Monday 30th March 2015: Election Is Go...

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Monday 30th March 2015: Election Is Go...

Post by LadyCentauria »

Mornin' all. We have no Members of Parliament until Polling Day is over, so let's say farewell to this Coalition in Rowson stylee as Cameron prepares for his final (hopefully final ever) Audience with HM The Queen, later today. His Guardian Comment Cartoon on the Liberal-Conservative coalition begins with the motto:

Let it rot...

Edit: formatting
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Re: Monday 30th March 2015: Election Is Go...

Post by utopiandreams »

Edit: inserted this in case it helps. Apologies if I've made the text too small; that's what's happened to my screen since posting the above. Perhaps you can temporarily use Ctrl and +, later returning to Ctrl + 0 as appropriate. Sorry if it was me.

It may amuse some to know that I typed 'Thanks' as I attempted to log into my computer this morning. So now that I've done so and have successfully logged in here, "Thanks".

Thanks for all the help and advice that you've given to my Index of Incompetencies. Some of you have directed me toward things similar, nevertheless I shall do my bit. As DrJazz told me in the other place when I thanked him for reminding me of Dyno-Rod Dave, there is nothing original under the sun or words to that effect, albeit he quoted the Bible I think. I shall make an earnest start today and refrain from displacement actrivities, so don't expect much from me for a few days, maybe the occasional lurk. As others have correrctly pointed out, time is pressing and under no circumstance must any of us allow a return of the Tories to power.

Earlier on as I lay in bed awake, I was thinking of how many of you have a relationship with that trusty companion the black dog; even when you are well he is never far away. But less of that, he must not be allowed to eclipse our joy, so a kind word here or a friendly gesture there... 'And for your delectation, if you can be bothered that is, here is something I found when searching my profile page in the G from November 2012, which I later called Stag Hunt. Enjoy or not, as the case may be.

I was walking my dogs in open countryside interspersed by woodland. Away from thicker forest, this was short grassy undulating land with the occasional copse, mainly atop the hills around me; deer country. There were a few sheep scattered around and I could see a parcel of deer grazing in the distance, a dozen or so doe with several fawn. There was no breeze, the morning air still crisp with the warmth of the sun gently breaking through the light mist that still clung to lower ground. I should have been absorbed by my surroundings or the excitement of my dogs as they merrily trotted about me with lowered heads following invisible scent trails. Occasionally they would meet face to face and greet each other, I could swear they smiled to one another; they were content and enjoying themselves.

Meanwhile I had my head filled with thoughts of red-tape and protocol. God, how we all hate unnecessary and pointless regulations. I was reminded of the time I worked for a company supplying precision mouldings for MoD contracts; six military aircraft were grounded in India. The associated minimum order had come through the usual channels for fuel seals, but I had an excited chap on the telephone explaining the urgency of the matter. It transpired there were to be no temporary fix by replacing the current seals but newly specified ones of a different material were required, no longer nitrile or whatever, but silicate based. No doubt he had to deal with red-tape at his own end, but had been overruled concerning how they were to get these planes quickly into the air... and all such aircraft worldwide were under similar threat. What could I do?

I was a production planner, a junior management position with no authority. Before a newly specified job could even be put on the factory floor, technical staff had to develop its production methods specifying the mix, mould, cure time and temperature plus inspection criteria with any other required ministry tests throughout the process. This would normally take several weeks before I could begin to contemplate scheduling any work for production. Without going into detail, there were a number of parallel and fortunate circumstances that enabled my cutting corners. Albeit verified by other results, this particular job was only supported by the necessary ministry paperwork well after getting the planes airborne in about a week. I locked horns with the newly appointed Production Manager in one of the daily meetings, he wanted some task done by one of his technical staff but was told they would complete my request first. He stormed out of his office, leaving the rest of us waiting, then returned waving the minimum order paperwork in my face and screaming of its irrevelance at the top of his voice. Despite his fuming and further demands, I must say that my friend and colleague still performed my request first. Then there was the Accounts Department that every month put British Aerospace on their stop list for a week and despatch was refused. After speaking to the customer I retrieved the package from the warehouse myself and, absolving the Warehouse Manager of any responsibility, took it past security and out of the factory gates, walked to the nearby post office and sent it directly to India. Of course a much larger order did follow, but both the customer and I knew perfectly well that I had stretched the rules; they were there for a purpose and I understood the reasons behind them.

My mind wandered forward to the time I mentored database projects, more often than not they were related to their mature students' employment. One I recalled concerned the compulsory purchase and clearance of properties being demolished to make way for a city ring-road, another concerned medical research test results in the control of disease and infection. One I particularly remembered for its extraordinarily high quality was authored by a back-room police officer well versed in procedural protocols and red-tape. He was training for detective work in cybercrime; his project related to his wife's work in the NHS. Of course there were issues of confidentiality, not least compliance with the Data Protection Act, and much of their work had to be accordingly screened to ensure adequate standards were maintained within or beyond their academic context. What all of these areas had in common were high levels of red-tape, albeit their corresponding databases only recorded details of their nature, whereabouts, approval or suchlike. What was illuminating to a layperson however was their number, nevertheless once their background was explained, some of which I was entirely unaware of and would never have imagined for myself, their demand and associated requirements became clear.

My thoughts were turned to government and the Civil Service and of how today's ministers, many of whom I judge to be mere laymen or women, seem to hold such scant regard for standards that have taken years of practice to evolve. As I said, we all hate inflexible protocol or unnecessary red-tape, but we cannot simply disregard it. I see Tories gleefully tearing up building and employment regulations. Who gives a shit? I had images of Oliver Letwin in a park with a long line of minions stretching from a nearby building, passing overflowing bags of correspondence forward while he tipped them into an all consuming bin. Jeremy Hunt grinning from behind a tree like a demented Cheshire cat, eagerly chatting with James Murdoch on the telephone of how splendidly things were going; but not to worry it won't be his head on the block. Theresa May blaming her staff too, when her 'Not making this up' word counted above all else and holding two fingers up to a judge. Michael Gove also flicking them a 'V' whilst beaverly typing away from his Mrs. Blurt email account, 'Alright chum, ' or would Pob prefer 'All right'? 'I can divert school refurbishment moneys. I'll even cover your legal costs to gift you land and buildings if you want. How else can I help?' Andrew Lansley sat at a desk buried in mountains of reports and paperwork, corporate fat cats behind him. One busy shredding risk assessments and other documents in the corner, two standing in a large sunlit bay window overlooking perfectly manicured lawns with neat flower beds, smoking cigars and chatting of golf and holidays. Another leaning over his right shoulder placing papers before him and guiding his hand as he obediently signed. Even little Liam Fox was fidgeting on a bench in the House. Was that piles or were there another reason for his discomfort?

Fortunately I was returned to far more pleasing matters by the sight of a stag running across my path. He stopped ahead of me and stood motionless on a rise looking directly at me; I stopped too and returned his stare. He was a magnificent beast; his proud stance and musculature, the heroic outline of his antlers. I could almost feel myself falling into the wells of his beckoning black eyes and see his billowing breath condensing in rapidly disappearing clouds in the cool morning air. But he was looking beyond me. "Boo hoo. Boo hoo". No, these were not the tearful sounds of a sobbing child but bugles, and several of them too, accompanied by the cavalry thunder of approaching horses. I looked behind me and there was indeed a hunt, attired in red tunics and riding breeches, preceded by baying hounds bounding toward me. The horses' flared nostrils snorting caustic clouds of steam and jet trails lingering behind them from their sweaty flanks. But these were no ordinary beings, they were caricatures of our parliamentary representatives.

Leading the way was a grinning Grant Shapps; over his left arm were ladies' leather bags he had greedily grabbed from bystanders along the way. He lifted his bugle to his lips, "Boo hoo. Boo hoo". Fat Dave was mounted aloft his sturdy steed to Shapps' left, his comb-over flapping freely in the breeze as he made progress. He smirked like a coy schoolboy as he stretched out his arm and held hands with his paramour, a fiery red-headed hydra riding alongside. Arseborn with bulging blood-red eyes distracted by his silver spoon he held to his snout. Pob had dispensed of the red tunic and helmet, he was dressed in a black gown with white bow-tie and wore an Oxford cap upon his head, also cherishing a King James Bible that he clasped firmly to his chest. Little Willie Hague was wearing polyester sportswear and a baseball cap. Theresa was amongst those that led the way, their surly Queen Boudica with her 'Get out of my way' expression chiselled on her face. Others I could not clearly see, but bringing up the rear was a stout steed wilting under the weight of an even porkier Pickles next to a pair of weary nags with the languid Lansley and a cheeky Ken Clarke astride. The three of them were muttering in disapproval as they struggled to keep up but following the others nonetheless; they were doing as they were told.

I looked back to the stag, "Run along. You had better dash. The Ministerial Marauding Mob are on their way." 'And then I woke. But had I really? I was mildly amused by the spectacle but saddened by its grim reality.
Last edited by utopiandreams on Mon 30 Mar, 2015 6:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Monday 30th March 2015: Election Is Go...

Post by utopiandreams »

Deleted as has been inserted above
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Re: Monday 30th March 2015: Election Is Go...

Post by Spacedone »

Sorry to start with a depressing story but the Indy have an article about Labour being worried that Cameron will try to keep a death-like grip on Number 10 regardless of the result of the election. ... 42361.html" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Monday 30th March 2015: Election Is Go...

Post by TechnicalEphemera »

Headline on the BBC.
Election 2015: PM warns of 'stark choice' as campaign begins
As far as I know they are breaking the law with that one. Anybody fancy having a tweet at the relevant BBC journo.

David Cameron is just a very naughty boy.

Edit - or maybe not, they could presumably claim that even not an MP they can technically refer to Cameron as PM.
Last edited by TechnicalEphemera on Mon 30 Mar, 2015 7:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Monday 30th March 2015: Election Is Go...

Post by pk1 »

I have sent a PM to some of you.

Morning folks :)
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Re: Monday 30th March 2015: Election Is Go...

Post by PaulfromYorkshire »


Apparently Lucy Powell has "let slip" that Labour is planning to borrow zillions more.

Of course this is just the borrow to invest money that Labour has always planned.

Can anyone tell me exactly how Mr Osborne is planning to pay for HS2? And those flood defences?
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Re: Monday 30th March 2015: Election Is Go...

Post by pk1 »

Clegg says the higher property taxes will operate like council tax bands, but the money will go to central government.
How ? How can they do that ? CT is collected & redistributed locally. Taking CT into central govt will deprive councils of the funds they use to provide the numerous services we expect.

Naturally enough, Cleggy wasn't pressed into giving a detailed explanation....
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Re: Monday 30th March 2015: Election Is Go...

Post by letsskiptotheleft »

Before I go to bed some good polling news, Labour hit 40% in Wales, first time for quite a while and in London take a 14% lead, where if polling is correct, yeah I know would mean every LibDem apart from Cable is wiped out.

Sweet dreams...
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Re: Monday 30th March 2015: Election Is Go...

Post by pk1 »

Morten Morland cartoon:


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Re: Monday 30th March 2015: Election Is Go...

Post by LadyCentauria »

pk1 wrote:Morten Morland cartoon:


Oh that is a brilliant cartoon, there :clap: :rofl:
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Re: Monday 30th March 2015: Election Is Go...

Post by yahyah »


Had to chuckle to see Guido Fawkes' cartoonist has portrayed Ed as a devil, just like Martin Rowson's recent cartoon showed Lynton Crosby pasting up.

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Re: Monday 30th March 2015: Election Is Go...

Post by yahyah »

letsskiptotheleft wrote:Before I go to bed some good polling news, Labour hit 40% in Wales, first time for quite a while and in London take a 14% lead, where if polling is correct, yeah I know would mean every LibDem apart from Cable is wiped out.

Sweet dreams...
Yay, thanks for the good news Skippy :clap:

Have you seen in Wales Online that Plaid are spinning that Labour votes are going to UKIP in places like Yns Mon ? Hope not.
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Re: Monday 30th March 2015: Election Is Go...

Post by LadyCentauria »

Powerful stuff from Kevin Maguire at the Mirror, today: ... al-5425803
Posh boy David Cameron is so cynical he's prepared to lose a country to win an election
Jeopardising Great Britain, reviving Scottish Nationalism after a referendum defeat, was naked self-interest by a Premier who knows the price of an election and not the value of a legacy.
Well worth a read :clap:

Edit: oh how do you spell his name? It never looks right to me...
and again for formatting. It's catching ;)
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Re: Monday 30th March 2015: Election Is Go...

Post by yahyah »

The Welsh poll Let'sSkip quoted:

Labour 40%
Cons 25%
UKIP 14%
Plaid 11%
Lib Dems 5%
Greens 5%
other 1%

Labour up 4% on 2010, Tories down 1%, Plaid show no surge under Leanne Wood as on the same as 2010. Looks as if UKIP are up 12 points. ... am_img.jpg" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Monday 30th March 2015: Election Is Go...

Post by StephenDolan »

yahyah wrote:The Welsh poll Let'sSkip quoted:

Labour 40%
Cons 25%
UKIP 14%
Plaid 11%
Lib Dems 5%
Greens 5%
other 1%

Labour up 4% on 2010, Tories down 1%, Plaid show no surge under Leanne Wood as on the same as 2010. Looks as if UKIP are up 12 points. ... am_img.jpg" onclick=";return false;
Morning all.

Wow, UKIP above Plaid. A mere 11 behind the Tories is interesting too. Blip or do you have a sense that the kippers have gained popularity / VI in Wales?
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Re: Monday 30th March 2015: Election Is Go...

Post by Swarthlander »

Well, if you can't beat 'em.... ... loe-smith/" onclick=";return false;

Good morning. :D
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Re: Monday 30th March 2015: Election Is Go...

Post by Swarthlander »

StephenDolan wrote:
...Wow, UKIP above Plaid. A mere 11 behind the Tories is interesting too. Blip or do you have a sense that the kippers have gained popularity / VI in Wales?
Don't the Welsh realise that UKIP is basically and English party? :P
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Re: Monday 30th March 2015: Election Is Go...

Post by pk1 »

Paddy Ashdown:
The SNP has got one aim. They’re not coming south to help Westminster work, they’re coming south ... to burn Westminster down and to make the thing dysfunctional. I watched it happen in the Balkans, by the way. You first of all make it dysfunctional and then you have a case for breaking away.
What an arse.
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Re: Monday 30th March 2015: Election Is Go...

Post by LadyCentauria »

TechnicalEphemera wrote:Headline on the BBC.
Election 2015: PM warns of 'stark choice' as campaign begins
As far as I know they are breaking the law with that one. Anybody fancy having a tweet at the relevant BBC journo.

David Cameron is just a very naughty boy.

Edit - or maybe not, they could presumably claim that even not an MP they can technically refer to Cameron as PM.
No, sadly. MPs are now just members of the public but Ministers remain in their posts until a new Government is formed.
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Re: Monday 30th March 2015: Election Is Go...

Post by StephenDolan »

LadyCentauria wrote:
TechnicalEphemera wrote:Headline on the BBC.
Election 2015: PM warns of 'stark choice' as campaign begins
As far as I know they are breaking the law with that one. Anybody fancy having a tweet at the relevant BBC journo.

David Cameron is just a very naughty boy.

Edit - or maybe not, they could presumably claim that even not an MP they can technically refer to Cameron as PM.
No, sadly. MPs are now just members of the public but Ministers remain in their posts until a new Government is formed.
So if Clegg lost his seat, he'd still be DPM until a government was officially formed via the passing of a Queens speech?
The various scenarios are fascinating, especially regarding a Labour attempt at a Queens speech.
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Re: Monday 30th March 2015: Election Is Go...

Post by LadyCentauria »

Oh, Nick Robinson's back in the saddle:
Today I'm taking a baby step towards returning to work and covering the election, starting with a little light blogging.
The operation to remove a carcinoid tumour from my lung was a complete success. I am now beginning a course of chemotherapy to try to stop the cancer even daring to think of returning. I'm also working to restore the strength of my voice after the op.

He goes on to thank all the medics and hospitals for looking after him and the public for their thoughts and messages, before writing a very thoughtful blog about 'why the election is all about you.' Another one worth reading, I think. And I'm glad he's on the mend although chemo's not exactly great fun – but to have been told that the tumour has been completely removed must have been an incredible relief to him and his family and friends.
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Re: Monday 30th March 2015: Election Is Go...

Post by LadyCentauria »

StephenDolan wrote:
LadyCentauria wrote:
TechnicalEphemera wrote:Headline on the BBC.
As far as I know they are breaking the law with that one. Anybody fancy having a tweet at the relevant BBC journo.

David Cameron is just a very naughty boy.

Edit - or maybe not, they could presumably claim that even not an MP they can technically refer to Cameron as PM.
No, sadly. MPs are now just members of the public but Ministers remain in their posts until a new Government is formed.
So if Clegg lost his seat, he'd still be DPM until a government was officially formed via the passing of a Queens speech?
The various scenarios are fascinating, especially regarding a Labour attempt at a Queens speech.
Now that might change things for him, at least. At the moment he's Chair of the Privy Council – I don't know whether or not he'd lose that in the meantime, either. Of course, you don't have to be an MP to be a Minister but I don't know whether or not new Ministers could be appointed. I suppose the question would be does that count as 'normal business' or something controversial?
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Re: Monday 30th March 2015: Election Is Go...

Post by ohsocynical »

Labour is consulting constitutional and legal experts about fears that David Cameron could try to stay on in Downing Street even if the Conservatives have fewer MPs than Ed Miliband’s party after 7 May.

The Labour team is worried that Mr Miliband could emerge from the election with enough votes in the Commons to command a majority with the informal support of the SNP, but that the Tories could then try to exploit the lack of a clear winner to remain in power for at least a month. ... 42361.html
I can't believe I'm reading shit like this. How anyone could think of casting a vote which would allow Cameron to remain in power is beyond me.

I'm so angry, if I had to vote LibDem [again] or UKIP to keep a Tory out, I'd seriously consider it.
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Re: Monday 30th March 2015: Election Is Go...

Post by Swarthlander »

Time for a quiz? :P ... ek6NDznj0x" onclick=";return false;

I didn't do all that well. :roll:

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Re: Monday 30th March 2015: Election Is Go...

Post by LadyCentauria »

Shapps on BBC News just now:
Do remember we were as bust as Greece not so long ago
Honestly, Grant? Really? As bust as Greece? Of course, he's pushing the message that chaos would ensue without a Tory government. But he's also just reeled off a list of successes that began with "zero inflation"...
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Re: Monday 30th March 2015: Election Is Go...

Post by Willow904 »

LadyCentauria wrote:
StephenDolan wrote:
LadyCentauria wrote: No, sadly. MPs are now just members of the public but Ministers remain in their posts until a new Government is formed.
So if Clegg lost his seat, he'd still be DPM until a government was officially formed via the passing of a Queens speech?
The various scenarios are fascinating, especially regarding a Labour attempt at a Queens speech.
Now that might change things for him, at least. At the moment he's Chair of the Privy Council – I don't know whether or not he'd lose that in the meantime, either. Of course, you don't have to be an MP to be a Minister but I don't know whether or not new Ministers could be appointed. I suppose the question would be does that count as 'normal business' or something controversial?
I don't know, but I don't think the Tories could squat in Downing St on their own. The convention is that the government remains in situ until a new one is formed, that government at the moment being a coalition one including the Libdems. We haven't had two coalitions in a row before so there is no precedent, which I presume the Tories would attempt to exploit but I'm not sure how much support they would get for anything that looked even slightly unconstitutional from their own party, let alone the Libdems. Winning is the be all and end all for the likes of Cameron and Osborne, but long serving backbenchers just want to be re-elected whether their party is in government or not and may not want to risk a backlash, especially if they only have a slim margin over Ukip. The possibilty of a 2nd election later in the year will hopefully keep the saner types honest.
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Re: Monday 30th March 2015: Election Is Go...

Post by pk1 »


Lab 34 (+1)
Con 34 (+3)
LD 8 (-1)
UKIP 15 (-1)
Greens 4 (-1)
Others 5 (-1)
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Re: Monday 30th March 2015: Election Is Go...

Post by LadyCentauria »

Swarthlander wrote:Time for a quiz? :P ... ek6NDznj0x" onclick=";return false;

I didn't do all that well. :roll:

Me neither. It's come to something when The Thick of It's policies seem more sensible than the 'real politicians' ' ones, in so many cases. I only got six correct.
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Re: Monday 30th March 2015: Election Is Go...

Post by AnatolyKasparov »

TechnicalEphemera wrote:Headline on the BBC.
Election 2015: PM warns of 'stark choice' as campaign begins
As far as I know they are breaking the law with that one. Anybody fancy having a tweet at the relevant BBC journo.

David Cameron is just a very naughty boy.

Edit - or maybe not, they could presumably claim that even not an MP they can technically refer to Cameron as PM.
Your latter supposition is correct, not just the PM but all ministers keep their jobs until a new administration is formed.

(thus technically, the coalition continues until polling day)
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Re: Monday 30th March 2015: Election Is Go...

Post by PorFavor »

Good morfternoon.

@ Willow904

Nice comma you've got in your strapline.
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Re: Monday 30th March 2015: Election Is Go...

Post by PorFavor »

Ukip seems to be cleansing its website. My colleague Rowena Mason has sent me this.

Ukip seem to have removed an entire page of policies from its website. It is the list that contains the idea of making immigrants and their dependants have private education for the first five years after entry, which was backed by Nigel Farage a couple of weeks ago.

It is not clear yet whether the “What We Stand For” document has met the same fate as Ukip’s 2010 manifesto papers, which disappeared from its website a couple of years ago. These went missing after Farage was questioned about some of the more bizarre ideas - such as enforcing proper dress in the theatre and making the Circle line circle again - which led him to dismiss the whole lot as nonsense and drivel.

Happily, the most recent deleted list of policies is still available on the Way Back Machine archive. (Andrew Sparrow, Guardian)

Vote Ukip - the Year Zero Party.
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Re: Monday 30th March 2015: Election Is Go...

Post by RogerOThornhill »


The Guardian has noticed that UKIP have removed their "What we stand for" from their website - they've given a link to the Way Back machine but I copied what they had late last year and stuck it in our Features & Analysis section just in case...

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Re: Monday 30th March 2015: Election Is Go...

Post by Willow904 »

PorFavor wrote:Good morfternoon.

@ Willow904

Nice comma you've got in your strapline.
You can never have too much punctuation, in my opinion, which is why I couldn't get on with James Joyce and eventually ditched English in favour of medieval history. Not sure that entirely worked out. It seems there's not much you can do with a degree in Ancient & Medieval History, but then I ended up working alongside a colleague who had a degree in geology which seems superficially a great deal more useful, but apparently not. Basically there are more graduates than graduate jobs. Still, at least I was good at history and really enjoyed it, getting a good degree. If I'd continued with English I suspect Joyce may have eventually been ejected from a window and my scrape through scores of year one would have turned into fails by year three!
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Re: Monday 30th March 2015: Election Is Go...

Post by StephenDolan »

The YouGov that had Labour on 36 had the following :-

Watched the debates? (Tory, Labour VI)
Yes 28,47
Some/clips 28,40
No 36,30

Roll on more debates.
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Re: Monday 30th March 2015: Election Is Go...

Post by Swarthlander »

Another quiz... :P ... ke-5426284" onclick=";return false;

:shock: :o I'm a Green! :o :shock:

Sorry but NO!

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Re: Monday 30th March 2015: Election Is Go...

Post by ohsocynical »

Took some of my bad temper out mowing and edging the lawn, but I'm still seething over that article in the Independent about Cameron trying to thwart Labour when Ed beats him.
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Re: Monday 30th March 2015: Election Is Go...

Post by AnatolyKasparov »

ohsocynical wrote:Took some of my bad temper out mowing and edging the lawn, but I'm still seething over that article in the Independent about Cameron trying to thwart Labour when Ed beats him.
Don't worry about that too much, not *all* Tories are that daft ;)
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Re: Monday 30th March 2015: Election Is Go...

Post by Spacedone »

Tom Newton Dunn ‏@tnewtondunn 4 mins4 minutes ago

Revealed - Thursday's 7 way debate stage order: Left to right; Bennett, Clegg, Farage, Miliband, Wood, Sturgeon, Cameron.
Miliband in the centre, Cameron on the far right. No doubt we'll be getting a complaint from Cameron about that. ;)
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Re: Monday 30th March 2015: Election Is Go...

Post by pk1 »

Q: Some of the firms quoted in your FT advert, Siemens, Kellogg’s and Nomura, are unhappy about being quoted by you.

Miliband says Labour has just quoted what they said in public.
What a fuss over nothing !

Business leader says something in public.

Business leader then complains when their public comment is then quoted in a political advert.

:roll: :roll: :roll:
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Re: Monday 30th March 2015: Election Is Go...

Post by pk1 »

Spacedone wrote:
Tom Newton Dunn ‏@tnewtondunn 4 mins4 minutes ago

Revealed - Thursday's 7 way debate stage order: Left to right; Bennett, Clegg, Farage, Miliband, Wood, Sturgeon, Cameron.
Miliband in the centre, Cameron on the far right. No doubt we'll be getting a complaint from Cameron about that. ;)
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Re: Monday 30th March 2015: Election Is Go...

Post by Spacedone »

Swarthlander wrote:Another quiz... :P ... ke-5426284" onclick=";return false;

:shock: :o I'm a Green! :o :shock:

Sorry but NO!

I got Labour. I wasn't going to vote for them but that quiz has shown me the error of my ways... :lol:

The tone of the results page suggests it wasn't written by someone who was a Labour supporter..
The people should own it all! Railways, hospitals, schools, the lot!

And if someone's been born with a silver spoon in their mouth, you want it back so you can melt it down and use it to make stethoscope.

Your views on social policy are of course progressive - so much so people should be stopped from smoking, fox hunting, but allowed to drink 24 hours a day. Workers unite!
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Re: Monday 30th March 2015: Election Is Go...

Post by AnatolyKasparov »

pk1 wrote:AS
Q: Some of the firms quoted in your FT advert, Siemens, Kellogg’s and Nomura, are unhappy about being quoted by you.

Miliband says Labour has just quoted what they said in public.
What a fuss over nothing !

Business leader says something in public.

Business leader then complains when their public comment is then quoted in a political advert.

:roll: :roll: :roll:
If you don't want your comments used by politicians, don't say them in public! Something the likes of Danczuk would do well to remember :twisted:
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Re: Monday 30th March 2015: Election Is Go...

Post by rearofthestore »

AnatolyKasparov wrote:
pk1 wrote:AS
Q: Some of the firms quoted in your FT advert, Siemens, Kellogg’s and Nomura, are unhappy about being quoted by you.

Miliband says Labour has just quoted what they said in public.
What a fuss over nothing !

Business leader says something in public.

Business leader then complains when their public comment is then quoted in a political advert.

:roll: :roll: :roll:
If you don't want your comments used by politicians, don't say them in public! Something the likes of Danczuk would do well to remember :twisted:
Apparently not quite as Sky News would have us believe.
iain watson ‏@iainjwatson 9m9 minutes ago

Juergen Maier of Siemens denies saying Labour over stepped the mark in putting his anti eu ref quotes In ft and tells me he was told first
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Re: Monday 30th March 2015: Election Is Go...

Post by Spacedone »

pk1 wrote:
Spacedone wrote:
Tom Newton Dunn ‏@tnewtondunn 4 mins4 minutes ago

Revealed - Thursday's 7 way debate stage order: Left to right; Bennett, Clegg, Farage, Miliband, Wood, Sturgeon, Cameron.
Miliband in the centre, Cameron on the far right. No doubt we'll be getting a complaint from Cameron about that. ;)
David Payne ‏@TheBoxingWriter 23m23 minutes ago
@tnewtondunn @kevinmitchell50 The Prime Minister gets the end seat, established authority deployment for any meeting set up.
J Calvert ‏@oddballwoofwoof 8m8 minutes ago
@TheBoxingWriter @tnewtondunn @kevinmitchell50 The PM always sits in the middle at Cabinet meetings. Far right is nearest the exit.
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Re: Monday 30th March 2015: Election Is Go...

Post by Rebecca »

Something truly horrible from Scotland, and I'm not talking about Salmond,a cream egg encased in sausage meat.
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Re: Monday 30th March 2015: Election Is Go...

Post by Spacedone »

Rebecca wrote:Something truly horrible from Scotland, and I'm not talking about Salmond,a cream egg encased in sausage meat.
I always hated the egg part of Scotch Eggs so this is an improvement for me.

Just noticed the new smilie :lurk:

And also just noticed I've been promoted to the Secretary of State for Hip and Groovy People.
Last edited by Spacedone on Mon 30 Mar, 2015 12:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Monday 30th March 2015: Election Is Go...

Post by pk1 »

Rebecca wrote:Something truly horrible from Scotland, and I'm not talking about Salmond,a cream egg encased in sausage meat.
Then breadcrumbed & deep fried ??

:sick: :sick: :sick:
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Re: Monday 30th March 2015: Election Is Go...

Post by pk1 »

ITV debate order (left to right): Bennett Clegg Farage Miliband Wood Sturgeon Cameron.

Ed will be singing:

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Re: Monday 30th March 2015: Election Is Go...

Post by utopiandreams »

Spacedone wrote:
Tom Newton Dunn ‏@tnewtondunn 4 mins4 minutes ago

Revealed - Thursday's 7 way debate stage order: Left to right; Bennett, Clegg, Farage, Miliband, Wood, Sturgeon, Cameron.
Miliband in the centre, Cameron on the far right. No doubt we'll be getting a complaint from Cameron about that. ;)
I remember seeing a photo of an EU convention or something where Hollande and Merkel were roughly centre stage on the front row whereas Dave was toward the extreme right on the back row. How I laughed. I can't remember whether or not it was all guns blazing or something along the lines of one cocked in the barrel. Amazingly enough I've just Googled and not found it, but have made some reference to such diplomatic words from our acting PM in the G. So that's another to seek out, I guess.
I would close my eyes if I couldn't dream.