swarthlander »

Clegg could be safe... if we rely on the opinion of 500 people? ... allam-poll" onclick=";return false;

Is that a sound poll?
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Re: Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd & Monday 4th May 2015

Post by Tubby Isaacs »

Mike Smithson ‏@MSmithsonPB 43s43 seconds ago
ICM Guardian Hallam poll finds that 48% of those who'd support CON nationally are ready to swing to LD to support Clegg