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Post by Sky'sGoneOut »

It was my birthday last friday (April fools day), a birthday which I guess finally launches me face first into middle age.

I took a couple of friends to an Italian restaurant for food and wine tasting. Not the spitting it out wine tasting you understand. The glasses were massive and they kept bringing little bits of cheese and cold meat to go with the wine we were drinking, which was a bit annoying because the disruption meant we kept forgetting what we were talking about. In the end I asked them to bring all the remaining wine and food and just leave it on the table for us to deal with on our own terms. It looked magnificent. Then we drank and ate it all.

So now here I am, 45 fucking years old feeling no different than I did about a fortnight ago.

My Mother tells me she still feels like she did when she was 17. But then she's already showing early signs of dementia.

There's no going back.

I stopped smoking, I now run and lift weights, I even tried frying eggs in olive oil but that was a mistake.

All that matters is what makes you happy, not in some kind of Epicurean or East Coast nonsense kind of way.

But in the little things that keep that naughty little twinkle in the corner of your eye going.

You know what I mean.
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Re: 45

Post by Sky'sGoneOut »

Sell the fucking thing, sell all my childhood memories, it's all for sale.

Everything's for sale.

My life is a fucking mess.

Until you look closely then it becomes awesome.
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